View Full Version : Fan games?

14th February 2005, 12:25 PM
Just a little question here, this is a preety big comunity, have there never been atempts at creating a fan game?

14th February 2005, 03:06 PM
you meen a WipEout-like game? If you do so: In a few post you can read that some users said "I'm planning my own WipEout game" or something like this. But I've never heard that somebody really finished a one.
You have to know lot about 3D etc. and that is very complicated and you need so much time!

14th February 2005, 04:35 PM
I remember a post ages ago by a guy who was/had built a game on the wipE'out" engine, can't remember if it was in the middle of another topic or something, I think there was a screenshot in that topic too, reminded my of arridos if i remember correctly, can't link you though, sorry :(

14th February 2005, 04:57 PM
Well as far as 3D goes i can make stuff, but i was kinda hoping there was someone with a plan or something, i don't realy like to start projects cuz it takes too much work, but i like wroking on them, so i was hoping there was someone working on a Wipeout fangame that i can get into.

14th February 2005, 05:02 PM
I'd love to work on something like that in the future, but getting the physics right and wipeout-ish would be a fairly difficult task; I guess that a single-track time-trial-only game could be a realistic goal, but it would take a lot of time anyway... it would by no means compete with the real wipeout (inferior graphics, inferior music, inferior everything), but it would be nice to have a game taylored to the community tastes and needs; it could be an interesting test bench.
Maybe this summer, after graduation, I can try and see how far I can get... (hint: not far)


14th February 2005, 05:08 PM
I'm sure someone here would like to plan a self made WipEout game, but a problem is also the location where you live. It's better if you can work together on a thing when you can talk about it and you sit next to the other person. It could be a problem to talk with msn or icq and also to send all the big files around the world.
That is the reason why game producers work in a team and not every person at home. It's a better communication.

14th February 2005, 05:48 PM
wasnt there a project for the unreal warfare engine? if not it wouldnt be a big problem to create one,

i could create a track-map with unrealed easily but i have no idea about creating vehicles or modifiing their physiks

14th February 2005, 07:51 PM
there is a thingy in the unreal engine2 which means you can make race tracks - look on the web to find out how i wold say

14th February 2005, 10:00 PM
That is the reason why game producers work in a team and not every person at home. It's a better communication.
Perhaps, mabye, (I'm just fantasyzing here), we could all get together and create "Wipeout Zone", not for developing purposes (if we got that far) but for just the fun of it. It'd be nice to see how other's ideas would come together, right? :wink:

16th February 2005, 09:28 PM
:D haha! see if any of you guys can finish making this game? :mrgreen:

or talk to this guy too?
warning >> Lots of pics in this Link!!

Preaterea censeo autopilotum esse delandam

16th February 2005, 10:17 PM
bummer, everytime I see somebody saying that they would make a Wipeout clone, i suggest that I can make some music tracks for it. I guess I'm the one determined the most because I did some Wipeout inspired tracks and there is just no way of making some use of them.....bummer.

16th February 2005, 10:43 PM
well i think wipeout wasnt about the racing part only, it was the cold futuristic and technocratic atmosphere, would love to see that "spirit" in other gametypes too, unfortunatly i dont have the time to experiment on creating right now :( ,

here another nice highpoly model (not suitable for 3d-gamin though)


16th February 2005, 11:43 PM
I've long enthused about making a wipeout-like game. In fact if I'm honest I have to admit I chose my career (programmer) because of it!! And now I have a much better idea about how much work it involves, I've been scared off :o
For me too much of wipeout's greatness lies in it's graphic design (by TDR (http://www.thedesignersrepublic.com)) and brilliant soundtrack to ever be recreated by us enthusiasts :?: unless of course any of you are budding designers / artists / electronic music producers.... Not that im understating the importance of the sublime handling!

Anyway check out this game for a bit of a speed rush, it's not a wipeout clone per se but its definitely got the speed!!

Torus trooper : Windows (http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~cs8k-cyu/windows/tt_e.html) * Linux (http://www.emhsoft.net/ttrooper) * MacOS X (http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/games/action_adventure/torustrooper.html)

16th February 2005, 11:45 PM

17th February 2005, 12:03 AM
here we go with the TDR thing again.
TDR only did the team logos, the billboards, and the menus, which i regard as merely icing on the cake, and not responsible for Wipeout's true greatness. everything else was done by the game designers and artists. all other visuals, the ship designs, tracks, landscapes, etc. were not done by TDR.

the really hard parts of making a great game are the designing of tracks that require great but not impossible skill while they have sufficient complexity and movement combinations to give a visceral and intellectual thrill every time you do them well, and designing the physics engine that gives realistic feel and control

17th February 2005, 07:08 AM
But even you, your majesty, would have to say that tDR made WipEout 1, 2 and 3 look better that anything seen before. And by better, I mean unique. Better and unique. :?

Anyways, you just have to look at the boxart and intro video for PurE and you can see the mock-kanji symbols and harsh vivid lines and arrows that were.... (ahem) WERE synominous with tDR.
Not that I am a tDR fan or anything, (personally I think that after 2000 they collectivley stuck their heads up each others ****s) and I do recognise that they, indeed, were only responsible for the icing on the cake. But I gotta say that this stuff is the best icing in the world!

17th February 2005, 09:51 AM
tDR had nothing to do with 3/se. and yes they are/were good! 8)

Preaterea censeo autopilotum esse delandam

17th February 2005, 04:31 PM
tDR had nothing to do with 3/se. and yes they are/were good! 8)

Really? The boxart, team logos and menus at least are theirs, aren't they?

Apart from anything, I strongly suspect Sony would have said something about the fact that they claim this on their website, if it weren't the case.

17th February 2005, 05:40 PM
And Sony would have had something to say about tDR even going so far as to get themselves credited in the intro and credits to 3/SE, I mean that's some feat to get your name in the intro and credits of a game you didn't work on LOL. I kid, I kid, seriously though tDR did do the menus, logos, fonts, cover art, etc. for 3/SE.

17th February 2005, 06:08 PM
Thrusty, sorry for acting like King Friday [a Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood reference], but it just pisses me right off every time DR gets praised to the skies while the people who did the truly necessary great work get ignored. who do you praise, the guys that designed and built the Ferrari, or the guy who waxes it as it comes out the factory door?

i agree that the old DR wax is really fine stuff, and i really like the glossy shine of it, but visually i am most impressed by the shape of the car, and far more important than even the shape is the engine, transmission and suspension. DR is surface rather than substance. beauty and ''coolness'' extend through the entire depth of a thing, and by far the greater part of those qualities is inside.

[end of DR rant number.... mm... 5? 6? uh, i forget]

17th February 2005, 06:28 PM
lance, its cool, at the end of the day we buy wipeout because its a great game. I totally get your point.

17th February 2005, 08:15 PM
tDR had nothing to do with 3/se. and yes they are/were good! 8)
Really? The boxart, team logos and menus at least are theirs, aren't they? nope. it was GoodTechnologi ? .. yeah
I no thou that that's very likely where the name of Goteki comes from ;)

17th February 2005, 08:55 PM
Good Technologies did Fusion auxiliary graphics.

Good Technologies = G-Tech racing team

18th February 2005, 12:57 PM
are u sure the tdr didnt do more? i mean they are not only designing visuals, they are into electronic music as well, they cooperate with various e-bands (not only on creating their covers),

btw, dont underestimate the artial influence, the tdr represents a certain attitude, a certain style which u can feel in the whole wipeout series, if the tdr is directly responsible for this or they just inspired those who are, either way its their spirit,

beside that there are certainly major strengthes of wipeout which the tdr had no influence on at all, like the incomparable unique steering or the great speedfeeling,

18th February 2005, 07:29 PM
as far as we know, DR had nothing whatever to do with the music of any of the Wipeout games they did ''identity'' graphics for. the futuristic cyberpunk spirit was already there before DR. the original concept FMV seen in the movie ''Hackers'' and made by Psygnosis artist Lee Carus pretty much demonstrates this. [Lee is also working on WipEout Pure]

assumption: if the spirit was already there, then Psygnosis hired a graphic designer who fit that spirit and would express it, rather than hiring someone to create a spirit different from the one they already had and desired to preserve or enhance.

the people who created the Wipeout spirit are primarily the originators of the game, Nick Burcombe and Jim Bowers. Jim designed the very first Wipeout racecraft, the prototype of what turned out to be all the team ships in the original game. Bowers is himself an artist who now does matte work for feature films.

do not overestimate the artistic influence of ''graphics artists'' on the non-graphics art of a game. DR do a lot of work with fonts and colour selection and webpage layout, but they didn't design the racecraft or the backgrounds. granted that the lead artist on early Wipeouts, Nicky Westcott, was sufficiently ''influenced'' by a DR graphics artist to marry him, but how much influence that had on her non-font, non-menu art, i have no idea.

