View Full Version : anyone here ever had a really wierd game

13th July 2005, 12:45 PM
has anyone ever had a really wierd and mysteriouse game and would like to share it, then here is your chance!! :lol:
my really wierd game is called klonoa 2 lunateas veil. the strangest level was called: the maze of memories (i think that it can also be called: moonlight museum)
someone must check it out on google.

its one of those games that even though its meant for 10 year olds i still like it (despite still being 15 !!). musics pretty cool in it.

Space Cowboy
13th July 2005, 12:49 PM
A couple actually. One was called 'Hunter' it was on the Amiga 500. Very wierd game with bizarre soundeffects and a very wierd atmosphere. Great stuff.
Another was called 'Archipalego' aslo on the amiga that was a bizzare game indeed, starnge landscapes and colours with haunting music and effects.

Oh and another one that comes to mind is the original 'Sentinel' that was a very weird game, brilliant stuff! :)

13th July 2005, 01:57 PM
Back on the C64, there was one called "Slimey's Mine" - "the game that screams!"

The gameplay was absolutely bizarre - a space frog hopping from asteroid to asteroid to recover its young, with the ability to shoot lasers and teleport. A play session would be so stressful that I would usually need to reapply my deodorant afterward.

Rouni Kenshin#1
13th July 2005, 06:14 PM
Yea ever herd of Rez? :lol:

13th July 2005, 07:16 PM
Oh, I remember Rez - it came with this little vibrating nub whose only useful purpose was basically a vibrator for your girlfriend so she could enjoy the game while you played it.

Pure genius, if you ask me ;)

13th July 2005, 08:05 PM
Kinky, if you ask me! ;)

14th July 2005, 03:25 AM
REZ: possibly not worksafe (http://www.gamegirladvance.com/archives/2002/10/26/sex_in_games_rezvibrator.html?1)
the most out-there games I've ever really been into in a big way were NiGHTS on my saturn (one of my favourite games ever) and Kula World on psx.
everything else I've played has been fairly mainstream

14th July 2005, 12:26 PM
hey i remember kula world, i had it on demo ages ago but lost it :cry: . it was that little ball that rolled up and down thosre tracks and you must avoid the spikes right? 8)

oh and also i remember spyro 3 on the ps1that had some pretty wierd levels on it.
i think that one was called crystal cavern :? 8O

16th July 2005, 04:09 PM
oh and heres another one too its called forsaken for the ps1
your these kind of craft that move around levels like 3D mazes and you have to shoot enemie craft and all of that kind of stuff. i cant get past level 3 were you are in a nuclear power station and got to destroy the nuclear reactor before the 20 minuit time limit runs out and a nuclear meltdown happens :?
(its alot harder than it sounds!!)

Space Cowboy
16th July 2005, 04:46 PM
Ah Forsaken... great game.. sort of like Descent on acid, lovely colours, great soundtrack and trippy visual effects. Not too mention vomit inducing 360 degree, 3d levels. :)

16th July 2005, 06:37 PM
I've got this really bizarre game - you may have heard of it...

It uses the name of its supposed prequels, but seems in no way connected to them, either in style or gameplay. The only connection to its past incarnations seems to be a really tenuous use of old familiar names. Also, being on the PS2 I was surprised that it seemed to have more of a hard time dealing with stuff like physics and vehicle handling than it's older PS1 'relatives'.

What was this game called?...

...WipEout Fusion... :P

Seriously though, I love Rez and Nights - two of my favorite games of all time! Also love stuff like Jet Set Radio (and, to a slightly lesser degree, it's Xbox sequel). Agree with Forsaken too, although Descent was probably a better game overall...

Fantavision on PS2 was a BARGAIN at £4.99 from Toys R Us. Seriously cool game! How about Gradius III, VI & V? (though they're not so much weird as retro). DOA xtreme Beach Volleyball is another odd one, that is strangely deep, considering it's more about convincing virtual babes to wear kinky bikinis than actual volleyball... In other words it's great, but a little sad! :roll:

Going back a while, how about Wizball on C64, Feud on Spectrum and Magical Flying Hat Turbo Adventure on Megadrive?

