View Full Version : Wip3out CG-Movie

10th June 2005, 08:31 PM
I am a 3d designer from Germany ...campany:virgin-lands.
( bad english...sorry ).
and absolutely fan from wipeout since first part .I plan a new 3d project.
a wipeout cg short movie ( 3-5min.)
and look for people in cg the brange are been versed or only good
ideas have!!!.

suggestions and help to:


keep I you natural up to date!!


10th June 2005, 08:54 PM
sounds like ''manic'', doesn't he? ;)

10th June 2005, 09:04 PM
My first thought :D tehe! Probly some of them web translators!

Welcome to the wipeoutzone sol24 and good luck with your project! 8)

11th June 2005, 12:54 AM
from his site looks like we should expect good things if/when this idea gets completed :)

we should all recognise the music in track3 on the flash site too (numbers are down the bottom) and I think track2 is lifted from the menu tune in Dronez

11th June 2005, 01:55 PM
Willkommen in den WipEoutzone-Foren, sol24!!

Sieht aus als würdest du dein Handwerk wirklich verstehen! Da bin ich mal gespannt was du da auf die Beine stellen wirst! Hoffentlich wird das Projekt auch wirklich realistiert und nicht im nächst besten Müll landen. Zeig mal ein paar bilder wenn du die ersten Schiffe/Umgebungen etc. fertig hast, ich bin echt gespannt!

Grüße aus Deutschland :D

PS: Übrigens: Sol2 ist 'ne Strecke in WipEout Pure. Nur eben ohne die 4 ;)


Welcome to the forums, sol24!!

The projects at your site are looking very cool! Looks like you really know what you're doing! I hope that projekt isn't just a idea that won't be reality, I really would like to see what you've described! Show a few pics when you've started with your work!

Greets from Germany :D

PS: Sol2 is a track in WipEout Pure by the way. Just without the 4 ;)

Captain Q
11th June 2005, 09:47 PM
Was bedeutet Sausehuhn eigentlich? Ist es etwas wie "sauce chicken"?

11th June 2005, 10:34 PM
speedy chicken


Jeroen: please do not make posts in which the text contains only non-English. a translation to English is also needed.

12th June 2005, 01:40 PM
ich glaub nicht, dass es für "sausen" eine richtige Übersetztung ins Englishe gibt, aber "running-" (in deutsch "rennen") oder "speedy (in deutsch: "schnelles") chicken" (chicken = "Huhn" in deutsch) sind wohl die besten Möglichkeiten "Sausehuhn" iins Englishe zu übersetzten :)

I don't think theres a real translation for "sausen", but "running" (in German: "rennen") or "speedy (in German: "schnelles") chicken" (chicken = "Huhn" in english) are the best ways to translate it into english. :)

12th June 2005, 02:46 PM
to paraphrase [?] an old Paul Simon song, 'Fifty Mueglichkeiten to leave your lover.' hm.. doesn't seem to fit the melody so well. ;)

er... we seem to be digressing from sol24's subject. time to return to it

12th June 2005, 02:53 PM
It's not Müglichkeiten, it's Möglichkeiten :wink:

12th June 2005, 03:06 PM
ah, but i don't know how to represent the sound in English, one might use ue or oe or perhaps even eh. there's just nothing that is precise enough to represent the true sound in Deutsch. rather like trying to represent an l in Japanese.

now back to the subject of welcomes and CGI videos...

12th June 2005, 03:13 PM
just one thing, just one thing!

the "ä" is easy to spell in english. Look at your nickname: the "a" in Lance sounds like the "ä" in german. So just if you spell it american, not in british (if this is possible). like "after" in english. in american you spell it äfter, in british aaaaaafter :wink:

And now back to topic

PS: will add this post if I've got an idea how to spell "ö" and "ü" in english...

Captain Q
22nd June 2005, 01:25 PM
Okay, sorry to cause such a digression. But thanks for the answers.