View Full Version : London terrorist attack

7th July 2005, 09:35 AM
Holy crap!!! 8O

What the hell is going on?!? Just checked the BBC website, and all they would say was that the explosions were caused by a power surge, although an explosive device has been found! Jeez!!!

Don't want to jump to any conclusions at this stage...

7th July 2005, 09:39 AM
Bombs. A bus exploded in Russell Square about half an hour ago...

7th July 2005, 09:58 AM
Cannot be a coincidence that this has happened the day after the Olympic bid was decided... Whoever is responsible may have been planning to hit whoever won the vote...

This is horrible!!! :cry:

7th July 2005, 10:09 AM
If it is a terrorist attack, London has had it coming for such a long time that I find it hard to believe it hasn't happened already. It's such an easy target - the underground is a fragile, defenceless animal that suffers from over capacity and failures on a daily basis without any catastrophies taking place.

With Tony Blair standing arm in arm with George Bush and the olympics being awarded, I'd expect the next seven years to be a rocky ride for the city. :|

// time passes

Incidentally, I'm down in London for a long weekend next week, Charlie - my schedule is pretty packed with... well, drinking, but maybe we could meet up at some point?

Space Cowboy
7th July 2005, 10:45 AM
Im still trying to contact friends in central London to make sure they are ok. :(
This has just got to be linked to the Olympic bid.
Reports on the BBC indicate it maybe the work of Al Qaeda.

7th July 2005, 10:54 AM
No one's actually claimed responsibility yet, but it's certainly looking more like something like that. It seemed too coincidental initially to be just a power surge, and the bus explosion as well...

Space Cowboy: Hope they're okay. London is a really big place, so chances are they're fine. I initially thought it was linked to winning the Olympics as well, but there's also the G8 summit going on at the moment as well.

Rob: Love to, just let me know where and when. :)

7th July 2005, 01:02 PM
There's been three explosions in the subway and a double decker bus was blown to shreds. It's been claimed by a european Al-Qaeda cell.

I'd like to give my support to all my british fellows on behalf of Canada.

7th July 2005, 02:19 PM
I need to stop reading those accounts that people are sending to the BBC site. It just makes you realise how many selfish assholes there are.

There are people going "oh, how will I get home tonight" and "I was trapped at Bank when all the trains were cancelled."

How will you get home tonight? Well, ****er, some people will never be going home, but it'll just take you a bit longer than usual.

You were trapped at Bank? No you weren't, you were merely inconvenienced and unable to obtain public transport whilst in the center of a major city. The chances are pretty high that you will survive, unlike the unfortunate people in the immediate vicinity of the explosions. :roll:

7th July 2005, 02:31 PM
The police have confirmed that there are AT LEAST 33 fatalities. This isn't including the bus incident, for which there isn't yet an official count.

[BTW, now it's been pretty much established that this was almost certainly down to the G8 and not the Olympics, could we split this topic seeing as it's now gone way OT?]

7th July 2005, 02:33 PM
Sorry Foxy, i know there is some truth in that but look at it from their perspective.

- We have just won the bid so most of us didn't even think it would happen: now.

- Most of the the people had no idea what the hell was going on. Most of the internet crashed in london and so did the mobile networks.

- Those who did post those might've been a bit melodramatic. It's not like this happens every day though and most of those who cant get home yet are either doing overtime or gone down to their local for a pint.

But nethertheless, it is still sick anyway.

Dogg Thang
7th July 2005, 02:51 PM
With Tony Blair standing arm in arm with George Bush and the olympics being awarded, I'd expect the next seven years to be a rocky ride for the city. :|

It's a sad thing, but you're absolutely right Foxy. I often wonder in situations like this just what has made people so angry that they can do something like this. What is unfortunate is that there is so much going on in the world these days to get angry about - and this will get worse. There is a generation of children growing up in countries that have been warzones for the last few years and they will grow up with nothing but hate and contempt for the western world and, you know, I would have a hard time blaming them for that.

Every part of this is a tragedy.

I wish you guys well and my thoughts are with the families that have been torn apart today. This should not happen to anyone, anywhere.

Rapier Racer
7th July 2005, 03:51 PM
I came home and put the TV on 20 minutes ago and couldn't believe what I saw a bus blown to bits and witnesses talking about explosions on the underground, If this is down to the G8 then is there a chance that Edinburgh may be next?

7th July 2005, 03:55 PM
I need to stop reading those accounts that people are sending to the BBC site. It just makes you realise how many selfish assholes there are.

