View Full Version : Future Generation Game Titles.

17th April 2005, 11:56 PM
I would simply like to use this topic for descriptions of previous brainstorming you've all done for future game consoles like the PS3, Xbox2, Gamecube 2, and beyond. Just to throw out some game ideas as if we had the power to produce it. Here are some of mine:

Wipeout Timeline: From the first Wipeout, and stightly before at the breaking point of when the envention was first thought of, to the endless future. It would be made of all the Wipeout games with awesome graphics and a lot longer than any/all of those. It would take nearly forever to master. :wink:

Medieval Fantasy: A game where you basically live in the medieval time era, and you can either make a living becoming a smith, cook, basically anything you could have done at that time. You could become a Gladiator, Warrior, and many other things related. You could make a pact with a dragon, and simply explore and find things such as fairies, angels, and incredibly imaginative creatures. The ideas for this game are endless.

Creature Life: Choose any kind of creature to live as, a spider, a cheetah, anything, and learn to live like that animal. You'd need to hunt, drink water, basically everything that creature would have to do in order to survive. This game would be great for online, you could hunt down someone else, or be hunted down by someone, as if it were actually in action. You'd also have to build you physical abilities up to be able to survive, well, as said earlier, anything that particular creature would need to do. :wink:

These are just some ideas I've thought of in case anyone with a killer console in the future can't think of anything. They then could mabye come across these. More ideas to add would be great, that is, if you want to say them. :P

phase 2
28th April 2005, 12:11 AM
This is kind of crazy but I remember seeing a game in a magazine along time ago about you being a wolf in a wolf pack and surviving with them if you were to grow to week the other wolfes would then try to gang up on you never played it though. I would love to see the brutal truth in more video games thank god fore Rock Star but I do agree that these games should not be in the hands of minors. as a kid I would have hated this I will be the first to admit that but could you imagin going to a block buster and just being able to rent only rated G kids movies??? :roll: This would truly suck... PS thier was a game fore the Nintendo called Bee 52 if I remember corectly,also a misquito game fore the PS one or two that was included in a magazine demo disk with similar themes.

Bob Todd
28th April 2005, 04:18 PM
The problem with games like the creature one and the medieval one is that, although they sounds good on paper, in practice I don't think you'd get many takers. I mean, how exciting is a cheetah's life?

A 'do-anything' game does appeal to the explorer in me. My very first videogame was Spyro the Dragon on the PS1. Before that, I'd only ever seen 2D games like Sonic and Mario, so a three-dimensional game in which you can walk around in a virtual world was absolutely amazing for me. I loved the first Jak because it's all one vast unbroken world. Jak II and 3 are very technically impressive with the size of the worlds with no loading times too. My ideal next-gen game would be a vast and beautiful world incorporating many environments (desert, obligatory lava and ice, forests, bleak futuristic city ruins, vibrant living cities, lakes, beaches, jungles, swamps etc) with lots of secrets to discover.

28th April 2005, 05:20 PM
Yes, the atmosphere would be best if it's like that in the future. But soon they'll get so good that they'll need to add other senses to the experiance rather than just sight and sound in order to get better. Like mabye the sense of smell (breeze, cold air, the smell of nature), temperature senses, and mabye even actual pain. Mabye wires hooked up to the brain or something. :lol: Just think about scary games!! 8O

Bob Todd
28th April 2005, 05:37 PM
That does sound cool. I do think, however, that we should look more to Hideo Kojima's approach of utilising the entire hardware and the room in which the player sits. A good example of this are in Scrambler, in which at one point the volume keeps dropping, so you have to keep turning up the sound on the telly, until you suddenly hear a bomb ticking followed by a speaker-threateningly loud explosion. MGS also uses memory card-reading to simulate mind-reading, switching controller ports to outmanoeuvre a boss, making a controller move across the floor with the rumble units, and having to input a code from the actual game box (bummer if you bought a boxless second-hand copy).

One game developer (can't remember who, but it might have been Kojima) wanted to have a device in one of his arcade games that would spray water on the players during gory scenes.

Don't forget also that simpler ideas are good too. It's annoying when a game has unskippable, unpausable, or worse: unpausable but skippable cutscenes.

phase 2
29th April 2005, 02:02 AM
Next Gen @rcades

Rite now the arcade industrie is suffering a horible drout do to the vast improvement in graphics and 3d worlds on your home consils.To really resurect this style of gaming I think more arcades should turn more to the virtual reality route with the eye ware,full imersive rooms that could replicate a level,holagrams,sound quality submerged around you as aposed to all the sound coming out of one speaker,body ware etc etc etc tecnology hasnt really got up to that speed yet and gaming as a whole is just in its infincie.
thats to bad but it will get thier sooner or later. The maker of Jet Set Radio was asked
"what would his perfect game be" he then sead the perfect game would be a game where the user forgot he was holding a controler oddly enough that game kind of gave me that feeling. as you maid the statement above about the "Horror games" a man behind the silent hill series also maid pretty much the same coments those were great pionts indeed.Last but not least I have saw some pictures of what mite be the new XBoX
model.. no controler ports!! just an infered screen on the front of the consil small step but still interesting. Probibly no lag in the controlers either like I have heard about some wireless ones on the market now availible fore varios systems. Also if any one has saw these pics of what could be the new xbox they look pretty sweet the system is mostly all chrome and the top and bottum kind of curve inward towards the middle similar to a half pipe.


This kid has the goods on what mite be the new X BoX dont sweat to hard just scrole down a little after clicking on the link some of you may have already saw these pics though..