View Full Version : wamdue M.I.A.?

28th June 2005, 12:02 AM
Just seen that :dogg thang has been added to the moderator list and wamdue taken away. Dont get me wrong, I wish :dogg thang the best of luck, but just wanted to know really what was/is up with wamdue. Hope he hasnt abandoned usor got booted off for something petty, I liked the guy! :P

28th June 2005, 12:59 AM
Wam is just never here; and as a consequence, doesn't do any moderating. soooo....
he didn't do anything wrong; he's just busy at school all the time

28th June 2005, 09:11 AM
Exactly that - Andreas has been on the Witness Protection Programme for about two years now, so rather than have a moderator that's never here I decided to relieve him of his duties a few weeks back. I don't even know if I have a working e-mail address for Andreas to let him know, but I guess he'll understand anyway - I think he'd be the first to admit that he's just not interested enough in Wipeout any more.

Although I had a couple of people in mind as replacements, after reading back through pretty much every post that Dogg Thang has ever made here it became pretty obvious he was the right kind of man for the job.

Although it does give us a kind of Euro-centric moderator team, with Wipeout traditionally doing well in Europe I expect there'll be an influx of newbies when the PSP/Pure launches here in a couple of months time, so perhaps that's not such a bad thing.

28th June 2005, 12:22 PM
i'm thinking that Drakkenmensch would be a good choice if you were to want another western hemisphere moderator.


even though it's true that several Americans have joined lately, the membership remains primarily European

28th June 2005, 01:36 PM
drakkenmensch? he's been a member for, like, a week! sorry to sound rude, but shoudn't you pick moderators rather carefully? *points at himself* :wink:

Space Cowboy
28th June 2005, 02:41 PM
Im not sure you'd be able to handle the critical comments made about the games, no offence intended. :wink:

28th June 2005, 04:59 PM
I wasn't seriously advertising myself for this job, I just think that a moderator should be someone who has been around for quite a while, and who commits to the forums on a regular (if not every day) basis. - like me!

28th June 2005, 05:19 PM
I am slightly erratic with some of my posts - so i would put me out of any contention.

But to have a sense of control and ur own avatar sounds cool. I like Dogg's new one!

28th June 2005, 07:14 PM
ahem... el habib, Austria is not in the Western Hemisphere. western Europe, yes, but....

the reason i mentioned Drakkenmensch is not for how long he's been a member, but that he displays a certain objectivity and has a sense of humour about himself as well, and seems to be pretty analytical and logical. open to new things and seems to have no ''ax to grind''. AND he lives in the Western Hemisphere! ;)
you PAL region people are dominatin' the boards, dammit. :D

[note that the admins are a Scot brit, a Catalan, and one of those danged americans. two to one for the ''Euros''.]

28th June 2005, 07:30 PM
That's a pretty good exchange rate! :D

28th June 2005, 10:47 PM
heh, I understand that a moderator does have to moderate once in every while, and thats a good enough reason for me!

Thanks for putting my mind at ease.

I didnt want to start a "I should be a moderator because...." thread but it seems I kinda have, and for that I apologise.

That kind of discussion should be held in private.

29th June 2005, 12:01 AM
once again: I didn't want to advertise myself for the job of a moderator by saying what I said. I'm actually quite happy that this work is done by people who like to do it and do it very well. It just felt like a pretty quick shot decision to me, seeing as Drakkenmensch is very new to the forums. That does not mean I question his ability to be a good moderator.

'nuff said :wink:

29th June 2005, 12:10 AM
but it's not a decision. i don't make that decision. it was merely a suggestion to Rob. he may not even want more than 5 moderators at a time

29th June 2005, 09:15 AM
I've never set a limit on a number of moderators, to be honest - it could be that traffic increases to the point where we do need more. However, Dogg Thang had been a member for a year and a half - something that really helped with the decision on his part. The man has been a consistent, level headed contributer for all of that time.

In that way elHabib has a point - Drakkenmensch has been a member for a week. You at least want to get to know someone before you give them the keys to your car. :)

29th June 2005, 11:09 AM
what about a concierge?

29th June 2005, 11:21 AM
The generally have insurance! :D

29th June 2005, 02:17 PM
[note that the admins are a Scot brit, a Catalan, and one of those danged americans. two to one for the ''Euros''.]

And a Canadian! There's five of us here! Don't forget the damn Canadians!

8 D

29th June 2005, 02:32 PM
He was referring to just the admins. :wink:

29th June 2005, 02:48 PM
*suddenly notices that his ears are burning and that people are mentionning him by name in this thread*

I feel honored and validated that you guys feel that I have the kind of level-headed postings that would make a good mod on the forum, but at the same time I agree that I really haven't been here all that long yet. Before we get into any coronation ceremonies where I have to recite ancient prayers in latin while wearing a thirty pound crown of gold and diamonds, let's wait until I get to know everyone and my post count reaches at least the three digit mark.

And as for axes to grind, my only one happens to lie with those darn Triakis pilots and their inhuman targetting accuracy. These guys fire them at the worst possible time (for me) and always with deadly results.

*looks at yet another fiery wreck that used to be a Piranha craft*
*shakes fist at sky*

29th June 2005, 06:38 PM
[observes the scorch marks]
hm... actually this is only Drakkenmensch's 5th day here. odd.... it seems a lot longer. must be some kind of localised time compression nexus where i live.

but anyway, i think you guys are giving my suggestion more apparent weight than it has. 't'was an off the cuff remark, not a signed and notarised application form complete with work record. ;)
i'm not thAt influential [he said modestly]

Spaceboy Gajo
1st July 2005, 05:58 AM
Hey gang,

Has any one wondered wondered where I've been?

Back from wherever it was I came from :lol: These night shifts at work allow me the time to surf the web. So now, I'm catching up with the forums again. Been meaning to do it for a while but I hadn't made the time. Until now, as I said with this job and being on night shifts.

Haven't been up to much, looking to purcahse a PSP and of course picking up Pure with it. It'll help pass the time, rather than trying to come up with sites to visit.

Great to see that the old guard are still here. Okay, not old guard, but some familiar faces since I've last been here and posted. Especially Task, representing us up in the great white north :)

Sorry to hear abour wamdue. Hopefully he'll come back with some invigoration of the series like it has with me.

Instead of making a new topic, I thought this was the closest one to come back to. You know try and make an effort to search before posting a new topic ;)

Spaceboy Gajo

PS - Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canuck pilots!

1st July 2005, 12:12 PM
actually i've been wondering about both you and auslander. both of you Canadians disappeared about the same time, which was a very long time ago. welcome back!

Spaceboy Gajo
4th July 2005, 11:31 AM

Thanks for the thought. Me and auslander have been busy doing life things. He's been lurking on here recently and told me what you guys have been up to. Neither of us own a PSP, so we're missing out on the Pure action.

However I hope to change that, and posting more often. The PSP will sure help me to pass the time when I'm out doing the night shift here. Not to mention posting in a well oiled machine this forum still remains to be. Good to see some things just don't change.

Spaceboy Gajo