View Full Version : Need a few dates

24th July 2005, 08:59 PM
I'm currently working on a guide for Wipeout Pure and I'm trying to make sure I have as much info as possible on the manufacturers. Does anyone know the inauguration dates for Tigron and Van-Uber? They're the only two I can't find.

24th July 2005, 09:54 PM
The what dates? :?

If you mean the dates they were founded, then that info should be somewhere in the text from the Fusion era.

24th July 2005, 10:47 PM
Searched everywhere. The manual, the Fusion site archive, the features here, the Pure texts just in case... nowhere does it mention when the Fusion manufacturers were founded. Spose I'll have to take a rough estimate. :?

25th July 2005, 09:19 AM
Tigron Enterprizes began operating in the early 2140's as the seemingly legal front to a russian criminal syndicate. They gained control of Qirex in the summer of 2149, after a sharp downturn in the russian economy led to financial difficulties for the Qirex operation.

I guess you could say that was the year they were "founded" as a team, but essentially they just took control of Qirex that year. It wasn't until the 2150 season that craft bearing the Tigron name would enter the league, though, so that gives you a few dates to play with depending on how you want to work it.

Interestingly, if Tigron had not seized control of Qirex, but any other team, the F9000 might never have fallen. Tigron unearthed information from the Qirex take-over that gave an insight into the less than legal activities that had taken place behind the scenes whilst Overtel still owned Qirex. This information gave Tigron the leverage which they later used to manipulate the running of the league. Not that it was all sweetness and light beforehand, you understand, but once Tigron realised what they had and how they could use it, the league was doomed.

As for Van Uber... I'll see what I can dig up for you.

25th July 2005, 09:44 AM
That's great. I'm looking for the actual founding dates for the manufacturers, most of the originals I found in the Wip3out manual so I stuck with that. I'm also including the dates in which other teams were acquired and reformed as well, these were a lot easier to find. The skeleton of the guide is nearly done now, I might pop it up on my site a bit later on and see what you guys think so far. If you could find anything for Van-Uber, that'd be brilliant.

25th July 2005, 10:37 AM
You're sure you haven't found anything here (http://show.goodtech.co.uk/wipeout/f9000.html)?
maybe you should take a look at the team and the evolution section. I'm sure you will find alot of infos there. Maybe not 100% you're searching for, but also some infos you did not know yet.


Tigron was the reason for the closing of the F9000 league 8O

25th July 2005, 11:01 AM
Searched everywhere.... the Fusion site archive...

Already been there. Plenty of info, but no dates I'm looking for. I used that for acquisition dates of Qirex, AG-S and Assegai in the Evolution section, but there's no founding dates for the 'new' manufacturers.

25th July 2005, 11:06 AM
@ Sausehuhn:

Tigron did not directly bring the fall of the F9000, but they were instrumental in the demise of the league.

With the information they had on Overtel, Tigron were able to influence the workings of the league. It began with things as trivial as increased revenue share, for example, before things started to get more sinister in the late 2150's, where Tigron were actively flaunting the rules, safe in the knowledge that they had Overtel over a barrel, so to speak.

Things spiraled out of control during the 2160's as Tigron strong-armed the league along with other teams that had aligned themselves with Tigron. In the F9000 league of the late 2160's, the top finishing positions at many events had been bartered for - either by way of electronic funds transfer or some favour to be repayed at a later date; e.g. "your pilot takes the win at this venue if he assists our pilot in winning at the next race" type arrangements were not unusual.

The more naive teams and sponsors did not see, or did not want to see, the potential for disaster that lay ahead. Ultimately it was not solely Tigron's hand that caused the collapse of the F9000 - they merely set the ball rolling.

25th July 2005, 11:23 AM
I used that for acquisition dates of Qirex, AG-S and Assegai in the Evolution section
And of Icaras and Goteki 45 (?)

@ infox
thanks for the infos. I know someone who's flying everytime with Tigron in Fusion, he won't be happy to hear that ;)

25th July 2005, 11:49 AM
I used the Wip3out manual for those two. There's no mention of a reformation date yet, so I'll stick with just the foundation for those two at the moment. Wouldn't make sense if I put in a dissolution date without a reformation as well.

edit: Actually, on second thought, they may be older examples or 'last-line' craft like the Tigron, so it would be feasible. Okay, I'll put those in too. Thanks.

25th July 2005, 12:16 PM
To be specific about it - October 27th 2170 was the day that the league fell. Tigron and G-Tech were toast that day too - they, along with Overtel, were the biggest players in league corruption.

The Harimau organisation was founded in 2177, although the AG outfit didn't take shape until the FX300 was announced. Depends really, whether you're going for the dates the AG teams arrived or the dates the entities behind the teams were formed.

