View Full Version : Transformers

15th July 2005, 04:47 AM
this has nothing to do with wipeout, but I have a suspicion that a lot of you will be just as keen to lay eyes on this as I am... Transformers Live action movie announced (http://www.transformerslive.com/) for july 4 2007

15th July 2005, 06:02 AM
next thing you know, they'll be making a movie about rectifiers

15th July 2005, 08:59 AM
Sweet - I really liked the original movie. Got kind of bummed when Optimus Prime died, but the rest of it was great. :)

I always thought they'd do it CGI style at some point, like Shrek, so it'll be interesting to see how the live action thing pans out.

15th July 2005, 09:17 AM
I was a fan of Transformers myself, there was this new Anime-like thingie showed recently, Transformers of course, which was quite kool, but didn't have the proper feel.
Let's just hope they don't screw this movie just like they did with all the comic book adaptations recently...

15th July 2005, 10:04 AM
not too kean on tranfornmers myself.
like code lyoko though, has anyone seen that

15th July 2005, 10:13 AM
Let's just hope they don't screw this movie just like they did with all the comic book adaptations recently...
I dunno - I think they're getting the hang of it - Spider-Man I & II are the coolest comic book adaptations going, and Batman Begins is simply awesome. Word has it that the Fantastic Four is pretty decent too, so I'd hope they can do the job. :)

15th July 2005, 11:44 AM
i'd argue about Spiderman (main characters played by a wimp and 'the almost beautiful', some cliche'd scenes [slo-mo explosions, and Tobi hugging her girl swirling while the car flies above them...hmm]). Batman - i'd say it's okay too, apart the Bat[tank]mobile.

15th July 2005, 11:54 AM
I think the issue with Peter Parker is that he is a wimp. Spider-man is the hero, he's just Peter Parker. I didn't really like Toby McGuire at first, but after Spider-Man 2 I thought he'd grown into the role. As a normal everyday human being, Peter doesn't have the confidence or the powers that he uses to solve his problems when he's Spider-Man. He's just as fragile as everyone else and I'm glad that showed in the movies - the struggle he has with this power that he cant use or reveal in his everyday life.

Sure, there are a couple of cliche's in there - find me a movie nowadays that is bereft of them. The whole "Rain drops keep falling on my head" scene in Spider-Man 2 was simply a misjudement by Raimi - he's acknowledged that it didn't go down too well with the audience, so I'll forgive him that a lot more readily than I would someone like, say, Michael Bay, who'll just add more explosions rather than develop the plot.

I think I'll be able to sit back and enjoy the Spider-Man trilogy many times over when it's all said and done, and be able to say that they done a real good job of bringing my childhood hero to life in a mature and considered fashion. It's a far easier genre to scew up than it is to get right. :)

15th July 2005, 12:23 PM
I feel that Toby McGuire as Peter Parker was a good choice - he has a very geeky and innocent look to his face which makes him very believable, as Peter became Spiderman while he was still an unpopular, dorky teenager.

That's the reason why geeks like me liked him so much - he made us believe we all had a chance to become superheroes.

15th July 2005, 04:16 PM
Whoever cast Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker needs to be shot. His facial control is so pathetic, it's like he's been injected with 500 ml of Botox. Having seen the Spiderman 2 UMD several times, I can account for this. Remember when Doc Ock grabs him prior to kidnapping Mary Jane? He's smiling. He's ****ing smiling. It almost seems like he's going to smile when he's talking to Harry that first time and Harry sounds like he's ready to stab someone.

Captain Q
31st July 2005, 04:28 PM
If you dislike Tobey Maguire, then you must hate Elijah Wood. I liked both Spider-Man movies, actually. But that, in part, is explained by the lovely Kirsten Dunst, who is both a great actress and not the standard Hollywood-chick.

I've always been an avid Transformers fan, in fact, long after I stopped playing with the toys or watching the series (they stopped running them anyway after I was about 13 years old), I kept having dreams where I actually found the "missing" Transformer toys I needed to complete a certain series of robots with (like the Protectobots, Combaticons, etc). These dreams prompted me to buy some Transformers over eBay in 2004 to my subconsciousness would rest. I still keep having these dreams every now and then, though. Odd huh?

1st August 2005, 03:17 PM
Nice, big fan of Transformers myself too, just hope they don't screw it up with anything I wouldn't expect from the earlier series' of the cartoons... and let's have none of that Kicker dweeb from the Energon cartoons :bombhead

And out of interest, I didn't like either of the Spiderman movies, though Spiderman never really was my thing as a kid :)

Spaceboy Gajo
12th August 2005, 08:39 AM
Yeah Dimension, any time they re-imagine Transformers, it always comes out wrong. Gave that show a shot, but clearly it's aimed at any one below eight years old. However, the excpetion to that rule was Beast Wars or Beasties as it was known here in Canada. Great CG and the stories where a lot better than what kids have to watch now.

