View Full Version : So people who have played Pure

Colin Berry
22nd July 2005, 03:35 PM
How many gold medals do you have ?

I've got just over 300

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

(runs and hides from Foxy)

22nd July 2005, 03:44 PM
looool :lol:
You're flying all the downloadable tracks, Colin, that's unfair ;)

...But I'm not sure if this is a reason to open a new topic

PS: I've 0 so far... hm... maybe the nonexistence of a PSP could be the reason :roll: :wink:

Dogg Thang
22nd July 2005, 03:46 PM
Oh you're in so much trouble Colin! When Foxy gets here he'll get his whacking stick out.

But, eh, since you brought it up - only 300?

22nd July 2005, 04:13 PM
Well, that proves the downloadable content is over half the game :)


22nd July 2005, 04:15 PM

since you violated the rules of this place, we'll be taking your avatar the hell away from you.

(foxxy you know i've been joking around? you know that? please don't rip my balls with bare hands....please?... :wink: )

22nd July 2005, 04:17 PM
OK, I put my hands up! - by the way, did anyone else notice (as I noticed on a friends copy) that times for TT's on WIRE05 are inaccurate and set to 00'00'00? :roll:

22nd July 2005, 04:25 PM
Colin, was that before or after you got the programmers to make the special super-easy Sony employees version of the game, where you get 15 minutes for gold on Exostra Run phantom? :wink:

love the game Colin - just hurry up and get the bigwigs to release this stuff please.

22nd July 2005, 04:28 PM
300?! That's a hell of a lot of unlocked artwork, Colin! Although I'm fairly sure you've seen it all anyway...

And since you started this topic, I'm gonna go off on a tangent here to thank you and your fellow developers for making such a cool iteration of Wipeout with an awesome soundtrack. And a quick question - was it a painstaking process getting all the soundtrack artists to sign on to the project?

22nd July 2005, 09:38 PM
I love Pure.

wipeout fans around the world are in portable gaming bliss...
me included.

Thanks for helping me follow tradition and buy another Playstation console
for the express purpose of playing a wipeout title



Rouni Kenshin#1
22nd July 2005, 10:06 PM
Foxy is going to slam you colin.

I have 190 but with the US version only 194 are possible. 8)

22nd July 2005, 10:35 PM
Rouni - Colin is a developper for Liverpool Studios, he ALREADY has access to ALL the extra downloadable contents, well before any of us will see it, so he must have all the medals already! ;)

22nd July 2005, 11:00 PM
Well I've only 109 - but then I only fly phantom - had a look through the menu today and I've hardly any medals at all in the lower classes :/

Im getting through them now though to see all the art work - funnily enough Im also seeing more of the game's artwork now that I'm not scorching past everything in a blur :D

23rd July 2005, 04:35 PM
:radar 300? dark green envy coloured... hope we'll get all this tracks sooner or later

23rd July 2005, 06:20 PM
300 golds eh? Must be some serious amount of contents to download then I guess, very nice man :)

24th July 2005, 03:53 AM
hey everyeon, i'm new here.. I have thought about joining before since everywhere else I try to talk about wipeout, people ignore it.

anyhow.. with the gamma league (4 download tracks) ... there is exactly 194 gold medals to be had..

I have 192. since I don't play ad hoc against anyone, i primarily only play to get the gold medals currently.

I think total gold (countable and total) is like 198 or so..

anyhow.. I have 192 total gold medals/unlocked artwork, in 16hours and 11 minutes.

btw, is there anywhere I can post original concept wipeout vehicles I have done in 3d?

24th July 2005, 10:09 AM
Hey diagram, first of welcome to the boards :D ... despite recent goings on we're all a nice bunch really. Anyway, thought I'd help you out with some info as there appears to be some confusion :) over the amount of medal count... currently you can obtain 194 with the an American copy of purE and 204 with a Japanese copy as there was an exclusive WIRE05 pack to be had. (5 more extra in TT, 5 more extra in single race)

Regardless... 192 is **** hot my friend and not to be sniffed at! I have 184, worked on this baby for 3/4 months, have both copies and have been hammering this game for a while, sometime upto 3/4 in the morning! - those damn Staten Park TT's :(

Anyway... welcome! :wink:

24th July 2005, 12:12 PM
for those of you who have missed the point of the irony of Colin's post, he is making fun of another thread about medal count which was closed by the site owner to eliminate further discussion of and posting of medal count for some sort of meaningless bragging rights competition. this one is now closed also, since at least three people have already missed the point [which is quite understandable in the case of total newcomers][speaking of whom, hi 'diagram', welcome to the forums :) ]. Colin is the game designer of Wipeout Pure and therefore had access to all content and time to play all of it. it is access to content and time to play which determines how many medals one wins. this point was already discussed to death in the other thread and need not be open to a restarted discussion here.


diagram, if you are registered on the home page of WipeoutZone, you then have some filespace available to you to post your own artwork. once it is uploaded, you can post a link to whichever file you want to share with other members. this allows them to download and have a look at your work.