View Full Version : Hi-Fumii - I never noticed

15th February 2005, 11:46 PM
Hey guys, I never thought about or looked at this before, but i just noticed that part of Hi-Fumii jumps across itself, on the looong, straight-ish section halfway through the lap, at the bit with the yellow girders, the final jump takes you over the track, guess i'm just slow to pick this up but I had to mention it. As I say, i'd never thought about it until I saw A yellow-gold/blue ship fly over my head (ghost)

Sorry if you all knew about this :oops:

16th February 2005, 12:14 AM
I use to, but don't worry, everyone's happy to figure out new things! :wink: All of my Wipeout game (other than Fusion)are all scratched up, so the memory helps me enjoy what I have been longing to enjoy again. Thanx for this, even though it wasn't intended. I'm gonna buy all the PS1 games again soon. Too bad it's hard to find the first Wipeout anymore! :evil:

Zero [RG] [HG]
24th February 2005, 10:20 PM
Hey guys, I never thought about or looked at this before, but i just noticed that part of Hi-Fumii jumps across itself, on the looong, straight-ish section halfway through the lap, at the bit with the yellow girders, the final jump takes you over the track, guess i'm just slow to pick this up but I had to mention it. As I say, i'd never thought about it until I saw A yellow-gold/blue ship fly over my head (ghost)

Sorry if you all knew about this :oops:

"the final jump takes you over the track" I had tried jumping off that final jump and when I "landed" on the track below, I fell through it.

20th June 2005, 05:28 PM
that happend to me too :oops: i guess the game doesent think that you will be using that part of the track again soon so why bother using computing power on that part of the track :P

28th June 2005, 12:02 PM
lol or the road was just mud where u cant get out ad ur ship drowned in it :D