View Full Version : Goodbye, cruel world.

Bob Todd
13th March 2005, 03:29 AM
Hello, sexy world! :D

:arrow: We welcome you to Church of Pokey (http://pub87.ezboard.com/bstonage)!

13th March 2005, 04:55 PM
hmmmmmmmm what the hell is this site?

Bob Todd
13th March 2005, 05:28 PM
Just a message board of which I'm a co-admin. Thought I'd whore it. I reckon I've been here long enough to get away with the occasional shameless pimpage.

Despite the name, we're not really a Pokey (http://www.yellow5.com/Pokey) fansite - everyone is welcome. Keep refreshing to see quotes from the great Pokey. We've also got a 'from the fora' bit, which is like the WipEQuote on this site.

13th March 2005, 05:33 PM
Excuse me Anna, but bychance do you have a new website?

Nice and random. Just how I like it!
btw. Lemme know when you plan to get married to that brick. I want pictures!!!!! :lol: LMAO

So, how is ezboard these days... still conning innocent webusers out of their bandwidth as usual?

Bob Todd
13th March 2005, 05:38 PM
I do have a new website, made with my online friend Marty: Church of Dante (http://www.churchofdante.tk). Despite the similarities of names, the site and the board are in no way connected. Marty and I thought up the site's name (it's a Devil May Cry fansite), but the board's name was thought up, completely independently, by a chap called Gotty.

The board was originally The Stonage Repository, made by two chaps called Dan and Sim(on). Later it got scrapped and remade due to inactivity, and I was promoted from mod to admin ('cos I can actually be arsed to look after the board. :lol: ). Plus, Sim's hardly ever online.

Yeah, ezboard's as poop as ever, but it does the job. It may not be ideal for something with as much traffic as WZ, but it suffices for CoP.