View Full Version : PSP games thread!

Asche XL
7th March 2005, 11:47 PM
What happened to Gran Turismo? When PSP was confirmed they showed gt all over the place complete with game footage and a cool case/cd design. Now that the psp is right around the corner, there's no talk of it? What happened?

7th March 2005, 11:52 PM
errr.... they set up us the bomb? [/ayb reference]
Last I heard, they were taking a lot of stuff out of GT4 so they could fit it into the PSP, and taking more stuff out so they had room for multiplayer/WiFi software.
A double whammy!

Release date unconfirmed.

7th March 2005, 11:59 PM
Well, it says 29 March on gamespot.com, so maybe it will be released then!

(although I am doubting that)

8th March 2005, 05:06 AM
Exept for purE I'll be getting Armored Core which is already out so I'm hoping for a good price :D

Praeterea censeo autopilotum esse delendam

8th March 2005, 05:14 AM
AC? For PSP? i'm an AC fan too, but i wouldn't recomend buying it, i mean, you do know that the AC FF is strictly AI Vs. AI you can't controll mechs you can only watch while your mech is fighting by itself...

8th March 2005, 05:40 AM
8O are you sure about that??!!!
well you probly know what you are talking about so i guess it's purE all the way!

Praeterea censeo autopilotum esse delendam

8th March 2005, 06:56 AM
unfortunately i am sure.
The Japanese Website for Armored Core Formula Front for the PSP and PS2 is already up, basicly they are trying a new thing with the series, they give you added customization
You make your AC than you can tune up every part seperately tuning up the head part you can affect how the AI behaves by adding Chips into the head, Chips like "conserve AP" or "Max Boost" and stuff like that, than when you choose a mission, your HUD shows regular stuff like AP Expenditure Ammo Used, Weapon and ac status, and just when you think you are about to controll the AC you gain controll over the camera.... that's right, the only thing you can do during the mission is change the View and Camera Angle...

8th March 2005, 09:38 AM
I'll be getting mercury, Spiderman 2 and I hear SplinterCell is due sometime out too! Im tempted by THUG but there are so many great games coming out soon that I'll have to wait and see what's worth getting.

8th March 2005, 09:52 AM
These are my top 5 which I will be getting:
Ridge Racers - partly due to the fact that it is awesome.
Lumnies - I enjoy weird puzzle and music games. This could neeWILL be the next gen tetris.
Ape Escape - I am a man, therefore I love monkeys. It is genetic!
and (no surprises) WipEout PurE.THE must have game for the must have gadget of 2005.
Anyone who doesnt want PurE............ :mr-t 'nuff said.

I have one spot left.
Reserved for PSP Racing (working title).

8th March 2005, 10:18 AM
if there's something close to Tactics Ogre or Nectaris I'll be getting that as well.

Praeterea censeo autopilotum esse delendam

Ally Graham
8th March 2005, 10:51 AM
My top 5 games that I hope to get are:
1. WipEout PurE
2. Mercury
3. THUG2 Remix
4. Colin Mcrae Rally 2005
5. GT4 Mobile

Forgot NFSU Rivals :roll:
Would go in above GT4 Mobile and above Colin Mcrae Rally 2005!

Deadly Diabetic
8th March 2005, 06:58 PM
My Top 5 Games:
1. WipEout PurE
2. THUG2 Remix
3. Lumines
4. MG: Acid
5. Death, Jr.

I bought the bundle from ebgames so you get to pick three games to ship with it so I got 1 - 3. I was really conflicted about Lumines and Acid because I'm a MGS fan but I'm not real sure about the entire playng card gimmick. Plus, my wife loves puzzle games and if I was spending that kind of cash, I needed to get something she would like to. Ah, the joys of marriage ;)

As for Death, Jr. It's not a launch title but it looks really good, especially for a platformer.

My $.02


8th March 2005, 07:21 PM
Stand-outs for me:

Wipeout Pure

erm... and that's it, really - I don't see any other titles that are essential, and even then it's only because Wipeout Pure is the only current Wipeout sequel and Mercury reminds me of a cool puzzle thing I had when I was little.

I'd be reluctant to shell out for my usual suspect of Madden for it, too, unless it offered some kind of connectivity between it and the PS2 version. That would be schweet, actually, being able to synchronise a portable version with the regular version so that when I'm on the move I can take my franchise with me. :)

Anyhoo, I wont be buying one on the strength of Wipeout Pure and Mercury alone - there'll need to be at least three or four titles I really want to play before I'm willing to part with the cash.

8th March 2005, 07:29 PM
Games i like

Wipeout Pure - I would be mad not to
Lumnies - Dude! Looks the business and sounds like it too.

What i would like to see is another FPS - i dont like the look of coded arms and multiplayer deathmatch would have to rock - ahem unreal tournament - ahem. :D

Rapier Racer
8th March 2005, 07:36 PM
Can anyone give me more info an the PSP GTA? It's listed for release but I can't find any information anywhere about it, it was expected for the launch but there isn't even any box art yet :(

Deadly Diabetic
8th March 2005, 07:36 PM
Have you seen infected? I've read a review in Game Informer and EG, both are saying that it should be a great FPS. Looks hilarious too!