Triakis was formed in 2132 by a merger of several divergent military supply companies, so it's a company like Halliburton, but without the presidential endorsement! ;) Again, Triakis did not have a AG team until the FX300 league was announced, but during the 2180's they did supply the amateur leagues.

25th July 2005, 12:17 PM
@ Hellfire
no problem man :)

PS: infox: you were faster with the send button ;)

26th July 2005, 10:59 AM
Okay, as promised, I've uploaded the guide to my website in its current state. It's nowhere near finished yet, but I'm just interested to know if I've got all the manufacturer info correct. Once that's all sorted, I'll start work on the track guides. For now, I've used a simplified adaptation of Drakken's Van-Uber history until there is an official word on it.


26th July 2005, 11:08 AM
I haven't read throught it all, but it is a brilliant guide so far!
It would be cool if you could do a web based one with photos and all.

Keep it up!


[Does a jig to celebrate 500th post :P]

26th July 2005, 11:25 AM
That's GameFAQs for you, only accepts text-based guides. Shame I can't do the logos in ASCII, that would have been good.

26th July 2005, 11:48 AM
Hey, nice optics! Very neatly done.

One thing that immediately popped into my eyes: You consider Harimau a 'balanced' ship? I would definitely consider it a 'lightweight'! Also I would consider Auricom a 'balanced' ship instead of a 'heavyweight'.

might wanna check out Salesmunn's purE guide for some additional info, too.

Keep up the good work!

edit: you will have to C+P the link, it seems not to allow direct linking...

26th July 2005, 11:57 AM
That was quite a hard choice actually, the two seem to be bridges between the classes, it was one or the other. This is still a very early version, so if you think they should be switched I can do that.

A little ethic of mine is I tend not to look at other guides until I'm finished with my own. The only time I break this is to check that they're not looking too similar.

26th July 2005, 01:07 PM
Shame I can't do the logos in ASCII, that would have been good.

And why can't you?
You've got the logos as some form of graphics file, right?
Take that file, feed it through this program:
And *poof*, instant ASCII art for the image!

If you're making a text-based FAQ, it's the only way to go.

26th July 2005, 01:54 PM
Tried it, the image comes out miles too big. Reduce it and it looks almost nothing like the original. I can't have the images too big otherwise it'll get rejected for filler. Thanks for the suggestion though, that would have been ideal.

26th July 2005, 02:22 PM
What would you think about something like this (http://people.freenet.de/sausehuhn/wipeoutpure-teams-show.txt)?

When I made it online I noticed that I didn't use the same font for the editor on my PC, so it looks a little bit unproportionated - which font uses a browser so I could make it more like the real logos?

26th July 2005, 02:58 PM
I need to use Courier New. Not bad, but I think you may have a problem with the more rounded ones, especially FEISAR.

26th July 2005, 03:24 PM
It's uptated. I made a few more, not all. The Qirex is big, I know, I tryed to make it smaller, but this didn't work... and the Auricom is not the best. Maybe I will get a new idea for that...

26th July 2005, 03:29 PM
Charlie - not being mega picky or anything, but Overtel were not inherently corrupt to begin with. At least, not any more so than any other major media corporation - CNN, for example. So they were not solely to blame for the dealings with Tigron (and others) that put the whole thing on a slippery slope. It was maybe their quest for absolute control of the league that put them in a position to be corrupted. :)

26th July 2005, 03:38 PM
An awesome guide, Hellfire, very cool for sharing it with us!

Several unscrupulous individuals have been known to turn their craft around and launch one back down the track...

Gee, I wonder WHO you were referring to here... *cougheLhabibcough*

26th July 2005, 03:40 PM
I'm sure Zargz has mentioned he's done that. :wink:

26th July 2005, 03:45 PM
An awesome guide, Hellfire, very cool for sharing it with us!

Several unscrupulous individuals have been known to turn their craft around and launch one back down the track...

Gee, I wonder WHO you were referring to here... *cougheLhabibcough*

hee hee :D

26th July 2005, 03:52 PM
Drat, I thought eLhahib wrote what Drakkenmensch did. Its those avatars...

Could you all for once hate assegai! :P

26th July 2005, 03:58 PM
Several unscrupulous individuals have been known to turn their craft around and launch one back down the track...

Gee, I wonder WHO you were referring to here... *cougheLhabibcough*

priceless moments....

26th July 2005, 04:08 PM
Its those avatars... Could you all for once hate assegai! :P

Sorry Mobius, we love the awesome ability of the Assegai to leap out of tight corners and accelerate back to top speed in no time at all! Though my preference may yet change at a later time, Assegai is currently fulfilling all my needs for speed and cornering in Phantom class.

26th July 2005, 04:49 PM
it's finished now!

I took some new letters instead of the old ones - I think now it looks way better.
Hope you can use them, Hellfire :)

click! (http://people.freenet.de/sausehuhn/wipeoutpure-teams.txt)

26th July 2005, 05:01 PM
wow cool 8)

just one thing: it's FEISAR, not FAISAR!

oh and the AG-5Y5 logo is false, too, it says AA now, might wanna check that, the two signs are actually the letters AG.

26th July 2005, 05:23 PM
Looking really good, but some of them are still too big. Especially the Qirex one. I'll have to see how things pan out. If I can fit them in I will. I might have a fiddle as well, see if I can get them down a little. Maybe that ASCII editor can help a bit too.

Rob, you're not being picky by any means, that sort of thing was precisely the reason I uploaded it in the first place. I want to try to make the manufacturer backgrounds as accurate as possible, even if it comes down to the odd word here and there. I'll change the Tigron section slightly when I get the chance. Thanks.

Thanks for your comments everyone. :)

26th July 2005, 05:32 PM
@ eLhabib

That is the result of creating without thinking! I had it right at 1st but then I changed the layout and I did not think about that one again :dizzy

And yes, it's FEISAR... I should know that good enough after 4 years WipEout...

BTW: it's updated...

26th July 2005, 05:56 PM
two more things:

racing develOpments



now I'll shut up! :D

26th July 2005, 06:00 PM
I can change those. :)

I've just put them into the guide, and I'll tell you what, they really work! Even the monster Qirex logo. I'll update tonight and post it as it is, see what you think.

26th July 2005, 06:34 PM
I made also smaller versions of the Qirex and the Triakis and changed something on the Auricom ( so you have to edit this, Hellfire)

click! (http://people.freenet.de/sausehuhn/qirex%20&%20triakis.txt)

PS: eLhabib, sorry, they aren't there! Look again :lol:
PPS: I hope I'm mentioned in the credits ;)

26th July 2005, 06:51 PM
That's a lot better. Certainly a space saver.

Credits? Nah, I was just planning on nicking these and doing a runner. :wink:

EDIT: The logos are now in along with a couple of other corrections. Check the same link for the updated version.

26th July 2005, 07:31 PM
Actually, the real reason that downloadable crafts can be disallowed is in case someone doesn't have one of the packs. It gets kinda nasty when one person doesn't even have the ship data and the game is trying to load it off the Memory Stick Duo.

26th July 2005, 07:35 PM
It just won't start the race if that's the case. I've always used it to keep a level playing field more than anything else.

29th July 2005, 11:07 AM
New version of the guide is up, there's quite a bit more to it this time. I've slightly enlarged the Triakis and Goteki45 symbols, they looked a bit small compared to the rest. Check the link given earlier to see it. Hopefully I'll be able to submit it before long.

29th July 2005, 01:53 PM
Your guide keeps getting better and better, Hellfire, definitely a reference for all of us to keep close at hand :)

2nd August 2005, 09:13 AM
Now that the classic 2 pack 1 is out, I guess we'll be seeing the Goteki 45 ship and Altima VII in your guide?

Odd detail I just noticed though - For the Altima track, they kept the "VII" at the end, while Karbonis had it's "IV" dropped. I wonder if there's a special reason for that?

2nd August 2005, 09:29 AM
They've been listed, but seeing as I have the Japanese version there won't be any in-depth analysis until the Classic packs are released for it. I've included the track guides for the Delta Pack. While normally I'd appreciate input from others, I'd like to have a guide that has been totally self-written (with the exception of the team logos obviously). Looking at the credits section in my TimeSplitters Future Perfect guide I'm surprised I actually wrote any of it! :lol:

BTW, version 0.7 is now available, and it's on GameFAQs! :D

2nd August 2005, 09:44 AM
In the meantime, here are the stats for the Goteki 45 ship:

Speed: 3
Handling: 3
Shield: 4
Thrust: 5

2nd August 2005, 09:54 AM
Thanks. I can sort of envisage how it would handle based on those, but I'd like to get hands-on experience before going too in-depth. Last thing I need is to spout all manner of technical burble only to find out later it was all a pile of bollocks. :lol:

2nd August 2005, 10:29 AM
very well done, Hellfire!
But you used a { instead of a [ at the overview (classic - Karbonis) http://web5.h7184.serverkompetenz.net/images/smilies/tongue2.gif

2nd August 2005, 10:36 AM
Ah, come on, we're all allowed to make the odd mistake. :P

2nd August 2005, 11:23 AM
very well done, Hellfire, just checked the newest version of your guide.

I do disagree with some of the tactics for a perfect race line you supply in the track section, especially blueridge, where I choose a completely different line, and def and me have sort of proven it is the fastest possible, but heck, that's just peanuts anyway.
(but if you are interested, I can give you some input for what I think is the best line for each track...)

one more thing - is it CONFIRMED that the wire05 ship is in fact the NX1000? I felt it was more like speculation on our part, yet in your guide you put it as a fact. Just wondering, maybe you know more than I do...

keep up the awesome work, your guide is definitely the most elaborate one out there!

2nd August 2005, 12:02 PM
Bear in mind I was using a Triakis while writing the track guides. Not a good idea for Blue Ridge, some of the lines may not be as useful in a different craft, and it was quite difficult putting something visual into words. I'm also a chronic airbrake abuser as well which might skew the lines. If you've got better racing lines, then by all means I'd love to hear them. Might help me out as well! :wink:

As for the NX1000, no it hasn't been officially announced. I put it in for two reasons. Firstly they look so similar that I find it hard to believe it to be anything else, and secondly it gave me an excuse to put in all the blurb about the first AG flight. :) I'm sure we'll be the first to learn whether it is or isn't, so I can always change it before someone else gets their knickers in a twist.

2nd August 2005, 01:15 PM

I just noticed that the handling of the Goteki is not 4, but in fact 3.

Me bad :oops:

note by Lance: i corrected it for you

2nd August 2005, 04:27 PM

I totally linked to it in my blog!!

I have a request:
can you add the filesize of each pack download under their info?

2nd August 2005, 04:55 PM
Sure, I'll put them in the next update.

BTW, could you link to the IGN guide rather than the one on my website? I get a hit count on IGN. :wink: The link is below. I would have given you the GameFAQs link but they don't allow direct linking.


2nd August 2005, 05:42 PM
thanks for the mention in the credits :)

But it's Maximilian ... sorry, couldn't resist ;)

2nd August 2005, 05:47 PM
Awww.... you're gonna make me either spread it over two lines or screw up the layout.... :(

Okay, I'll correct it in the next update.

2nd August 2005, 05:54 PM
Cheer up, man! ;)

What you did is awesome!
There are so many different infos no one have seen before (Van Uber etc.)! Congrats! :)

It's very useful. All I need now is my PSP... september... :D

2nd August 2005, 06:06 PM
no problem, bro.


2nd August 2005, 06:08 PM
Nah, I just spread your name over two lines, easy as that. Trust me, I've had to deal with people who were insistent on using their three colossal names. THAT was a nightmare! :lol: I've also included the sizes of the download packs and I've added a section detailing everything that can be unlocked. Hopefully the next version should be up tomorrow.

Animagic: Thanks for changing the link

3rd August 2005, 01:42 AM
I've just discovered a little useful tidbit for your guide, Hellfire.

When doing Zone laps and trying to get perfect laps (the BEST way to rack major scores), falling off the track in Syncopia does NOT count as hitting the wall! You can fall off and STILL get a perfect lap as long as you don't hit the wall while going off or getting back on the track. Also, the distance you spend on the track where you risk falling off keeps adding up to get completed zones - you can fall off the track four times in a row on the same lap and that distance you spend re-doing that segment can still score you a perfect zone! (just don't scrape the walls on the way down)

12th August 2005, 03:13 PM
Okay, next update is done. I've included guides for the classic tracks as well as changing the Blue Ridge guide to eLhabib's suggestion (thanks for that). I've also put in a section detailing how to unlock everything in the game as well. Hopefully it should be complete before too long.

BTW, I got one of the long-term contributors on GameFAQs to do a critique of the guide so far, here's what he had to say:


Wipeout Pure
Hellfire X

I'll start with the format. It gives the guide that technical look with some of the headers and such. Apart from one or two dividers that were a wee bit off-center, everything looks fine.

The ASCII logos (are they logos?) are very well-rendered. Considering the fact that they are drawn in ASCII, they actually look great. I personally don't see what the point of drawing out the logos is, but if they look good, leave them!

The circuit guide looks fine. For one track, you sure describe each well with four paragraphs or more. If it would be possible, maybe you can include ASCII maps. From your logo-making skills earlier in the guide, I think your maps would look great as well.

A (94%)


As always, if anyone has any extra comments or suggestions to make, I'd really like to hear them. :wink:

12th August 2005, 10:38 PM
well, I won't write anything in there now, but I tell you right here that your guide is the most complete and best established one out there. :clap

btw if you need any more racing line 'suggestions' I would be glad to help. Just don't place them in your guide as 'universal truths', they are simply what I find works best.