I have more (which is worrying on so many levels) but that will do for now. :oops:


16th July 2005, 11:36 PM
''Magical Flying Hat Turbo Adventure'' shall become my new mantra. :)

16th July 2005, 11:50 PM
"Kurushi Final" and "Mr. Mosquito" definatley get votes.

Nice mention for NiGHTS , and sticking to the segasaturn theme, Clockwork Knight has to get a mention, too.

17th July 2005, 12:42 AM
anyone know 'Katamari Damacy'? Now that's classy stuff.

17th July 2005, 04:10 AM
My little selection :
Vib Ribbon: a more experimental Dance-Dance-Revolution-like with minimalistic graphics. You have to avoid obstacles generated by the music played, for exemple pressing triangle in rythm to jump over a spike, and then combinated shapes that require 2 or 3 buttons. You'll find some vids on the site http://www.vibribbon.com. I tried this one day with Mouse on Mars tracks (from Niun Niggung) and then some Slayer. This was hysterical.

Katamary Damacy: Japanese game again. I have to find this one even if i didn't catch what it was about exactly… A Prince from another planet that must stick everything he rolls onto, from pens to animals to buildings ! http://ps2.ign.com/articles/548/548201p1.html. I heard some weird psyche jazz in a trailer and the soundtrack seems really cool…

MDK / Earthworm Jim from Shiny. Both seemed to be interested in cow experiment http://images.5star-network.com/screenshots/large/e/a/earthworm-jim.jpg. MDK http://www.abandonia.com/games/346/MDK(MurderDeathKill)/MDK(MurderDeathKill).htm

Rayman 3: one scene in particular when Rayman loses a shoe and has to chase it back after shrinking, so that he uses his remaining one has a bumpercar… strange idea. Those psychedelic warp levels with irritating disco tune, then hilarious silly characters and voice acting, at least in french, that was tfe original version http://www.gamernext.com/movies/BtryDone.mov for a silly bonus, http://media.ps2.ign.com/media/015/015124/vid_503185.html?mu=http%3A%2F%2Fxfersf02.ign.com%2 F%5E1889861592%2Fmovies%2Fps2movies.ign.com%2Fdocr oot%2Fps2%2Fvideo%2Frayman_022703_3.mov%3Fposition %3Dfront for this stupid Globox). Some of the tunes were really good, too. Mature, crazy and oneiric at the same time. Many other plateformers include some weird inspiration…

Silent Hill UFO endings : don't miss those ones. Crippy turns crazy. SH1 ufo track here :http://www.psxzone.opalnet.pl/Download/Sh-ufo_ending.rar, not included in official soundtrack. SH2 dog ending with a cheap organ and a stupid dog… SH3 with a drunk karaoke…

Killer 7 : I have to check this one. The least i can say is that the trailers i've seen so far really intrigued me . Unusual graphics (for a videogame) and insane atmosphere. Many risky choices in game design, i like this. I've also read that the story was not written in 2 hours.

Super Long Nose Goblin and Parodius : old PC-engine shooters http://pcengine.free.fr/long%20nosenf.html and http://pcengine.free.fr/parodiusnf.html. Played this a long time ago…

And some weirdness in a billion dollars project : Metal Gear Solid 2, when your colonel is getting crazy on codec at the end of the game in Arsenal Gear, soon followed by the game interface becoming completely boggy (fantastic "fake" game-over sequence). "Raiden, if you decide to cut roses, don't forget to wear plastic gloves or you might get hurt", "Raiden… i am your father" (sorry i don't think this one made it to the game).

I forgot Time Splitters, with its silly arcade challenges : anihilate an army of gingermen, burn more octopuses than your opponents, bricks are your only weapons, do yourself a happy slaughter at the annual Elvis-lookalike contest, ducks are trying to make nest in Nestor's brand new wig : kill them all, the cockroach-man says to everybody that he's a better lover than you : make him quiet…
Kinda surreal for a FPS game…

17th July 2005, 02:01 PM
Ah Forsaken... great game.. sort of like Descent on acid, lovely colours, great soundtrack and trippy visual effects. Not too mention vomit inducing 360 degree, 3d levels. :)

i think that the best music track on forsaken was the one if you went onto 2 player on a level called ship.

