View Full Version : Phillips 30" widescreen tv

6th May 2005, 02:03 PM
Only 600 $ at costco, but got it at circuit city for 592$ due to price matching policies. It's a tube Tv, but the picture is amazing on movies, comparable to sony brands of the same make and LCD screens. The clarity blew away my older tv . However, I tried it with wipeout 3 and it did not look as good as my panasonic pal/ntsc tv(which is good, but not hdvt). The picture was clearer. However, for ps2 games and xbox I believe it will look way better, as long as the games are programmed for HD. I actually, now to think of it, didn't have the tv programmed in widescreen at the time, and it took up the whole screen(you can adjust the screen by choosing to stretch out the picture, or choose presets). I think the game may have been "stretched out", so I'll try again later in the actual widescreen setting.

6th May 2005, 03:31 PM
Man, I've always wondered what it would be like playing wipeout on a huge screen. Just imagine owning a movie theater, and hooking the game up to the projector somehow (unless it's one of the newer theaters), that would be freakn' fun!! 8O But first, I must remain humbly content over the fact that I've never played on a large screen before. :roll:

6th May 2005, 04:07 PM
congrats on the new acquisition, Al; i wish i had one of those.


''..hooking the game up to the projector somehow..''
how are you going to hook up a game machine, which puts out an electronic signal for an electronic video display device, to a movie projector which just shines a light through film, all of the signal being pre-recorded on the film and not being interactive like a videogame?

6th May 2005, 04:13 PM
he was probably talking about a video beamer, which works very well with videogame input. Me and my friends done lotsa sessions of Pro Evo with 8 people and a beamer (and a lot of booze, that is :dizzy :D )

6th May 2005, 04:16 PM
I have hooked up wip3out to a lcd projector and a studio sound system

the screen was roughly 75 inches...

ah bliss. :)

6th May 2005, 04:23 PM
i was going by what he said, not what he may have meant. was trying to make a point. i should stop being subtle.


you lucky bahstids. rock on. :)

6th May 2005, 11:24 PM
I said 'somehow', as if only if it were possible. A beam would work a lot better though, of course. :wink:

7th May 2005, 04:31 AM
Al, on big TVs you really need the high quality video cable for your PS2 and/or xbox. Anywhere that sells the consoles should also stock these. It makes a world of difference.

(edit)For example, http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-n-70-dii.html - the component video cable for PS2. Obviously, you should be able to find it locally rather than importing it from p-a, but that's the item I'm talking about.

8th May 2005, 11:50 AM
I think the game may have been "stretched out", so I'll try again later in the actual widescreen setting.yeh I always play wo3/se in widescreen on my 28" tv. been doing that for years now, the best way to play wo imo.
the ship gets wide - like racing a nascar!! ;)

8th May 2005, 12:21 PM
Sometimes i hook up my PS2 of N64 to my Epson TW200 16:9 lcd beamer (2m x 1.2m) and TAG audio and i can tell it gives a really nice picture and great illusion and depth. It also races a little better giving me a little better times and less crashes.

But most of the time i play it on my tv. Its much easier to set up. Beamers only work good in full darkness.

8th May 2005, 12:55 PM
Interestingly wipeout on PSP gives a different illusion of width too thanks to the 16:9 aspect ratio - you have a nice field of view around the ship.

Actually I also cant wait for the new burnout game for PSP ... and GT - yay happy times ahead (mostly Im looking forward to GT as its supposed to unlock the rest of the PSP's processor speed - unlike wipeout).

My theory is that even when the PSP chip speed is unlocked wipeout wont be able to use it. Pity :(

10th May 2005, 04:27 PM
Currently using a Goodmans 42" plasma screen for most of my gaming. Paid nearly £2000 for it and the damn thing is garbage.
If you want my advice, and if you really must have a coma inducingly big and flat screen, either
a) go LCD (because it's more detailled + better contrast)
or b) wait for the next generation of hi-def plasma tv's to come out.
Either way, you cant cut the costs. You really do get what you pay for, and getting the cheaper option will cut the quality.

Nice TV there, Al (actually feeling envious)
I wish I had a CRT tele again....

10th May 2005, 05:19 PM
You must get some serious sense of speed on that thing, Thruster.

I couldn`t play zone mode on Fusion after I changed my 20 inch wooden Mitsubishi 4:3 set for a 28 inch Panasonic 16:9. It all just became too fast and scary. Also the picture on my old tv was pleasantly fuzzy so you never saw any aliasing or other faults in the graphics. Wipeout may be more fun on big tvs, but medium sized ones give better performance, I think. .

10th May 2005, 06:15 PM
not really, it just means I dont get eye strain now. At all. Ever! Infact, it blows normal pictures up to proportions so big you could justifiably complain that WipEout Fusion is "grainy"

Gamimg is definatley best on a 24" - 26" - 28" CRT set. Picture is reasonably big, and with crystal quality.
Until they make a sharper plasma, or a bigger and faster LCD, then normal tube sets are the way forward.

10th May 2005, 06:40 PM
Thruster quoted " 24" - 26" - 28" "

I`d thought you meant woman`s body :roll:

stevie :lol:

10th May 2005, 06:45 PM
i used to get really excited about thin-screen displays until i actually saw a bunch of them. CRT picture quality is just completely superior.
the slow and long-lasting ghosting and the terrible falloff of light level at even a very small angle off the center viewing axis just makes them unbearable for me


lol Stevie. that would be a bit thin for anybody's body. [sings: ''Pictures of matchstick men, a haaaa'']

10th May 2005, 08:28 PM
My tv at home is 28 inch CRT, it has on problem with glare when a 'pixel' is ar full red, green or blue but wipeout 3se still looks fine.

If those were a woman's figres lance, they would look like a christams tree if they wore a green top.


Go figure :roll: :P

11th May 2005, 12:05 AM
24" - 26" - 28"

heh, and that's just ONE LEG :D

11th May 2005, 02:18 PM
I think I am going with a new dvd player that has hdmi outputs for my tv. I heard that really ups the picture quality. Can't wait for xbox2 or especially ps3 in that ps3 will have high def dvd's, coupled with the hdmi inputs(read: expensive) should look amazing. It looks very good as is, but more is never enough I guess

11th May 2005, 05:33 PM

You do know it's supposed to be all about the personality, right :wink:

11th May 2005, 07:10 PM
I would be worried if my tv started to chat me up... :P