View Full Version : Which location?

22nd July 2005, 09:03 AM
We had discussions about medal counts and post counts.
These are numbers that I don't find really important.
Unfortunately the location line got lost in this discussion, too, because it was used for counts.
But I enjoy very much to see at the first sight where everybody comes from - this is such an international forum and the various locations are a colourful component.
I'd like to request our mods wether they could think about posting the location again. What do you think?

22nd July 2005, 09:34 AM
LOL I was wondering what happened. But arn't we supposed to be moving to a new board?

22nd July 2005, 09:38 AM
I support that idea.

If the mods think it is not a good idea to have everyone TYPE in their location, because of possible abuse, maybe then we could have a list to select from, or even some neat flag thingie that shows next to your name...

22nd July 2005, 09:45 AM
A list to select from? A good idea if only the country is shown.
But I believe the people here will have the discipline not to abuse a location line.
I watched repeatedly that experienced members give friendly hints to newbies not to do this and that - and it works.

22nd July 2005, 10:43 AM
View our memberlist, sort by location. If you don't see any locations that's because a good number of them are blank. Sort it by descending order and you'll see the folk who have put in some information. After that, you don't have to click through too many pages to see that people put in a lot of random stuff that isn't anything to do with their location.

It wont be coming back on this board, simply because it can be abused so easily. As I've said before, we don't have custom sigs or avatars for this reason and, well, the world keeps turning.

If on the new forum software there's a drop-down list, or a way of limiting the amount of characters put into the field, then it'll make a comeback. The situation pisses me off too, but I'd rather take away the means for abuse than suffer the board-spam that comes with it.

22nd July 2005, 10:59 AM
Infox, what was actually going on? I really can't remember seeing anybody with crazy headings and stuff.

22nd July 2005, 11:05 AM
Axel, read 'Pure (gold medal) Ratings' topic. It's locked now.

22nd July 2005, 11:11 AM
D'accord Axel, most of the people who are active at all post their location only. I'm sure we all could keep the discipline to do so.
I understand your anger about abuse but I find it a pity to lose the location remark.
Sigh. Maybe in the new forum.

22nd July 2005, 11:13 AM
I liked having the location there, it was a sort of HUD in one form or the other.

But as it was up for abuse...shame really. Thats life though.

22nd July 2005, 12:14 PM
the location line was abused yesterday; that's the reason it's gone. the abuse was not allowed to remain long enough for most members to see it

Rapier Racer
22nd July 2005, 12:21 PM
Just read that entire thread (Tend to avoid that board since I don't have the game yet,) and I liked the suggestion of a little flag for your location, but it doesn’t really matter anyway since you can look at the profile for such information

It sounds like it would be a lot of work, finding a load of flags, resizing them, getting permission to use them and so on

22nd July 2005, 12:28 PM
Wow read the last page, all hand bags to me. But I understand. But the flag idea is cool, but it could add more load on the servers I think.

22nd July 2005, 01:02 PM
There is actually a phpBB mod to insert location flags in the profile and under the avatar, I used it when I ran a phpBB board. However, with a software switch on the horizon I wouldn't think modding the current boards would be top of the agenda at the moment.

22nd July 2005, 07:30 PM
oh dear lordy lord. You go away for a couple of days and flamewars prevail.
Phfft! :roll:
(gives :lance the nod for new wipeoutzone mod position - referee! ) :P

Agree with :axel, flag to denote nationality is a controllable solution.

22nd July 2005, 07:36 PM
There is actually a phpBB mod to insert location flags in the profile and under the avatar, I used it when I ran a phpBB board.

I'd prefer a line with country and town, but a flag would be a good idea too. Would look pretty coloured.

22nd July 2005, 10:22 PM
hm... on second thought, it might be a bit too much to have both the avatar and the flag so close to each other, a bit visually noisy

22nd July 2005, 10:44 PM
actually, I was thinking that 2 seconds after I posted the idea :wink:

22nd July 2005, 10:59 PM
and yet you said nothing. tsk. ;)

25th July 2005, 01:10 PM
hm... on second thought, it might be a bit too much to have both the avatar and the flag so close to each other, a bit visually noisy
you're right... but don't race cars (+ ships) look like that? on rallye cars you can always see the driver's flags. I like that.

25th July 2005, 09:22 PM
well, they look cluttered like that nOw. but that's because of rapacious sponsors who only sponsor in order to maximise their own visibility to potential customers. back when i was a lad, waaaay waaaaaaaaaaay back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth and racing teams only used their country's racing colour and a number, things were cleaner and more beautiful. purer, one might say

26th July 2005, 03:32 AM
That's making me sound old I know, but I DO remember a time as Lance mentionned when you could still see some red spots on the Ferraris ;) What a wonderful age we live in when even public restrooms have ads staring you in the face while you're peeing!

26th July 2005, 02:06 PM
@ drakkenmensch:
you mean a ferrari is red under the marlboro ads?

BTW the best place for an ad I've ever seen was on the shoe sole of a boxer. 8O Seriously!

+ avatar & flag would be okay IMO

26th July 2005, 02:15 PM
That's what I seem to remember, Phoenixx, though that may be a false memory implanted by the cigarette lobby to perpetuate an urban legend ;)

26th July 2005, 04:53 PM
Well what ever you mods decided, I just hope it looks right, if it doesn't then leave it.