17th July 2005, 02:41 PM
weirdness in metal gear 3? http://www.konami.jp/gs/game/mgs3/english/pic/camo_unifo_fly.gif

And i just found THIS : http://www.geocities.com/loserv21/chouaniki.html
It really looks… errrr… awesome.

17th July 2005, 03:44 PM
And i just found THIS : http://www.geocities.com/loserv21/chouaniki.html
It really looks… errrr… awesome.

sorry for the rude language, but WHAT.THE.****.?!

Space Cowboy
17th July 2005, 03:47 PM

17th July 2005, 05:42 PM


Rouni Kenshin#1
17th July 2005, 06:29 PM
Hay, got another one.

Perfect Dark :!:

18th July 2005, 11:53 AM
What does that mean ? If it means something of course.

18th July 2005, 12:07 PM
Rolling On Floor Laughing My Arse Off

And yes... that is one disturbing game...

18th July 2005, 05:51 PM
And i just found THIS : http://www.geocities.com/loserv21/chouaniki.html
It really looks… errrr… awesome.

sorry for the rude language, but WHAT.THE.****.?!

Yeah that kinda scared me, those men... 8O

18th July 2005, 10:15 PM
Thanks for the translation Hellfire.
I think i googled with "weirdest game ever made" and found this.
Or maybe that was "worst game ever made", i can't remember…
I guess i won't buy it to determine which word the more appropriate.

19th July 2005, 04:09 PM
WORMS ARMAGEDON- crappy 2D graphics, slow gameplay, too quiet at most of the time and purly a rubbishy game!! pretty wierd. i expect alot of people here will know what game im on about, alot of people i know like it so sorry if anyone here also likes it!!
---its only my opinion--- :wink:

19th July 2005, 04:35 PM
Or maybe that was "worst game ever made", i can't remember…

That reminds me, I think a good hearty mention needs to go to Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing. I don't think games come much weirder than this when you can drive a rig up and along vertical surfaces, through buildings and bridges, reverse at infinite speed... :lol:

19th July 2005, 05:29 PM
Turning doesn't slow you down, any old truck has the power to enter an alternate dimension and return safely...

Space Cowboy
19th July 2005, 05:33 PM
Yeah I see them all the time on the M40... or maybe thats just too much weed, oh well I could never distinuish between fantasy and reality, thats why I study Astrophysics :)

19th July 2005, 05:58 PM
weird game? [thinks for a bit....] 'Incredible Crisis'

19th July 2005, 06:15 PM
It seems to me that Worms became more and more boring with each opus… I can remember hours of fun on the Amiga version of the first one (same as PC and PSX). Maybe be the golden years of Team17.
I bought Armageddon on PSX when it came out but i was very disappointed (the funny tiny voices had changed, the background sound gave it a quite obscure mood, the game appeared much slower than before…). It was indeed a weird game in that sense, but lacked a little fun.
Worms used to be a great multplayer game…(i won't even speak of Worms 3D).

"Stuuuuu-piiid" (with a childish high-pitched voice).

Rapier Racer
19th July 2005, 07:13 PM
I remember a long time ago playing a demo of a game called pandoras box on PS1, when it came on all I got were lots of boxes everwhere and all you could do was shove them around, perhaps there was more to but it got turned off after 2 minutes

19th July 2005, 07:56 PM
Yeah I see them all the time on the M40... or maybe thats just too much weed, oh well I could never distinuish between fantasy and reality, thats why I study Astrophysics :)

I don't think our combined knowledge on any physical thing in this universe could possibly attempt to explain the way this game runs without introducing the element of being high or drunk. Maybe my lectures would go a bit better if... :lol:

Rouni Kenshin#1
19th July 2005, 11:03 PM
Worms World Party! Yaaa Worms

blow the other worm up with an explosive cow :D

20th July 2005, 09:04 AM
heres one i only had on demo but it was sooo strange: devil dice for the ps1- you were a little devil who had to get dice in the correct directiobn to win!
it reminded me of wip3out because- the demo was a little faulty and whenever you went onto devil dice you would hear control mkl because wip3out was on the same demo disc.
when i heard that music i had to find out wich game it came from, when i found wip3out on the demo i was amazed by the game.
so really devil dice made me buy wip3out.
thankyou devil dice :D

20th July 2005, 09:56 PM
hmm *ponders*

*thinks of history* ah! that one. It was weird crappy Beavis and Butthead lol it was hillarious and very weird.

hmmm and star warped ( a hilarious weird game) its soooo lollish :lol:
good old times lol :wink:

20th July 2005, 10:22 PM
my favorite offbeat game has to be Intelligence Qube (PS1)

it's hard to describe...its like bomberman meets tetris in a trippy void.

I heard they're doing a new version for PSP...

Oh, and to everybody that looked at that chaou aniki or whatever:


21st July 2005, 08:39 PM
when you said that game inteligene cube it reminded me of a film called the cube, it was really wierd were these people were in a maze of millionz onf cubes. sometimes the cubes would have different things in them like one had a spinning metal razor that sliced up someone :lol: most people in my famalie were like oh dear, but i couldnt stop laughing!!

22nd July 2005, 01:25 AM
I am a big fan of the Intelligent Qube / Kurushi games.
The PAL region got a sequel called Kurushi Final which had some well thought out extra modes. I saw, but never played the Japanese only PS2 verion called IQ:Remix.
I hope they are going to do a PSP version. That will be the other PSP game that I plan to own come 1st September.
Another wacky Playstation game is Skullmonkeys, it is in a similar vein to Earthworm Jim,
with some really wacky ideas, and the FMV sequences are hilarious.

22nd July 2005, 08:48 AM
I had a whale of a time on the Kurushi demo I had long ago, never had the pleasure of owning it though.

BTW, does anyone remember Zoop on the SNES?

22nd July 2005, 07:59 PM
i finially past level 3 (nuclear power facilitie) on forssaken today!! ive had it about 5 years and never found out how to do it but ive compleated it today.
you had to shoot down this massive nuclear reactor, it was sooo cool :D
also i wasnt using any cheats atal!! this may sound kind of wierd but that level is kind of scary in a way, well maybe not scary, but your trapped in a nuclear plant, the timers constantly ticking down and that creepy music aint exactly helping :lol:

22nd July 2005, 08:45 PM
forsaken is awesome when you master it... the floaty gliding... I loved it... of course without cheats....

22nd July 2005, 08:47 PM
I found Forsaken laking some serious depth really, especially when compared to the Descent games. In multiplayer, however, this game rocked the house. We kept playing it for hours, when we had originally planned for a Quake session. ;)


26th July 2005, 10:34 AM
at the end of the level asteroid base there is an enemy called an flesh morph.
has anyone seen that, also ther there is a massive bug at the end of bio snare, it nfires homing photons at you and solaris missiles

26th July 2005, 01:21 PM
Anybody remember Metal Storm for NES? It featured a giant mecha who had the ability to REVERSE GRAVITY, so you could walk upside down on ceilings, and a lot of strategy in defeating bosses came from flipping gravity back and forth like a madman.

29th July 2005, 04:50 AM
my favorite offbeat game has to be Intelligence Qube (PS1)

it's hard to describe...its like bomberman meets tetris in a trippy void.

I heard they're doing a new version for PSP...

There is a similar game on the PSP called Intelligent License


Looks interesting, but it is not Intelligent Qube / Kurushi,
as it does not have the blocks steadily rolling towards you,
and that feeling of panic as they get closer and closer,
and you are fast running out of room.

29th July 2005, 01:09 PM
Who remebers Micro Maniacs? :)

29th July 2005, 06:27 PM
it was never as good as the ps1 micro machines, still the top 8-player game of all time. the super weapons could be a little too super; not enough tracks; just not as much fun!

now, here's a weird ps1 game: aquanauts holiday? sea exploration and reef building, anyone?

