View Full Version : A wipeout movie

will jenkins
29th June 2005, 06:17 PM
I have already told you my wish to make a movie on wipeout's universe. I have continued to work on it and I submit you the project as it is for moment in the purpose to receive your reactions. The idea to realize a feature film is becoming interestless according to me, because it is obvious that is very difficult to write a good screenplay (just see races' movies such as Driven, Days of thunder, Grand prix etc... the sequences are maybe impressive but stories are not really interesting).
When I tried to solve this problem has come to me the idea to change the movie's type. Instead of searching a banal story, the idea is to make a "stylish video clip" which will narrate chronologically the different stages which have allowed the rise of the anti-gravity revolution. The clip would start with Sir Isaac Newton and his famous apple, very symbolic scene. Then we would follow the other specific steps, (I will detail them later) this has the advantage to combine all the ships and race tracks from the first to the last wipeout. The clip will be seven or eight minutes long, without dialogs just one song. At this moment I use "Rowla" from Underworld, which fits perfectly. The high point of all this will be to shoot it using the most spectacular film format according to me, the great Showscan. The clip's duration and type are appropriate. For those who don't know it, it's a 70 mm film with a framerate of 60 fps. With such a thing, it will be very amazing and spectacular. It will make honor to the speed of the game.

Main steps of the screenplay :
1 - Introduction with Sir Isaac Newton (the wellbeing of the gravity, laws of the gravitation)
2 - First attempts of human fly (the intention to escape from earth gravity)
3 - First car races (idea of contest, beat speed records)
4 - The conquest of space (pushing back the limits, the welfare of weightlessness)
5 - The discovery of different sort of technologies (superconductivity, first levitation train etc...)
6 - Introducing Pierre Belmondo (library sequence, see "Fan Fiction Profile of Pierre Belmondo" from Mark Hancok. I find this similarity with Newton very interesting and I hope the author will let me his copyright !)
7 - Development of A-G technology (The World Technology Symposium, the Nevada desert show)
8 - Development of the leagues (F-3600, F-5000, F-7200, F-9000, F-X300)

29th June 2005, 06:31 PM
*nods* there's a lot of potential in the idea, I strongly support it :)

The section about the racing leagues by itself has a lot of material you can use and could be split into several sections -

- the rise of AG racing up to its apex with the FX-7200 league
- the corruption and fall of the FX-9000
- the rebirth of amateur racing with the FX-150
- the phoenix reborn with FX-300

I will be very much looking forward to your work onscreen!

29th June 2005, 06:41 PM
6 - Introducing Pierre Belmondo (library sequence, see "Fan Fiction Profile of Pierre Belmondo" from Mark Hancok. I find this similarity with Newton very interesting and I hope the author will let me his copyright !)

(reading pierre's fanfiction page...)

errr.... I really would love to take credit for that inspiring piece of work, but I have nothing to do with it! sorry.

:Foxxy, is this a true fan fiction piece or is it from one of the manual writers?

oh and by the way, stunning idea with huge potential. Include a little about the 70's and 80's american x-plane projects, regards to their relentless effort to push the boundaries of physics and technology way beyond what was deemed "possible" at the time.

The scene in the nevada desert for the first ever showing of the wipeout racer (Nx something... :? ) will be truly glorious.

29th June 2005, 07:03 PM
will, the compressed video history idea sounds really good, much better than a fiction feature. like Thrusty, i think the Nevada test run would have great dramatic potential. the first escape from gravity while almost touching its very source

29th June 2005, 07:07 PM
:Foxxy, is this a true fan fiction piece or is it from one of the manual writers?
The Pierre Belmondo bit in the fan fiction area of the site is by Damon - I don't know where your name came into it.

29th June 2005, 07:22 PM
This sounds really cool! A guy at work (who incidentally worked on the animation for the UK Dyson ad for the DC15 / Ball / Thing) has asked if he could do an animation of the ships I'm creating in Lightwave, but at best that will end up being about 30 seconds.

This sounds like a far juicier prospect! I wish you all the best, mate, and keep us posted! :D


30th June 2005, 01:31 PM
@ will jenkins

sounds cool man.
But: how do you want to realize that? 3D animation? Or cutted clips? Or something else?
I'm sure that 3D animations would look fantastic, maybe they're the way to make such a movie. But these 3D works are alot of work..
Sumi made a few really good looking crafts, they're looking really, really real. But Sumi spend hours to make them - now imagine to re-make all the different ships of all the crafts in WipEout history, adding tracks and other sections! I'm sure you would need more than just one month or two.
Don't understand me wrong. I'm really anxious to your project and I wish you the best. But I think it's alot of work to do, maybe too much for just one person.

hm... maybe you and Sumi could make it :D

6th July 2005, 10:27 PM
I'd say it could be done with a mix of stock video clips/voice overs and 3D. Pretty much everything up until point #5 could have some sort of montage of stock clips associated with it.

Think more or less like the intro to that Star Trek Enterprise series. Each segment shows a step in the evolution of the 'Enterprise', drop the crappy Trek franchise, keep the evolution in steps idea, work it with wipEout & some home brew CG and I think it could work.

Now for the voice of Pierre...

11th July 2005, 05:52 PM
I'm a writer, and I'm fascinated with the whole post-modernist, neo-industrial feel of the WipeOut games and the world that surrounds it...

I would love to help you with anything you need.