View Full Version : What webcomics do you read?

Bob Todd
6th March 2005, 01:31 AM
This came to me while mentioning CAD and PA in another thread.

Boy on a stick and Slither (http://www.boasas.com/)
It's a boy's head on a stick and his ascerbic snake friend. Worth seeing just for that, I think.

Chewing Gum Volley (http://www.oneeyedwilly.co.uk/chewing/)
In its early stages, but it has potential. It's a bit like Red Meat, but very obviously British, and without any gross bits.

Chopping Block (http://www.choppingblock.org)
The adventures of Butch the serial killer. You really do end up sympathising with the guy after a few strips.

Ctrl-Alt-Del (http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/index.php)
Definitely the best of the story-driven videogaming comics. Ethan is one of the most geniusly-designed characters ever.

Daily Dinosaur Comics (http://www.qwantz.com)
An acquired taste, this one - it doesn't really seem funny until you get into the mindset of the strips.

Exterminatus Now (http://exterminatusnow.keenspace.com/)
Really dope one about four Sonic-esque beasties who slaughter demons for a living. And each strip comes with an often-hilarious rant from the main writer.

Penny Arcade (http://www.penny-arcade.com/)
Its story arcs are usually a bit weak, but it's often better than CAD for one-off strips.

Questionable Content (http://www.questionablecontent.net/)
Bit dull sometimes, as it's wholly story-driven and about people's relationships, but the ones with Anthro-PC in are always good.

Perry Bible Fellowship (http://cheston.com/pbf/archive.html)
If you like The Far Side, you'll like this. Also, it's pretty.

Red Meat (http://www.redmeat.com)
See this link and know that it is good. Milkman Dan absolutely owns.

Sam and Fuzzy (http://www.samandfuzzy.com/)
Brilliantly written, this one. The misadventures of an alienesque bear and his long-suffering human companion.

Sinfest (http://sinfest.net)
Come on, you must know this one.

Weebl and Bob (http://www.weebl.jolt.co.uk/)
Okay, so it's a webtoon and not a webcomic. But I can't not mention Weebl - this is utter brilliance.

White Ninja (http://www.whiteninjacomics.com)
This is damn good when it doesn't fall into the trap of assuming that random = funny.

6th March 2005, 01:54 AM
I have been addicted to Weebl and Bob ever since you mentioned them to me the first time round, and I now also love the strongbad emails at www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail.html

Again, I know these are web toons as opposed to web comics, but I really dont see the fascination in comics. Sorry :cry:

6th March 2005, 07:47 AM
Angels 2200 http://peter.haynes.iconz.co.nz/Default.asp?ID=0

Praeterea censeo autopilotum esse delendam

Piranha Advancements
6th March 2005, 08:36 AM
Either Penny Arcade or Acts of Gord a few years back.And yeah,Ctrl+Alt+Del is awesome as well.

6th March 2005, 09:09 AM
woah thrust andther TROGDOR fan :lol:
BURNINATING all the way Trogdor rules
here's another amusing on

6th March 2005, 11:15 AM
I don't read webcomics on a regular basis, but as long as you understand German, here's a very nice and funny site: Nicht Lustig (www.nichtlustig.de)


EDIT: Only just found out how to give links a name. :oops:

6th March 2005, 11:27 AM
I read:
One Too Many... (http://www.otmcomics.com/)
little gamers (http://www.little-gamers.com/)
Savvie and Lacey (http://www.savvieandlacey.com/main.html)

and that's about it, often check out the typical cartoon ones too. That is joecartoon.com, Weebls-stuff.com & homestarrunner.com :)

7th March 2005, 09:12 AM
Megatokyo (http://www.megatokyo.com)

The storyline can be slow at times, and all the girls in it look almost identical, so it's frickin' hard to tell who is who sometimes, but it's compelling enough that I keep going back for more. :)

7th March 2005, 10:12 AM
Girls!? then you'll like Angels2200 > only guy there is an android! :robot

Praeterea censeo autopilotum esse delendam