View Full Version : Just 2/3 power

24th April 2005, 12:14 PM
Just 2/3 power of the PSP is used at the moment. Later the PSP will run with 3/3 (333mhz).
read this:

>> http://gamesradar.msn.co.uk/news/default.asp?pagetypeid=2&articleid=35451&subsectionid=1591

maybe Pure will run better when Sony is making a new battery?
I hope so! maybe no Slowdows anymore (?)

24th April 2005, 01:14 PM
The battery has nothing to do with how fast the machine runs. Also, the PSP's operating system requires some overhead, and that's why the games are limited in the processor cycles they can use. The OS has to be there all the time, as pressing the Home button, for example, takes you back to the OS.

Console manufacturers have pulled this kind of gag before, though - the N64 and the original PlayStation had limitations placed on them initially, before developers were sent code libraries that unlocked the extra power to give the machine a new lease of life.

24th April 2005, 06:53 PM
Infox I think it has everything to do with the battery life, otherwise they wouldn't have placed these restrictions. Ok not everything, but largely. I really do believe they will produce new longer lasting battery packs, and once they are out, they will release the codes. But it also has to do with the fact of trying to keep the console fresh, if every year developers keep on producing better graphics as time goes by, more peeps are inclined to purchase a psp.

24th April 2005, 07:17 PM
Release codes to do what, exactly?

The OS needs that processing power - everything runs on top of it.

There are limits on how much a game can access the UMD, so I think those rules will be relaxed with the longer battery life, rather than any leaps in processing power being unleashed.

24th April 2005, 08:19 PM
The release codes to allow the psp to push the gaming graphics further Infox.

24th April 2005, 09:20 PM
that doesn't affect finished games, though. It means that, once they find a way to use all the cpu power, they can make games with that in mind, which might look slightly better than the first gen games. Nothin more than that.

24th April 2005, 09:48 PM
The release codes to allow the psp to push the gaming graphics further Infox.I stand completely corrected. :roll:

24th April 2005, 09:50 PM
lol :roll:
some people seem to really think purE will look even better when they 'release the full power of the PSP'.

ya know, kids, the easter bunny is just a story...


24th April 2005, 11:06 PM
Well I was obviously speaking for next gen games, i really didn't mean the ones already out silly boy :D

25th April 2005, 12:02 PM
Oh, yeah, obviously 8)

Dogg Thang
25th April 2005, 12:46 PM
Not sure why you're giving Axel a hard time on this. He's right. The PSP has been limited to 2/3 of what it is capable of. A large part of this is down to the limited battery life - the more work the PSP is doing, the more battery it consumes. There are other factors of course but Sony made efforts with the firts gen titles to limit battery consumption.

That doesn't mean that current games will ever look any different (and nowhere in Axel's posts does he say or even imply that) but it does mean that games in the future that use the extra power (the first being GT4) could well look considerably better. If and when better batteries are released, keeping limits on the PSP will be less of a concern for Sony.

25th April 2005, 01:47 PM
As foxy already stated, the PSP has its OS running parallel to the game all the time, which eats up processing power, too. With PS2, there was no OS running in the background, and newer games look better simply because developers are finding tricks to compress textures better and stuff like that (like in killzone f.ex.). This is NOT due to some ominous 'release codes' that let the processor run at higher frequencies. So a better battery pack for PSP will simply mean that the game can load more frequently from the UMD, which will indeed affect the quality of certain games which use streaming, like first person shooters or action adventures with long, open levels. Racing games like wipEout, however, will not be affected by this, as they load the whole track, physics engine, textures etc. up front. The only thing that's streamed in purE is the music, and that doesn't really itch the UMD and the battery life much.

Dogg Thang
25th April 2005, 02:06 PM

eLhabib, the capping is well documented. Have a read of that and do some searches for older articles too.

25th April 2005, 02:11 PM
hmm, never heard of that before... alright, if that source is reliable, then you may be right. Still think it's mainly about UMD drive usage.