18th February 2005, 07:41 PM
I dunno why people are so confused over this matter, I'm with Lance, it's fairly obvious that DR's involvement was limited to team logos, billboards, fonts and the menu system and that's it. The rest of the game is Psygnosis. Also if you're confused about W3O try putting the game in your PS or PS2 and look tell me what image comes up immediately before the intro sequence - the DR credit, Good Technologies only managed to get their sucky design work into Fusion and that's that.

Goteki45 has nothing to do with them, although there is a cybergoth band who've named themselves after Goteki, dunno if they're any good but it's all that came up on a google search.

18th February 2005, 08:30 PM
Wipeout Fusion isn't so bad if you relate Wipeout with reality. The air-traffic appear to use beamship technology, and the way everything in the game is created appears to be an upgrade of most Anti-Gravity work. Silaris posted a wonderful site:


This kind of thinking can be noticed in Fusion, which is what should be expected of a game designed by others than Psygnosis, they tend to look onto current scientific technology more than gaming companies do. :wink:

18th February 2005, 08:39 PM
Erm, Psygnosis did design Fusion, they've just been forced to change their name to the rather dull Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Studio Liverpool. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue does it. Damn you Sony!!!! LOL.

18th February 2005, 08:47 PM
Wooops!!! :oops: Looks like I don't know much!!! I thought this whole time it was someone else!!!! :lol: How rediculous!!!

18th February 2005, 09:02 PM
ahem, back to the original topic..

another incomplete wipeout clone here, with screen shots

exceed, another open source project. last update, july 2004 :(

acespeeder! a completed wo clone. there seems to be an acespeeder2 98% completed!

this is an online clone called urban adrenaline that requires a 3d card, but it uses some weird plugin. you need ie for the plugin to install. it ran really really slow in software on my 600mhz :(

usually the fan game projects ive ever been around always pitter out because they run out of time or support. there is also always way too many 3d/2d artists and designers and not enough people to sit down and just code the thing. it makes me sad :(

18th February 2005, 09:22 PM
woah! ace speeder 2! great! i must look at that one. ace speeder was a very cool little game

18th February 2005, 09:23 PM
yea does anyone have the acespeeder install still because i cant read the japanese on that site? also, be aware im editing the post above as i find more games on the board.

6th March 2005, 01:18 PM
Funny how you can stumble upon a Wipeout Clone by typing "Freerun" into google search bar. Anyway, look at this -


I have no clue about what's written there, not even if the game is downloadable or not, it's all kanji. Anyway, here's another one for Wipeout Clone collection, have a look.

7th March 2005, 10:35 AM
AceSpeeder 2 at least looks more like an F-Zero GX clone to me, to be honest.

At which point, are we counting professional games in a similar style, like the eXtreme G and F-Zero series themselves? I suppose Quantum Redshift by the Curly Monsters guys makes things even more complex, since they're ex-Psygnosis themselves...

7th March 2005, 02:28 PM
Did I understand you right?!

Quantum Redshift was made by people who worked on WipEout titels as well?! 8O

I've never played QR. What is the handling like? Is it fast? And how is the style and of course the fun?!

7th March 2005, 03:26 PM
Quantum Redshift is made by Curlymonsters.
Curlymonsters are:
Nick Burcombe (Game Designer W1, W2) (Member of WipEoutZone)
Lee Carus (PR & Graphics W1)
Martin Linklater
Chris Roberts (Programmer W2)
Andy Satterthwaite (Producer W2)
Neil Thompson
Paul Bahr-Naylor (FMV W3)
Andrew McMaster
Jon Dugdale

Apologies if I have left anyone off the list, or not given them due credit for their WipEout accheivements.
But since QR is made by ex-wipeout staff, you cant really call it a fan game. I would call it cheating :wink:

QR stunned me when I first saw it. Redshift speed really does shift! Uber fast, handling is floatly-light, bit of a dire character plot, though. Weapons are collected in stages (much like zero wing). The leap off the top of the waterfall is something else! Not many racing tracks, loads of freeform areas.
You should be able to find a relativley cheap pre-owned copy in your local store.

7th March 2005, 04:38 PM
oh, yes, I saw one a few weeks ago.

The only problem is: I haven't got a XboX :( :?

7th March 2005, 06:43 PM
several months ago, i saw what appeared to be a NEW copy of QR for 16 dollars US.

i didn't have the money to get it, and anyway still don't have an X-box.


back to topic: this topic is about fangames, so no commercial games would go on the list, not even one created by Nick Burcombe :)

7th March 2005, 08:27 PM
I saw a new one for 15 €...