I'm interested in seeing how it turns out. Even though, I've read an interview saying that it's going to be a boy and his car. Also, that Michael Bay is linked to direct the project. However, Steven Speilberg is executive producing. Looked how Goonies and Gremlins turned out :lol: Whatever happens, it should look good. As evidenced by that great Citroën car commercials you guys on the other side of the Atlantic got.

Not to mention a short film (http://www.galactica2003.net/transformers/index.shtml) made by one of the guys responsible for the Cylons in the new Battlestar Galactica TV Series.

We have the technology...

Spaceboy Gajo

12th August 2005, 09:05 AM
I think the real problem with recent Transformer series is the scripts. The reason why Robots in Disguise/Armada/Energon/etc has been doing so poorly is that they've been putting on WAY too much focus on teenage characters who are supposed to be able to pull their own in situations when faced with psychotic killer robots (the Decepticons)

I mean, come on, this is Transformers, not Digimon! Stop trying to copy that style, teenagers will never be the greatest warriors of all time in THAT continuity, even with a so-called "energon sword"

Rouni Kenshin#1
12th August 2005, 04:43 PM
well with the spiderman movies the question is what will the next baddie be?

I think it will be venom and carnage but there are just so many that it could be.

12th August 2005, 06:16 PM
but from the end of the second movie, it looks like Harry Osborne is going to don his poppa's old costume and resurrect the Green Goblin. or maybe the Hobgoblin? i'd kinda rather they go with something else for the third one, though.

12th August 2005, 06:29 PM
Same here. Although I do think, Raimi is technically able to do some interesting character development, which is definitely something I would like to see. If they would do that I wouldn't need much of a new apporach otherwise. I agree, though, sequels should to more than "more of the same". Well... there's always hope....


12th August 2005, 07:22 PM
Harry is definitely going to become the second Green Goblin, just like in the comic book continuity - the Green Goblin/Harry Osborne character has always been defined by its enemy of Spiderman/ friend of Peter Parker duality. Hobgoblin is another possibility, though that villain was a mercenary who stumbled onto another hidden cache of goblin weapons which he took for himself before creating the Hobgoblin persona.

12th August 2005, 10:31 PM
I thought it was confirmed that the next bad guy was the lizard? ie: the science teacher we got introduced to in spiderman2

12th August 2005, 11:11 PM
Hobgoblin? I dunno, I'm not a huge Sipderman fan but I thought the movies were good, mostly because of the nice mix between action and plot. Yeah I didn't like Energon, I really hope they get awesome voice talent for the Transformers (I'm picking they'll be CG) like in the original 1987 one!

Edit: I know Hobgoblin isn't the lizard but I meant think the bad guy in the next one is going to be Hobgoblin.

13th August 2005, 12:01 AM
I loved the show when i was a kid and had some of the toys (why i say *had* is another story :P)

i really dont know how well would a live action movie come out, but would love to see it from a technical point of view, i have always been interested in transforming mecha (loved macross).

i recently bought one of the toys from the alternators series (which i think is excellent), they are sold in japan as binaltech and have die-cast content, this is the one i got:


Spaceboy Gajo
13th August 2005, 12:08 AM
The way that it's set up, there is that Osborne story line that has to be completed. Not only that, but they already cast Thomas Haden Church (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0002006) as a villian. Two movies and they had already did the two biggest baddies in the Spiderman universe other than Venom.

As these movies do have some theme in them, I'm placing a long shot on Vulture. Not the biggest villian, but the only role that for some reason I can see Thomas Haden Church play. The theme would be something about the fountain of youth or something to that effect.

That's why it's so exciting talking about the movie and it won't be out in under two years. The movies have set up so much already that you could go with the Lizard or even Venom. However, if this is the last Spiderman movie I'd expect that the Osborne story lines closes nicely and that only leaves you with one more villian for Thomas Haden Church to play.

Now to steer the Spiderman chat back on topic :lol:

Gary Chulk (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0149942/) who voices Optimus Prime in Energon, did a fantastic job being Optimus Primal in Beast Wars. Also, this voice actor did the work again as Prime for the Playstation 2 video game they release a couple years back.

Surprised no one has mentioned anything about the two videos I mention. Thought it's set the the thread a blazing.