View Full Version : Bikes: FFVII's vs Akira's !!

phase 2
28th April 2005, 01:32 AM
I always wanted to pop this question witch bike do people think is sicker Clouds bike
from FF7 or Konata's Bike featured in the anime movie Akira I have never seen A better
motorcycle then these two in the non real world althogh Clouds Bike reminds me of a
Triumph in real life the Red one that Tetsuo rides in Akira reminds me of nothindg I have ever seen before in the real world exept that four wheel chrome one its to bad I don't know who makes it or have the model off hand. In my personal opinion its a TIE between the both of them. If anyone cares To vote just simply reply....

28th April 2005, 02:45 AM
Tetsuo? Any relation to Arial and Arian? Heh...

Can't say on that topic since i've never seen said movie and i wasn't paying much attention to anything much of detail through the first few (or most others for that matter,) hours of FFVII (we talking the one he rides out of the skyscraper-y building that i forget the name of, right?)

Sorry I can't be of assistance, just noticed that polls are switched off on WOZ, wierd that 8O

phase 2
28th April 2005, 03:04 AM
Nope no relation totaly different subject funny coincedent though and yes I am talking about the bike Clould bust out of that building with.

28th April 2005, 03:06 AM
For me its Kaneda´s bike, havent seen Clouds before, but took a search and its really nice, here something you might want to take a look at... i want one too!! :



Japanese toys are awesome.

phase 2
28th April 2005, 03:56 AM
Hey thanks alot Mano I actualy went to this mom & pop video game store to find obscure games. It was replaced by a store called tokio kid (anime shop) and I saw a metal and plastic toy replica of Cloud sitting on his bike over 100$ so so sweet though.
I also heard this over a glass counter game vender tends diaspaer fore some months then randomly pop back up. :D so know thiers two Tokio Kid stores in the same mall?
what ever its cool.


28th April 2005, 04:05 AM
fookin hell, id say kanedas bike! i have a figue of him on the bike on top of my second monitor =D it was in a capsule i bought at forbidden planet. itt all depends on taste, kanedas is more modern whereas clouds (stolen from shinra) is quite old and powerful looking. given the choice, id take kaneda's.

btw, lance turned off the polls because he basically thought they were cheap and lowered the standard of the forums, basically. i agree too =D

28th April 2005, 04:05 AM
i would have to say Kaneda's, its so sleek and awesome looking. has a bunch of stickers on it that give it an almost w'o'' feel. Clouds bike is cool but its cool in a harley kind of way which isnt really my style. The combination that makes that part of FFVII so awesome is buster sword + bike ( gives me fond memories of road rash ). However Kaneda has an awesome lazer + bike moment in akira! heh. enough rambling. Kaneda wins! ( i have a poster of that bike on my wall )

phase 2
28th April 2005, 04:30 AM

Hybrid Divide
28th April 2005, 05:33 AM
Kaneda's bike. No contest.

AKIRA rocked my world. And not only that, but, WipEout XL / 2097's world owes quite a lot to the likes of AKIRA and Blade Runner for setting it's Neon Futuristic mood.

Great stuff all around.

28th April 2005, 08:35 AM
my vote goes to Clouds bike!
Anytime! 8)

28th April 2005, 01:07 PM
I love choppers, and i hate these plastic electric razors that are sometimes called as superbikes (yeah....sort of). Anyway, i always liked the sound of a chopper, and the way you sit on a seat that's 50cm abov the ground with no suspension on the rear wheel. But i choose Akira's bike. I don't know why, it just looks awesome, whereas Cloud's bike is more like a ratbike. I don't know why, but i like it.

phase 2
28th April 2005, 01:13 PM

this is the corect link.

28th April 2005, 01:55 PM
cool! added a link coz I couldnt see it before! forgot how it looked. :)

28th April 2005, 03:42 PM
Gonaka said: ''btw, lance turned off the polls because he basically thought they were cheap and lowered the standard of the forums, basically. i agree too =D''

no, i did not turn off the polls; infoxicated did. the polls were almost always used for subjects like ''What's your favourite team?'' and ''What's your favourite track?''. in other words, stuff we had already seen over and over and over.

28th April 2005, 03:47 PM
I'll take Kaneda's bike anyday. There's just something about the futuristic setting that grabs me, and Akira was just brilliant anyway.

28th April 2005, 04:00 PM
Kaneda's bike leaves bright neon trails. I'm fairly sure we can all agree that means it wins.

28th April 2005, 08:37 PM
Heheh, y'know what that Konata bike kinda loosely reminds me of (http://www.tron-sector.com/gallery/default.aspx?do=gallery&section=1&category=4&group=Lightcycles)? :) And if it leaves bright neon trails, weeeell :roll:

phase 2
29th April 2005, 02:50 PM

real replica of Konedas bike!!

12th May 2005, 12:46 PM
Easily Cloud's bike. I love it when stuff has that rough, unsophisticated, effective look that only comes from machine components without chrome, stylized details or protecting bodywork. Raw, pure machinery. Mmmmmmm!

Also, I want to say that just because something doesn't look that complex or high-tech doesn't mean it isn't. I mean, look at the artwork to earlier Wipeout games. The early edgy Quirex models made me shudder. Whenever you don't need protection or streamlining, loose it. It's only dead weight. You need some extra cooling for the engine? Sure, put up a pair of outlying air intakes or coolant lines. Anything for performance.

Quite simply, to me, functionalism is beauty.