Wow; I always assumed that my fellow americans were the ones to act like that...

7th July 2005, 04:05 PM
Wherever there's modern civilization, some people have refused to grow up. The real tragedy is when people are forced to grow up before their time. People have died, but the ones who will suffer are the ones who knew them.

7th July 2005, 05:11 PM
[quote="Dogg Thang"]
There is a generation of children growing up in countries that have been warzones for the last few years and they will grow up with nothing but hate and contempt for the western world and, you know, I would have a hard time blaming them for that.

My deepest respect for seeing things so. I believe there will be terror as long as the 'first world' always gets richer while the 'third world' gets poorer. We shouldn't think about revenge - we should ask ourselves about the reasons of terror and do something about it - => G8.

Nevertheless: There's nothing as senseless as killing civilians. My thoughts are with the victims and their families.

7th July 2005, 05:59 PM
I work on the river transport service at tower pier, and had to help loads of people get outta London. I must admit, I was shocked not to see peeps running and screaming though, very weird.

7th July 2005, 06:26 PM
I'm Thailand on vacations and have no tv where I live. Was playing some music with some friends
and when we took 5 (a break) I heard about this so now I'm on the net to see what happened.
Was here in the same place when the attacks of 9/11 took place and I got the same feeling as then
f@k*n Unreal ! Man it's a sad day ..

Hybrid Divide
7th July 2005, 07:32 PM
Is everyone ok over there?

*worried* :(

My thoughts are with the victims and their families...

Rouni Kenshin#1
7th July 2005, 07:52 PM
i second foxy.

my heart goes out to everyone in the UK :cry:

7th July 2005, 08:06 PM
Official death toll now standing at 37, including the bus. I'm seriously surprised that the bus explosion only took two lives, if you've seen the wreckage on the news you'd have thought no one could survive it.

7th July 2005, 08:10 PM
I doubt this is linked to the olympic bid of London, because everybody thought the french had it in the bag until the very last minute, so Paris would have been the target instead.

Bear in mind that the G8 summit is happening in the UK right now, and that's been a known fact for months now, thus making it a tempting target that the bombers could prepare for a long time in advance.

Once again, my deepest sympathies for all my british friends and their families.

7th July 2005, 08:46 PM
Exactly, something like this couldn't have been organised in a day. That's why I asked for the topic split, now we know this was most probably due to the G8, it had moved totally away from the topic of the Olympics. I'm surprised how quickly the city has recovered though, the buses are back up and running and the underground resumes tomorrow morning.

7th July 2005, 08:58 PM
The olympics don't matter at all, I think. Britain's attention and security was concentrated to G8 in Scotland at that time - it was an intelligent planning in a mean way.

7th July 2005, 09:14 PM
The good thing is...they are well prepared since 9/11 but the bad thing is we don`t like it and we do NOT expected that way!

I`m still waiting through my mate and his father(been trying to text (SMS) him and still no reply) actually working in London but I don`t know where they work but I will find out by tomorrow.

The main reason are I`m actually not surprised it happened but I do believe that is just the beginning but again I may be wrong about this (I hope!)

Guys!, Don`t forget they do have survelliance cameras everywhere!, so Scotland Yard will study like crazy to find their source but again they will not show us yet and they will eventually.

My thoughts are theirs families.


7th July 2005, 09:53 PM
For anyone concerned about people they may believe have been caught up in this, the police have opened a help line on 0870 1566344.

7th July 2005, 11:21 PM
G8 would be a good reason for an attack like this, but the exact date could also be somewhat related to the 9/11 attacks in that a specific date was chosen for its significance.

Rapier Racer
7th July 2005, 11:26 PM
Bomb scares close Princes Street
Bus on Princes Street
Princes Street was sealed off to carry out controlled explosions
Bomb disposal experts have carried out two controlled explosions on board a double decker bus in Edinburgh.

Lothian and Borders Police received reports of a suspect package from Princes Street at about 1730 BST.

An area between the Mound and Charlotte Square was cordoned off and all surrounding properties were evacuated.

Police said it was too early to tell what was in the package. The area remained sealed after another package was found outside a shop nearby.

A spokesman added: "We are treating seriously the discovery of a package found on a bus in Edinburgh this afternoon in light of the events in London this morning."

He said an area was cleared for 100m around the bus, including that part of Princes Street and Princes Street Gardens.

Shops and offices were asked to evacuate customers from the rear of their premises and traffic diversions were put in place.

Motorists were also asked to avoid the area.

I don't like the sound of this :(