29th July 2005, 11:12 PM
Anyone heard of Wizball? It was a game for the C64 which I played many a year ago. Just fantastic, great soundtrack but very, very odd. I mean, you're a wizard in a mechanized ball thing, on the moon. At least that's all the logic I could get from it. And your cat could come as an upgrade in a smaller ball to help. I remember the days when it was about gameplay and not storylines or realism. They (Sony and Nintendo) should definately adopt that set of priorities for their handhelds! I'd love to play Wizball on a PSP...

30th July 2005, 03:37 PM
wizball strangely got easier the further you got, as you could make the ball stop bouncing around. what was really hard was getting all the drops of colour the same so you ended up with a primary colour scheme instead of murky brown. ahh, happy days....
another old c64 (and speccy?) classic: head over heels.

crazy legs
1st August 2005, 07:00 PM

regarding two of your reply's

1: Kula quest (kula 3d released at a ps1 demo) is infact one of the BEST money making games from SWEDEN... says alot about games from sweden...

2: cube and cube^2 (movies) are hilarious

sooo back to the subject

i had a game called DAN you've probably heard about it you drink beer to be able to piss on walls.. and then you make sweeet looove.

and another one, I think it was called banananas and the whole idea of the game was to feed the opponents monkey with special bananas to blow him up...

1st August 2005, 08:33 PM
I'm sure DAN was based upon a true story. Impressive…

Rouni Kenshin#1
8th August 2005, 11:29 PM
I can't rember the name but i think it might be perfect dark.

but it was weeeeiiiiiirrrrd. the game was programed to randomly invenrt controls, become unresponsive and make the screen go black like it was turned off before it went back to normal. :lol:

9th August 2005, 03:08 AM
Eternal Darkness did that on the gamecube.
as your character lost sanity it would do all kinds of weird things to mess with you, the player.
flies crawling across the screen, what looks like TV volume sliders come up and go down to mute, monsters will appear and be really tiny, you'll enter a room and be walking on the cieling, even the gamecube equivalent of a BSOD. it really starts to freak you out. usually the more intense effects were followed by your character trying to force themselves to realise that it's not real, and gametime rewinding by a few minutes

9th August 2005, 11:27 AM
sounds freaky,
i have got a game called driver 3 (im sure most of you have heard of it) but when your in survival mode in istanbul (the istanbul cops are the worst) the cop cars do weelies!!
( incase you dont know survival is when you are put in a massive city and cops are going mental trying to ram your car until its wrecked :lol:

10th August 2005, 10:35 AM
Well not a weird game but a VERY cool and weird mod you can make to Enter The Matrix is renaming Ghost or Niobe's model with that of one of the cars (Niobe's Firebird). The programmers had obviously done some of this on purpose because it had all these humanistic qualities like you could see your characters expression by the way the window wipers were positioned and it stood on its two back wheels and using the front doors as arms. Bloody funny to see a car doing kung-fu in bullet time!

10th August 2005, 11:18 AM
some of the stuff on the following website is definitely NOT worksafe, though that could depend on who you work for:


scroll down the left hand side for links to games that definitely should be filed under "weird", but possibly also bizzarre, disturbing and dangerous.

I particularly liked the EA cricket - but can`t help wondering if they`re making this up....

18th August 2005, 09:41 PM
Weirdest game I've ever played, in terms of "Why the hell did this game get made?!" would be Dangun Feveron.

Okay. Imagine you have, at its core, a vertical space shooter. Now, add funky, "disco fever" tracks to every level. Now make the ships bomb effects be the silhouettes of dancing people, add a disco ball to the end-level score screen. Of course, you need a DDR-style announcer that yells stuff like "FEVER!" and "I can feel the music in my soul!" at random times. Now you might have an idea of the weirdness of Dangun Feveron.

http://www.classicgaming.com/shmups/reviews/dfeveron/ for more info

Space Cowboy
18th August 2005, 10:18 PM
That homo-erotic shoot-em up should get the award for the weirdest game ever. (It was posted a few months ago), that is the most disturbing game I've ever seen. sort of lke a homo-erotic R-type (or should I say 'Ring-Type') lol Sorry couldnt resist it ;)

19th August 2005, 05:07 AM
hmm, cant think of many at the moment but heres one.