12th May 2005, 02:20 PM
for a racing machine that requires movement through the airmass at the highest possible speed, the most important requirements are streamlining and high thrust. hence the functional beauty of fighter aircraft and the Concorde. probably the only exception to this would be if you need anti-radar stealthy shapes, which unfortunately lose aerodynamic efficiency at the same time as they gain stealth. as long as racing speed is more important than defemse against detection, you need the beauty of great aerodynamics. even the weapons of beautiful fighter aircraft are streamlined themselves or carried in streamlined pods. even the air intakes for the engines are aerodynamically refined to the highest degree possible by wind-tunnel testing. that's the kind of functionality i like to see

12th May 2005, 02:34 PM
Still, outlying exhaust-pipes or such can be made to fit close to the body and interfere as little as possible with the aerodynamics. Even on a F1 racecar there are still parts that must invariably be made from metal and others that must "stick out" from the whole design. And there is little as functionalistic as a formula-one racer, wouldn't you agree?

What I mean is why cover up the component with loads of bodyweight when you do not need to? Look at dragbikes for example. The Suzuki Hayabusa hasn't got **** on them when it comes to speed and is hardly as good-looking. Sure, it runs on gasoline and not nitromethane, but that's not the point. Dragbikes are made for speed and they achieve high speeds without having to cover every single bodypart with carbon- or glass-fiber.

Anyway, look at a dragbike. THAT is the kind of design I would like to see in Wipeout. Metallic details that show and are made up by polygons, not painted ones. The painted ones just interfere with the bodywork and make it look less streamlined and racer-like. Sure, you can paint edges that look like sections of bodywork, no problem, but don't make whole GAPS of them!

12th May 2005, 03:14 PM
F1 requires traction on a surface, hence tires that are big, but cars also require minimum unsprung weight [to better handle road irregularities] and minimum overall weight. and it's in the regulations that they must not have fenders. so that particular aspect of functionality is not streamlined. they are also required to have open cockpits. part of their unstreamlined ''functional look'' is required by the rules, not by function. but the key difference is that they are not freeflying aircraft, which our beloved fantasy anti-grav racers are. anti-grav racers should look like aircraft, not like um... the Fusion Auricom, for instance. ;)

i do sympathise with your tastes to a certain extent. one of my favourite car designs is one i did myself that is all angles and straight lines, some wedge shapes at the front, but everything else rectilinear. the object was to reduce aerodynamic resistance by reducing frontal area, but not to worry much about coefficient of drag. [which is equally important, but i just chose to ignore it in order to get ''the look''.]

oh, before i forget, i think drag machines are about acceleration, not speed. also the huge expansion in diameter of the spinning drag tires compared to their resting diameter makes bodywork impractical. it is most certainly functional not to have highly streamlined bodies on a drag machine that only runs for a quarter of a mile for a few seconds. the allowance for expansion, and the importance of keeping weight to a minimum and over the rear tires, outweighs the advantages of streamlining for this particular type of machine. they have a different function from a road racing bike or airplane or anti-grav racer. what looks functional varies for each type of machine.

and BTW, i like Kaneda's bike

12th May 2005, 04:29 PM
"and BTW, i like Kaneda's bike"
... :lol:

And I like Coud's bike!! Looks so much tougher than Kaneda's. Kaneda is more futuristic and stuff, but Cloud's bike is just so much cooler!! It freakn' rocks!!

12th May 2005, 04:41 PM
purely a matter of personal taste since neither of the bikes actually 'functions'; neither of the animes has a physics engine, so there are no performance characteristics to be calculated; there is only a look to be liked or not, to greater or lesser degree

12th May 2005, 04:59 PM
Ya, your exactly right. We're all mainly spilling out our personalities into each other's laps. 8O I guess the character of Cloud is just so extroardinarly awesome to me. It's dark, but not to cheesy. It's over-exagerated, but to the coolest points. It's mainly fit for a tougher cool look of style, as for Kaneda's, I guess I just can't really relate to it. :wink:

phase 2
12th May 2005, 05:01 PM
With Lance and Manics points both taken in to consideration. Kaneda & Clouds bike two different monsters but still equaly superior in thier own rite see the blue tank neer clouds engine yes indeed that is nitris as if you all didn't know but like som one sead above Kaneda's douse leave vaper trailes remember that seen when Tetsuo crashed the bike in that movie it took neerly the whole entire seen for his crew to catch up! I Guess its just a matter of taste in the end but its still a toss up ^ fore me! Best bike desighns I have seen yet evan better than Ghost riders flaming wheeled machine but then again who else has flaming wheels?

13th May 2005, 09:09 AM
I'd really like to have a look at Tetsuo's bike though... even with 200hp that front end must really screw up the aerodynamics. Must have a Cv value of 0.8 or something...

Lotsa air resistance and horsepower won't get you anywhere. And mechanical details can be added without significantly increasing resistance. Problem there is the drag created by turbulence. Also, when you're talking air resistance and motorcycles it's really hard to calculate. A motorcycle is a very uncomplicated structure in comparison to a car, and is almost completely dependant on power for attaining high speeds. I mean, a motorcycle's weight is usually somwhere around 20-25% of that of a car of equal power (I'm talking superbikes like top-end Ducatis, Yamahas and Suzukis here), giving it an extreme weight to power ratio. Still, the car has a higher top speed than a motorcycle. Why? Because ALL motorcycles have poor aerodynamics due to their construction. So, in order to get a faster bike, the best way to go is to choose a completely different design, one not like either Tetsuo's or Cloud's bike.

The End :roll: