View Full Version : Space Manoeuvres - Oid

17th February 2005, 03:11 AM
Anyone getting/pre-ordered this? I just pre-ordered a copy as i'm rather excited about this one, http://www.spacemanoeuvres.com/index.html If you've been keeping track since Stage One, you'll know the 12" releases are up to Quadrant Four, this is like an album version, 0-7 on one CD, should be good :)

17th February 2005, 05:12 AM
How good are they? I wish I could hear some clips before I'd just buy something I'm not familiar with. I'll take a look into it. Perhaps their are some clips on other sites. :wink:

17th February 2005, 05:33 AM
Heh, guess not everyone's heard stage one after all, ok, have a looky here (http://www.city16.com/index.cgi?task=sp&id=lostcdlp04), all of the samples from the album, just click on the names! :)

Rapier Racer
17th February 2005, 07:08 AM
i thought the name sounded familiiar, yes stage one is a kick ass track, it's on my melltdown 2000 CD

18th February 2005, 01:12 PM
sound all good to me, almost wipeout-worthy, except for stage one which sounds like musicmaker-homemade villagetechno, well maybe it gets better after sampleend :D

The Wooksta!
4th March 2005, 02:33 AM
Stage One is a superlative prog house tune - Sasha used it on Northern Exposure 3. Personally, I prefer the Tilt mix and the NASA sample on the start of the Pariah mix.

Unsure of the album tho - parts 2 & 3 were poor twelves, altho the remixes on the Quadrant 4 release, especially the Sonorous one, were good.

Quivver - he's the boy. But his best release has got to be as Stoneproof, with Everything's Not You. Try getting hold of that.

4th March 2005, 06:03 AM
You think so Wooksta? I always thought Part 3 was the best to date, Stage one has that classic lead and the Event Horizon trailer speach in it, that sets it aside, but otherwise for all out tuneage Part Three does it for me. Wierd thing withthis album though is that what's called zone 2 on there sounds nothing like Pluto Disko as I remember it :? Oh well, just have to wait and see, though the release date keeps getting pushed further and furhter back :roll:

The Wooksta!
8th March 2005, 02:33 AM
Pluto Disko was hard to get - I eventually got a promo off ebay for a tenner and after listening to it I thought I was robbed. Part three had some nice elements but I got bored of it pretty quickly.

Stage One still does the business though. The Tilt mix is really full on and is almost as good as their remix of Breeder's New York FM - memo to self: try this one for blasting round Porta Kora!

But "Everything's not you" is a track I could never get bored of and IMO blows away everything else John Graham's ever done. Dark, moody with some atmospheric and haunting strings, it's a superb track.

Anyone tried the new Tilt album - Explorer?

8th March 2005, 04:39 PM
Yeah I've got the new Tilt album, decent in places, all out poor in others: 12 - made the album, antivalentine - good track, control me - very good track and everything else (bar new day and crescendo) is alright, it actually spent a bit longer in my player than most CDs do, though that might be to do with how long I waited for its release lol, building up the excitement and that :)

Pluto Disko I got hold of through City16.com not so long ago, having not been into the housey/prog/breaks/tech/-138BPM sound for all that long (I was a corsten stylee trance head until 2003), I didn't really have to worry about its availability when it was released :)

Breeder did some classic tracks by the way, I've been looking to get hold of a full copy (as in, instead of the version on the start of northern exposures full of 4 minutes of stage one samples lol) of tyrantanic for an age now, but not being a DJ and thusly not having a working turntable, I lack the means to play any 12" I may wish to purchase from Obay :(

I still stand by Part 3 ruling over all in the Space Manoeuvres project, something about the general sound of the track just... did it for me :D

But of John Graham's stuff in general, i'm going to have to go out on one and say his furthest from standard Quivver track: "These are the days" The bassline in it is absolutely amazing when it picks up and it just carries a perfect summery vibe (helped the week before last when we were getting snowed on lol) that always puts a massive smile on my face. Sooo yeah, These are the days, the dub mix is pretty cool too, supplies that typical darker quivver sound. :)

17th March 2005, 12:01 PM
Al-fvcking-right! I finally got my copy of Oid, just putting it in the CD player now, ooh goody goody I love new CDs! :P I'll add opinions to this post when i've listened :D

*edit* Alright, so the CD rocks, every track has that Space Manoeuvres-y sound about it, from the Sci-Fi quotes to spooky sounding pianos and everything dwelling deep in the background, really great listen, seriously worth the long... long wait :D

Zero Downtime is just a basic intro manoeuvre, simple ambient stuff that overlaps into Stage One.

Now Stage One, with the exception of the aforementioned overlap, is the seperation mix with little to no difference. Then again, if it were changed, surely that would be some kind of blasphemy, right? It was a cool track when it was massive 6 years ago, It's a cool track now :)
In deep space... Abandoned... Any crew? Negative.

Zone Two, now here's the first big surprise of the CD, this is not in any way shape or form Pluto Disko, it sounds as new as Quadrant four and it scales up to a melee of melodies at both peaks, a smooth groover and a welcome addition IMO!

Part Three is still... prettymuch Part Three, but a lot of the background effects and sweeps have been removed, had their effects removed or have been replaced, still very cool and it still stands as my favourite manoeuvre :P
First there was darkness... then came... the strangers... they were a race as old as time itself... they had mastered the ultimate technology... the ability to alter physical reality... they called this ability... tuning.

Quadrant Four is the original mix from the recent single, the style of this track prettymuch sets the standard and style for the new tracks (0, 2, 5, 6 & 7) and it has a lead, just like Stage One... Hmm, methinks this was what people always wanted out of Pluto Disko 8O
Quadrant Four... Translating Language...

Pentexplorer is the first of two downbeat tracks, this one's all about pad driven atmosphere, sounds adequately spacey and the quotey bits are fairly cool too.
Can you hear me? Are you OK? You be careful! Be careful of what? Wish I knew.

Division Six is the one and only breaks track (that is of course providing that you don't count the downbeat ones,) it seems very funky for the most part, but has some really spacey, almost spooky sounding pianos, this is very reminiscent of Quadrant Four, could actually be confused for a remix if you were daft enough :) Possibly the weakest track on the album.

The Seventh Planet (Leama & Moor Mix,) the final manoeuvre... and It brought a tear to my eye. The Seventh Planet's the second of the two downbeaters and uses a lot of edited bits from Stage One, including the famous event horizon ad samples, it bookends the project really really well when you think about it. 6 years ago everyone first heard the words and now here we are hearing the same words in a brand new track at the very opposite end of the Space manoeuvres project, but guess what? It's still in deep space... abandoned...
In deep space... Abandoned... Any crew? Negative.

So let me sum this up by saying that this dissapointed me in no way whatsoever, everything I expected was there! You can dance to it, have the hairs (@ lance: hares? :P) on the back of your neck put on end by it or just, I dunno, listen to it? One of very few albums i've ever heard that thoroughly impressed me, this comes highly recommended! :D

Wah! Look at the length of that post, sorry guys, the old music reviewing hobby thing's catching up with me again heh :oops: