View Full Version : Wipeout Clones

24th July 2005, 12:38 PM
I found something called HoveRace from the ukrainian developer GSC game world. It's really a wipeout clone, but i never saw that game in shops in europe. what do you think about it? any other clones? wipeout 5? tell us!



24th July 2005, 12:52 PM
WipEout 5 is WipEout Pure... 8)

I cannot say anything about the feel of the game, you can't see how the crafts are moving. The graphics aren't really cool, you see every single pixel and all looks like they sticked pics on 3D objects... well, it's from 2002... and it's not WipEout :D

24th July 2005, 01:29 PM
warum schreiben wir eigentlich auf englisch wenn wir eh deutsch können?


24th July 2005, 01:34 PM
warum schreiben wir eigentlich auf englisch wenn wir eh deutsch können?

Damit die anderen es auch verstehen können. Dumme Frage.


fly.icaras - why do we post in english if we can do it in german anyway?

myself - so the others can read it, too. silly question.

=> go read the forum guidelines.

oh, and welcome! nice to see another austrian pilot here! :D

24th July 2005, 01:36 PM
posting in English is required since this is an international forum and the most commonly shared language is English. not to mention that the forums are based in England. [and owned and run by a Scot.] ;)

24th July 2005, 02:24 PM
i c. btw, who made this nice icaras avatar?

24th July 2005, 02:27 PM
It is the avatar for Icaras in wipeout pure...

Nice isnt it?

edit: Cheers Sausehuhn, didn't notice.

24th July 2005, 02:34 PM
@ fly.icaras.

du bist neu?
Sorry, wusste das nicht, seit dem der posting-status da nicht mehr steht kann man nicht mehr wissen wer wirklich neu ist und wer nicht (es sei denn man schaut jedes mal im Profil nach) - sonst hätte ich dich als neuen User begrüßt :D
Mach ich's eben jetzt:
Willkommen in den Foren! (man, in deutsch hört sich das ja mal echt daneben an!)

Zu deiner Frage:
wenn du 1000 user hast und 100% können englisch und nur 1% auch noch deutsch, in welcher Sprache schreibt man denn dann wohl seine Beiträge? ;)


@ fly.icaras.

you're new here?
Sorry, I didn't know that. Since the moment we cannot see the posting-score anymore it's not possible to know who's new and who's not (just if you take a look to the profile everytime) - when I had known that I had welcomed you (this is dictionary, sounds wrong :dizzy )
So, I will do that now:
Welcome to the forums! (sounds daft in german)

For your question:
when you've 1000 users and 100% can speak english und 1% german as well, what do you think in which language you would write your posts? ;)


It is the avatar for Icarus in wipeout pure...
Icaras!! Not -us, it's -as - Icaras, ICARAS!!! :brickwall


24th July 2005, 03:43 PM
@ fly.icaras.

It is the avatar for Icarus in wipeout pure...
Icaras!! Not -us, it's -as - Icaras, ICARAS!!! :brickwall


we know where it comes from. i looked up the wipeout pure site (US), but there is no clue that icaras is a team in wp.

what about them? what happened to them? they showed up in wo3, then went underground and now they are back again... what the hell? :twisted: w00t

24th July 2005, 03:57 PM
They are one of the downloadable ships in pure, along with Tigron, Goteki 45 and Van Uber.

How the team came back however, is another story. Infoxicated (or foxy for short) was the guy responsible for writing how the team came back. I'm sure if he would tell us. :wink:

24th July 2005, 04:17 PM
where can i mail the guy to tell me?

24th July 2005, 04:40 PM
Find a topic in which he has posted in and click on the PM button to send him a personal message.

24th July 2005, 05:56 PM
As far as i know, foxxy was not told to make up any background stories for additional teams, is that right infoxicated?

24th July 2005, 09:02 PM
silly question.

a little more respect, please.

New members make mistakes (I did some).

24th July 2005, 09:58 PM
where can i mail the guy to tell me?
There's nothing to tell - to date there is no backstory information for the downloadable teams.