Blast Chamber (psx) - 1-4 players in this rotating cube with puzzle elements and lots of strategy when its 4 players.

23rd September 2005, 10:01 AM
sorry to bring up this olt topic, but there is a game ive got recently for my psp: archer mcleans mercury. you have to control a small blob of mercury across wierd levels with moving platforms and conveyor belts.

23rd September 2005, 11:58 AM
That's not off topic at all if you feel that Mercury is strange and bizarre :)

23rd September 2005, 12:22 PM
I think he meant to type old, not off, Drak. :)

23rd September 2005, 12:44 PM
*reads again carefully*

Oh my, I think you're right :)

Okay, so there's nothing wrong with breathing new life into old topics. It's duplicating topics that is frowned upon in the forum.

23rd September 2005, 06:35 PM
ve get too zoon olt, und too late schmart?
[hm.. i think i've said that before somewhere.]
i know i get too soon OT sometimes.
er... like now, for instance. :)

23rd September 2005, 06:36 PM
Weirdest game I ever played was "Toe Jam & Earl". What a classic.

23rd September 2005, 07:25 PM
I still have for my NES a game called "Snake Rattle and Roll."

The goal: Two snakes called - you guessed - Rattle and Roll have to climb a mountain that, legend has it, reaches the moon. To do so they must go through a variety of isometric obstacle courses in higher and higher altitudes. Each level has a locked door linked to a set of scales. To tip the scale, the snakes must snatch with their tongues little color balls that run around on tiny little legs, then swallow them nearly whole after chewing a few seconds and spitting out the legs. Once their tails are long enough from eating a good number of them, they can open the door.

Crazy fun, and prettymuch impossible to complete due to a final enemy that instantly regenerates all his health in you relent from tongue-lashing him for even half a second..

24th September 2005, 08:01 AM
that was a top game. the little balls were called nibbly-pibblys if i remember correctly. the two player mode rocked. :)

24th September 2005, 09:43 AM
What about N2O? (Nitrous Oxide) 8O That was a trippy game if I ever saw one. :wink:

24th September 2005, 09:47 AM
Unirally on the snes, wierd but addictive as hell!!!

24th September 2005, 05:02 PM
What about N2O? (Nitrous Oxide) 8O That was a trippy game if I ever saw one. :wink:

I always wanted to buy that because I wanted a WipeOut fix... does it fit the mold?

24th September 2005, 05:23 PM
Nine: The Last Resort. is like Mist but diferent, another weird game is Pist (a parody of Mist)

And i just found THIS : http://www.geocities.com/loserv21/chouaniki.html
It really looks? errrr? awesome.


Edit by Mod: Two short posts combined into one. Double-posting is not encouraged.

24th September 2005, 11:03 PM
I always wanted to buy that because I wanted a WipeOut fix... does it fit the mold?

Well, it's very interesting to say the least. It's kind of like a mix between galaga and tempest with a whole lot of 8O psilocybin 8O mixed in. :wink: :wink:

26th September 2005, 10:02 AM
oh and i also recently got medievil resurection for my psp, its almost exactly the same as the ps1 version, mind you it is still very good.

28th September 2005, 01:20 PM
Has anybody in here ever played the game ROLLCAGE - NO RULES RACING ? The game itself is brilliant in my opinion. I spent hours playing it. But the physics are quite strange. Just get a copy of the game and play it... You'll know what I mean. 8O

Some other wierd games I have played so far would be:

Knights of Xentar
Panic in Cobra City

and not to forget the good old C64 times when I spent whole weekends playing games like Maniac Mansion or Zak McKracken .


28th September 2005, 01:51 PM
Another C64 classic - Project Firestart!

A single agent sent on a scientific ship that stopped responding days ago on a "simple mission" - which turns out to b eeverything BUT when you enter the place and the first thing you see is a dead crewmember with his arm TORN off, who managed to write DANGER with his own blood before dying.

Good fun :D