View Full Version : An "A-G engine X-prize"

will jenkins
22nd April 2005, 02:43 PM
Is there here some very rich wipers? i think it will be a great idea to organize a prize with a good reward to make some research on A-G engine as for they made for space ship one! (i take no drugs for information, just want to imagine a better world with great A-G ship!)

22nd April 2005, 02:57 PM
I'm not rich, but i'd sure give a prize to woman who would invent an AG generator.

I'd draw her a nice picure! (and what did you think I'd do you perverts? :wink: )

22nd April 2005, 03:16 PM
I thought marry her... :?

Anyway. I would be amazed if Anti gravity was ever covered in GCSE Science a few years on from now.

I can imagine how a AG unit would work as in propulsion I think.

To get it hovering on the spot it would mean the ag unit would have to be parallel with the surface it was on top of. Any form of propulsion as in jet or propellor would be sufficient to get it rolling forward and there wouldn't be the problem of friction to get it started. Leaning it left or right would make it drift in the desired direction and the flaps which we see as airbrakes on wipeout would be used as rudders to cause drag and make the ship turn. Which in theory means you could get some extra speed leaning forward. (but you could make the craft carreer straight into the ground if the jets are on mind.) How we could get the ag unit to work is another matter. From what i know gravity is on evil thing scientifically to defy. Centrepical force is a possibillity to create somthing but if anyone know more about it add here. :D

= George =

22nd April 2005, 03:48 PM
You could use two magnetic tracks to "suspend" the ag between, but that would cause major problems for racers with fillings !!could be amusing tho !

22nd April 2005, 05:43 PM

22nd April 2005, 05:57 PM
last time i got a filling, it was plastic. haha. [zooms ahead of metal-filled competitors]

22nd April 2005, 06:05 PM
I'll come after you once I've yanked my face off the dashboard. :lol:

22nd April 2005, 06:16 PM
All of that stuff sounds good but it's not actually anti-gravity, no one's even sure if such a thing is possible as we don't yet know exactly what gravity is (in a physical sense) all we know are it's effects, sure you can oppose it with another force and eventually overcome it if you apply enough force in contrary to it but to actually nullify it is another matter entirely. If you want to think of AG in such loose terms as simply overpowering gravity then we already accomplished it when the Montgolfier brothers flew the first passenger carrying hot-air balloon.

22nd April 2005, 06:21 PM
Yeah, that sounds fair enough. Now to find a way to fit a whole hot-air balloon into a narrow tunnel of Altima VII, give it some jet engines, and were're home fellas! real life AG-racing :wink:

22nd April 2005, 06:38 PM
that damned Louis XVI made them send up animals first instead of people. so the first non-flying creatures to ascend high above the surface were a sheep and a rooster. a presumably lazy duck was also along for the ride. we do not know the names of these brave heroes. nor do we know if the duck laid any eggs.

the French animal lovers were so incensed at Louis' lack of concern for non-humans that eventually they incited a riot at the Bastille, and the rest is history

22nd April 2005, 08:00 PM
LOL at the animal lovers starting the French Revolution.

Seriously though, the whole point of the wipEout ships is that they are actually truly generating and operating in a gravity-free environment, no jets, no brute force to keep you up in the air.

The closest thing we've come to approximating AG is VSTOL planes like the Harrier, and that's hideously outdated now, there's just no interest from any government to fund research into more practical means of powered flight.

22nd April 2005, 11:37 PM
Lance, the French lacked ambition really when it came to vertical propulsion of animals. The Russians and Americans showed how to do it during the years of the cold war:


The way the Russians treated these loved family pets led of course to the collapse of the Soviet Union around 30 years later. Despite its own less than glorious record in this regard, somehow the American regime struggles on. :wink:

I saw on TV once (so it must be true) that it takes 5 times the weight of an object in fuel in order to propel it into space. This isn`t practical in the long term for the commercial or military use of space. I`m sure NASA, or something even more secret than that, is working on a solution to this problem right now. When Anti-Grav gets invented I`m sure it won`t be by some romantic French idealist and his dusty band or renegades..... rather it`ll be by men in white coats who get paid a lot of money to find innovative ways of blowing things up.

23rd April 2005, 12:20 AM
so you're saying that the death of poor little Laika resulted more than two decades later in the downfall of Communism? hmm...... yas, i think that may very well be. although a similar fate has not befallen the U.S. for having sent poor little Ham, the monkey, 'beyond the world we know.'

it must be noted, however, that President Lyndon Baines Johnson's elevation of his dog by the ears was followed not long thereafter by the election of a Republican adminstration. i do believe we have stumbled upon an engine of historical mechanics, a newly discovered political principal.

Space Cowboy
23rd April 2005, 07:55 AM
Actually if your interested in real life AG systems, then visit this page:
These amateur AG enthusiasts have taken the first steps to realising a dream.
Im currently working on my own version of their AG lifter, with the goal of lifting its own PSU.

phase 2
28th April 2005, 02:55 AM
Its to bad i'm not rich I would love to make this plus a hover board really work.

28th April 2005, 05:51 AM
Believe it or not phase 2, but before I know of Wipeout as a little kid, I thought it would be awesome to have a hoverboard also! :lol: I would just fantasize... :wink:

28th April 2005, 02:47 PM
probably most of us who watched Back to the Future II thought a hoverboard would be awesome. possibly not as awesome as the 'flying' locomotive in BttF III, but still pretty cool

Dogg Thang
28th April 2005, 02:53 PM
Yeah, not only did I think it would be cool to have a hoverboard, I thought we'd long have them by now. Come on, it's the space year 2005!

28th April 2005, 04:12 PM
hooray for hoverboards, surely there is some japanese company that is designing them !!!

make them faster I want one now !!!

Zero [RG] [HG]
30th April 2005, 04:33 AM
Try http://www.amazing1.com.
Or look in the back of Popular Science.
Hmmm, April 2005 edition, PopSci... page... One-hundred and eleven! (111)

Anti Gravity, Hoverboards, 200+ mph OMG!


16th May 2005, 12:31 PM
Hoverboards can eat my ass-hair. I want a jetbike!

And that site you mentioned was WAY COOL! Always wondered what those guys on the Eg.R team meant when they said "electrogravitation". Maybe the game designers took a peek at some of these sights before making the game? (probably not)