8th March 2005, 10:02 PM
I'm getting:

Pure duh :)
Hotshots Golf
PSP Racing (I see Thruster2097 has good taste as well)

I already have:
Ridge Racers

Pretty much racers and puzzlers for me. I'll get NFSU if my pals get it but if not I'll pass.

Can anyone give me more info an the PSP GTA? It's listed for release but I can't find any information anywhere about it, it was expected for the launch but there isn't even any box art yet :(

GTA: San Andreas for the PC and Xbox and the as-yet-unnamed Grand Theft Auto game for the PSP are both still on course for release sometime in Take-Two's third quarter, which falls in the window of May through July.

8th March 2005, 10:20 PM
For the PSP i'm planning to get:

WipEout purE (obviously!)
Darkstalkers Chronicle (What can I say? Gotta have something in a different vein to wipEout :))

8th March 2005, 10:58 PM
That would be schweet, actually, being able to synchronise a portable version with the regular version so that when I'm on the move I can take my franchise with me. :).

that would be so sweet, yes. It would sell me a PSP.

the only other thing that would sell me one is good long-term reviews of Pure from here, by the harder critics. Call me a miserable git for saying that... its probably true :wink:

Bob Todd
9th March 2005, 08:07 AM
Apart from PurE, I want Mercury, Devil May Cry (not a launch title, sadly) and Medievil. Possibly the Ape Escape one too.

9th March 2005, 10:28 AM
the only other thing that would sell me one is good long-term reviews of Pure from here, by the harder critics. Call me a miserable git for saying that... its probably true :wink:
That's a very reasonable request - after the let down of Fusion, Pure has a lot to measure up to and, if playing it requires the purchase of a new console into the bargain, the reviews should be warts and all if they're to help us justify the acquisition.

Acquisition is a bit of an arsey word, but I spelled it right first time, so I'm going to leave it in there. Damn word of the day toilet paper - we should just go back to the stuff with puppies on it - however cruel it seems.

9th March 2005, 12:12 PM
dontchoo go makin fun of my vo... vo..., words. yo

9th March 2005, 01:45 PM
I've got my eyes on four at the moment. Wipeout Pure, Ridge Racers, Mercury and Lumines. After that, I'll wait and see, probably Devil May Cry.

Personally, I can't see Pure getting anything other than good reviews after reading several previews that had nothing but praise for the game. Especially if the whole downloadable content thing takes off, this is what EDGE were really getting worked up over.

Damn word of the day toilet paper - we should just go back to the stuff with puppies on it - however cruel it seems.

Ah, but doesn't it feel nice to wipe your arse with a big word? :wink:

9th March 2005, 04:22 PM
'hyperpolysyllabicsesquipedalianistic' is so soft and fluffy. and it only takes one word to do the whole job!

Rapier Racer
9th March 2005, 07:26 PM
what..in the name of sweet satan does that mean?

9th March 2005, 07:44 PM
I have no idea. Words with five or more syllables are usually my limit.

Whatever the word means, I'm pretty sure it will give you that wonderful fresh feeling all day long. Or until you have to go use the toilet again!

9th March 2005, 07:45 PM
If I will buy a PSP (problems with money) then there is one game I really, really, REALLY want to have.
It's named WipEout Pure, a racing game in the future. With high speed, deadly weapons and a fast soundtrack. Does anybody else know that game?

;) :D

And I will buy GT4 Mobile I think. Good graphics and all I've heard about it was just good. And if I would have to much money (and be sure it isn't so) I will buy NFSU2 Rivals.
And yes, I'm a fan of racing games!

9th March 2005, 07:56 PM
If I will buy a PSP (problems with money) then there is one game I really, really, REALLY want to have.
It's named WipEout Pure, a racing game in the future. With high speed, deadly weapons and a fast soundtrack. Does anybody else know that game?

It sounds really cool, can you tell me more about it? :wink:

9th March 2005, 08:10 PM
Oh, yes, I can! There will be downloadable content, a new speed class (named "flash"), a really cool handling (like it was in the previous games, but I don't think anybody know these games) and the design is so wonderful.
Sadly nobody at this forums know that game. A long time ago there was a person called "infoxicated", he wanted to make a fan site (he was one of the persons who knew the game). I don't know what was then.
Never heard anything new about these ideas, they aren't reality yet. :roll:


9th March 2005, 09:33 PM
AD, it means: tending to use very long words with many syllables. it's a bit of a jokeword that is itself the sort of word that a hyperpolysyllabicsesquipedalianistic person would use

Rapier Racer
9th March 2005, 10:24 PM
lol I see :D

Deadly Diabetic
23rd March 2005, 04:52 AM
Hate to bring back a dead topic and all but I thought I'd mention a site for those that are getting a PSP soon. It's Gamespy's Top 5 Accessories for the PSP. Now normally I'm not real big on the accessories thing but after reading this and then doing some research on the leather case they show at the beginning, I decided to go ahead and use the little bit of extra money I had left to get it. Felt like it was responsible thing to do, to try and protect the screen and all. I've got a PDA and I carry it with me everywhere but the screen is pretty worn down and I didn't want that to happen (after all that big gorgeous screen is what makes it so sexy....oh and this game called WipEout PurE you may have heard of). Anyway, wondering if anyone else was thinking of getting something like this.

Here's the link:



Asche XL
23rd March 2005, 04:33 PM
Anyone know why some games are 39.99 and others 49.99?