View Full Version : Worst game ever made?

24th April 2005, 07:26 PM

I found this gem earlier today while browsing Gamespot for some truly bad games (don't ask me why). Trust me, have a look at the video review they gave for it, it's one of the funniest reviews I've ever seen! :wink:

24th April 2005, 07:56 PM
Ive always considered acclaims BMX:XXX to be one of the worst games ever made :P

24th April 2005, 08:21 PM
Ever heard of Superman 64? You will have more fun chopping of your penis with a crusty bread knife than playing this game.

24th April 2005, 08:40 PM
:lol: That video review's funny as hell :turd

24th April 2005, 09:20 PM
Yes, I have heard of Superman 64 and the utter pile of tripe it was. Looks like Gamespot slaughtered that one as well, gave it a 1.3. Don't know if you saw it, but there's another video in that Big Rigs menu with a quick look at the top 10 frighteningly bad games of 2004. No prizes for guessing what's top. :wink:

24th April 2005, 09:47 PM
Medal of Honour: Rising Scum

Okay, perhaps it's not the worst game ever played, but it comes pretty close. ;)

25th April 2005, 12:44 AM
:lol: Awesome!!! Never tried to look for really bad games before. I guess it really pays off. :D

@Lance: Because of the enjoyment you can get watching them. :wink:

25th April 2005, 04:14 AM
how does it pay off?

26th April 2005, 10:27 PM
I think he's saying because when you find a really reeeally bad one, there'll be a gamespot video extracting the proverbial, always good for a laugh... of course i could be completely wrong and about to be called a spacker by chill :roll:

*edit* I didn't see the edit on chill's post :P

26th April 2005, 11:42 PM
well, i just look at it differently [oh, thEre's a surprise, eh? biiiig eyeroll]. the way i see it, the laughs that some people get out of seeing something totally incompetent and ill-conceived are based on the feeling they get from realising that '' I can do better than that.''
pretty sad isn't it if you have to look at something crappy to raise your own self-esteem? it just makes me unhappy to see things badly done when somebody somewhere could have made something good out of it

27th April 2005, 12:03 AM
Lance, you may be right on many things, but, UHM, NO. I find this video review hilarious even though I couldn't do it better AT ALL, for I haven't any skills with the programs required to do so. The fact that amuses me about such bad games, is that developers DARE to release a game to the public which doesn't even meet the requirements you would expect from the most basic point of view. Did you see what happened when the truck wanted to go over the bridge? it clipped through it, drove down into the valley below the bridge, and up the other side, and clipped through the bridge again. I find it very funny, but in a sad way, that some people who call themselves developers, can't even figure out how to do that one right.

27th April 2005, 12:20 AM
'' I find it very funny, but in a sad way..''
you see? it's a sad thing. why would they release something so poor? if they truly could do no better, why would they want to give or sell such a bad thing to someone else? i find it hard to laugh at this. surely we humans should do better than that

27th April 2005, 12:29 AM
I laugh at the developers boldness, and about their idiotism in believeing that things like that will be unnoticed and that their product will sell well.

27th April 2005, 02:25 AM
and so they are stupider than we, and we may laugh at them as the medieval peasants laughed at the village idiot.

but i am sad at seeing such things, and angry that the teachers and friends of these people did not do right by them, did not help them to be better, to do better.

27th April 2005, 04:37 AM
It's amazing to see such a poor release of a game, and funny at the same time. Of course, I'm not sure about myself, as I probably would do worse if I gave it a shot, but then why even give it a shot?!! 8) The only reason anyone would buy this game is to show off how truly bad it is. :wink: Dim was spot-on about my post. And I wouldn't worry about any name calling, your my friend. Your all my friends. :P Thought you already knew that. :wink:

phase 2
28th April 2005, 12:01 AM
LoL that was hilariose :roll: :lol: Lance is rite to some degree though about people being able to make something good out of something that probobly was not given its all into the project.

28th April 2005, 08:41 AM
Lego racers was pretty bad ..
to me mostly coz of the cam - no tilt/spring there at all!
tryed it once then threw it in the bin.
and ODT - that was so hyped!!! The Disappointment! :|

Dogg Thang
28th April 2005, 08:51 AM
Lance, tragedy is the root of most (if not all) humour. Allow yourself to laugh at the mistakes of others! Besides, learning (and laughing) from the mistakes of others is one of the best ways to better ourselves - as long as you're also willing to see and learn from your own mistakes too.

Bad games? Well the only game I ever returned because it was piss poor was the GBA Attack of the Clones game. The guy asked me why I was returning it and I said 'Have you played this?' and he just looked at me and said 'Yeah, fair enough'.

28th April 2005, 09:15 AM

I got the same response when I took back Driver 3.... actually, I think I done Medal of Honour: Rising Scum a disservice, Driver 3 was immeasurably worse than that in so many ways. At least MOH:RS was just a poor game and knew it, Driver 3 was a piss poor game masquerading as a AAA contender.

At the risk of showing my age, does anyone remember the Don't Buy This! series for the ZX Spectrum?

It was, quite simply, a collection of games that would never see the light of day by themselves, but made quite an interesting collection. By interesting I mean in the same way as rubber necking at a car crash is interesting.

The game on the tape that vividly sticks out for me, cant remember the name, was a one where you were a dog and you had to walk about a garden that was infested by moles. When the little buggers came to the surface you had to sit down by the hole and wag your tail, slapping them on the head until they went away. Rinse and repeat until you'd got rid of the number of moles required to complete the level. It was awful - the graphics were poor, even by Spectrum standards, and the gameplay was as repetative as it gets.... but somehow I spent a good while going back to the game. :)

...after two minutes of digging, I found a link - the dog game was called Fido! :lol:


28th April 2005, 05:32 PM
The game that was my dad's worst, and not much of a favorite of mine, was 'Perfect Weapon'. I haven't bought enough games to really get anything extremely bad, but that one was the worst I've had throughout my life. You'd try to jump some small jump, and he'd say 'no way', and it would be incredibly hard to find something to jump over. You'd spend hours just trying to pass one little part:


'no way' :lol:

13th May 2005, 05:01 PM
The in game video of "Big Rigs" almost had me crying it was so funny! Thanks for that!

13th May 2005, 08:11 PM
omg that game really sux with the trucks .. omg its worse worse and worse...
i really laughed when navaro got psycho lol.

15th May 2005, 01:24 PM
"Chronicles of The Sword". See if you can find it. Or actually, don't. It sucks ass so hard that Big Rigs is a masterpiece in comparison. It won first prize in the "Turkey Hunt" we had at this TV-game event we had in Stockholm a week ago.

DJ Ikari
16th May 2005, 09:37 PM
Ever heard of Superman 64? You will have more fun chopping of your penis with a crusty bread knife than playing this game.

We must never speak of this game ever again! Such evil must never be spoken of. I thought Earthworm Jim 2 on the GBA was really bad. I loved the SNES/Genesis version, and I thought a portable version whould be awesome... but man they really butchered that game (Or I just got a really buggy version that froze alot).

17th May 2005, 01:34 PM
I bought a game called "adventures of the smart patrol" because the picture on the front amused me, as did the tagline "watch out for turkey-monkey!"
it cost me NZ$1, I felt ripped off when I played it.
was one of those nasty quicktime (version 2?) games. and basically a publicity engine for the 80s group Devo.
Truly terrible, avoid if at all possible