25th July 2005, 10:32 AM
*Scoffs humble pie*

Sorry about that. :(

25th July 2005, 02:23 PM
This is something I came up with on the fly while chatting with foxxi -

After the fall of the FX9000 league, many corporations fell on hard times, their AG racing ventures having suddenly hit a dried up well. Few were hit quite as hard as the Van Uber Corporation, though the owner himself would not be defeated so easily and was quite determined to rebuild from the ground up. His first major acquisition was the Megamall Holdings, whose flagship shopping mall had been all but deserted by consumers. High prices combined with the sudden lack of AG races had driven them away. Through sharp business skills, Wolfgang Van Uber rebuilt the clientele of the ancient Megamall, now renamed to the eponymous Ubermall. With customers returning, he made one last desperate bet, hoping that the fledgling FX150 amateur league would yield a return to pro racing. His bet paid off big time and the restored AG track now offered a fantastic venue for the new FX300 races. Customers came in even larger numbers than before, providing all the financing needed to resurrect the Van Uber racing team. The future looks bright once again.

Seriously, this stuff writes itself :)

25th July 2005, 02:49 PM
good stuff. but let's not forget that megamall and ubermall are two different buildings. Maybe I got that wrong in your fiction, but are you saying that megamall was renamed ubermall and a new track built inside of it? Cause I think that doesn't fit. Ubermall looks a whole lot different from megamall. I would prefer to have Wolfgang Van Über just rip the thing down, change the name of the franchise to Ubermall, and then build a new mall - 'the' ubermall - on the Island. How bout that?

25th July 2005, 02:58 PM
well, I got that idea from the fact that the Ubermall track has several starting line flags that read "Mega" - insinuating a possible Mega-Uber connection. Also, it's not impossible that the Megamall building could have received a major facelift and expansion as part of its renewed success. But your idea is good - a new flagship store located on the island would work well as a part of the strategy to revitalize the former Megamall Society.

25th July 2005, 03:18 PM
'Mega' is a Triakis trademark. What you saw was a Triakis advert. There is also no physical connection between Mega Mall and Ubermall. Makana is a newly terraformed island, eliminating any possibility that the venues could have been built over the old F7200 tracks. The franchise idea is the only way there could be a connection.

25th July 2005, 03:27 PM
Thanks for the clarification - so I'd have to modify this only slightly to say that after buying out and renaming the franchise, he built a bigger, better, more grandiose flagship store on Makana island, encasing the entire Ubermall track within its confines (with some outside parts, though still within the property of the mall itself)

Zero [RG] [HG]
27th July 2005, 03:05 AM
From what I've heard from Foxy, Makana was that island that used to belong to the Goteki 45 team in Wip3Out, unknown craft bombed it out and for the FX300 league they terraformed it.

in F7200, all the tracks were in one city, as FX300 is all on one island.

Mega Mall is on land, in a major city, while UberMall is on an island, surrounded with water.

28th July 2005, 02:25 PM
quite interesting story. maybe a little bit confusing.
it remembers me on the story line of "the bold and the beautiful" where you show up, then disappear, show up again, marry each person from the other sex in the family and get divorced again, get 4 children who become over 20 in just 5 years while you stay quite young or the same age (i want to do that in reality w00t :o ). and so on and so on.

do you know what i mean? the story gets leaky and exhausted. a lot of crisis and revolutions, wars, economical disasters - so what? humankind still playing the same game.

some points i want to get rid off:

* why do we need long periods of time between the single games?

* why is the racing league so often changing? formula 1 changed totally from the beginning to now, without renaming itself. i think that if the formula 1 was totally torn into pieces, they would reorganize under the same banner later (if that is possible)

* what about teams? (formula 1 again:) new teams come old teams go, make new contracts, get bought, renamed etc etc. this is realistic and a positive point for the story. however i would rather prefer not to make 100% comebacks, but maybe teams with same engine (as in formula 1) or different tires (yes get some for your gliders :wink: )

* united nations of africa: best point! good work. i like this idea. under the right banner it could be a solution for the opressed. why not making the same for south america?

nuff said. thanks to the guys for bringing back icaras and assegai! where is the "kiss"-smiley??
