View Full Version : Superbowl XXXIX- Patriots or Eagles?

4th February 2005, 07:41 PM
Well, the big day is nearly here, the eyes of the world are focusing on florida this sunday.
So, who's your team?
I'm not biased at all, and what limited coverage we do get over here shrinks the whole game to barely 3 minutes, but it looks like a comprehensive win to the patriots.
To use an english expression, the eagles are going to get "stuffed" on sunday. 8O

Thoughts/predictions welcome..

4th February 2005, 07:45 PM
just as long as they're not ''rogered'', i guess that's not too bad

4th February 2005, 09:20 PM
what does Roger have to do with the superbowl? :)

5th February 2005, 01:20 AM
Rolling out the old cliches.... the heart says Philadelphia but the head says New England.

anyone with an ounce of romance in their veins has to support Donovan McNabb, Freddie Mitchell and T.O. over the Jedi Bellichick (is he Darth Vader or Obi Wan Kenobi?), the boring Luke Skywalker clone Tom Brady and Rodney Harrison who is quite possibly evil, in a sporting sense. Supporting New England is akin to supporting the empire in a Star Wars movie, unless you`re from the Boston area of course. You have to admire the Patriots` depth, cleverness and ability to kill off an offence like the Colts`, but its not interesting as drama anymore.

Whatever its going to be great: beer, smokes and the pizzas already on order. :D Could be a long night if McNabb throws a few early interceptions though.... I just hope the Eagles make a game of it at least.

5th February 2005, 11:13 AM
well, lunar, I'm a big starWars fan too! 8O

Preaterea censeo autopilotum esse delandam

5th February 2005, 06:45 PM
If Terrell Owens was fit as a fiddle, the Eagles might stand a chance.

But as it stands, the goddamn Pats should walk away with this one.

And I hate the goddamn Pats. :evil:

Still, I'll be up watching it anyway... at least until the score gets out of hand.

6th February 2005, 02:37 AM
I can't understand why American Football is so popular, it so boring and crap... yet I stayed up and watched the Super Bowl last year and really really enjoyed it. Reminded me of England vs Australia World Cup final. Twas on edge of seat and everything. Was quality. I hope it's as good this year, and if Janet wants to flash nipples then I'm game.

Sorry, I know nothing about the sport so I can only mention what happened the last time I watched it. Carry on...

6th February 2005, 11:14 AM
I begun watching AMfootball when I was about 16 coz i found it so Cool!
Big guys crushing eachother and with all the protection they looked like robots to me :D
did I mentioned I'm a sci-fi freak? 8)
then after a while I learned the rules by watching and also learned
or much bettered my english just by watching MTV and Eurosport as the teenager I was! :D LOL!

So it's on tonight?
Haven't see AMftbl for Ages! 8O

Preaterea censeo autopilotum esse delandam

Rapier Racer
6th February 2005, 03:55 PM
and what limited coverage we do get over here shrinks the whole game to barely 3 minutes,

what are you tallking about man? It's on sky sports for hours

6th February 2005, 05:24 PM
right now the pre pre-game show is on. yes, that's right, the PRE-pre-game show. it follows an hour of extreme skateboard, bmx and mx. [which was probably a lot more exciting to me than the Superbowl], and before the extreme stunts there was an hour of a pre pre pre-game show. got to spread that Superbowlexpensiveadvert aura as much as possible. ;)

6th February 2005, 08:04 PM
On free tv we get a 20 minute pre-match build up from football presenters who probably haven`t realised yet that the ball isn`t round and hardly anyone ever kicks it.

My theory on the attraction of American Football is this: Because there is so little actual movement of the ball in a match (compared to other sports), every single movement of the ball is much more important. So every down is a mini-battle in its own right: an intellectual battle between the coaches and a battle of skill between the players at maximum physical intensity every time. There are so many possibilities on every play, and so much potential for success and total disaster, and so much tension and emotion involved every time the ball is moved. There are simply very very few bland or meaningless plays like in a real football or rugby match. No other sport rivals this, imo. All the drama, tension and strategy in the seconds leading up to the snap, then bang and in a couple of seconds its all over.... and then starts building up again. But all that`s also the reason why some people think its crap and boring, I suppose, because it keeps stopping all the time and virtually every mini-battle is interspersed with either adverts or waffling pundits. Also you can love the fact that its so incredibly complicated, or find that a total turn off. I`ve noticed in interviews that Amfoot stars and coaches all seem to be really articulate and intelligent people.... whereas real football stars are..... not necessarily so. Or maybe that has nothing to do with sport at all.

Anyway hope you enjoy the game all who will be watching it :D

6th February 2005, 08:28 PM
american football players articulate?
well, maybe they know how to talk about the game, but most of them tend to be inarticulate about anything else. or at least their opinions of other matters tend to be absurdly uninformed.

perhaps international football stars are spending so much of their time playing that they have no practice at interviews. ;)
not to mention possibly being out of breath at the end of the game with at least 45 minutes of nonstop play since the last break.

i have tended to increasingly like ''soccer'', and have not been a fan of American football since i was a child, even though i occasionally watch it on holidays, like all day on Thanksgiving or New Year's day. there is little else to watch on those days, and mostly i spend that time online with football [american] in the background.

there is one thing for sure, though; international football players are hot, and american football players are not. [yes yes, i know. i have my own special point of view. ;) ]

this outrageous post was unsponsored.

6th February 2005, 08:53 PM
well, maybe they know how to talk about the game, but most of them tend to be inarticulate about anything else. or at least their opinions of other matters tend to be absurdly uninformed.

not surprising considering they spend their whole lives in a bubble of wealth and machismo. I think international football is more of an instinct game, so being able to analyse it doesn`t matter as much for good players, but with American football you`d need a certain amount of understanding just to know what you`re supposed to do on each play, and to not screw up the system for the whole team. So yes, I suppose I meant they are articulate and intelligent within the world of the game itself, or at least the best players who get interviewed are, but after giving that many yards I will stand by what I said. :wink:

I generally like "soccer" more than american football, but the league over here has just become a matter of who can buy the best team. We need a salary cap system, amongst other things, to make it interesting and meaningful again.

6th February 2005, 09:38 PM
when is this superbowl game on, by any chance? Not that i'm gonna watch it, just seems like a lot of buildup if it's not about to happen, I take it from Lance's earlier post that it is though?

As for myself, never really understood or sought to understand the game *shrug* there are plenty of other sports that I know about already so heh, why bother spending ages learning another one? It's rarely ever on anyway :)

6th February 2005, 09:41 PM
lunar, that's pretty much true in all the professional sports; no cap, no fair.

it also really galls me that some athlete can make so much more than most people who really accomplish something for people. couldn't they have given Mother Teresa some of that cash to work with?

Dimension. the pre-game [just one 'pre'] is on now, but i still don't know when the game starts. it's going to be mostly under the artificial lights, though; that i'm sure of. i think they're starting the game so late so it will be near ''prime-time'' in the Pacific Standard timezone of the US.

edit: the pregame festivities just started in Jax [uh.. Jacksonville] about a minute ago. 2248 GMT

6th February 2005, 09:47 PM
oh right I get it, as if it weren't enough of a ratings grabber as is? :) Makes sense i suppose, guess there's a lot of support for such a big event in your sporting calendar, kind of like the world cup final... just every year :?

6th February 2005, 09:59 PM
it's the biggest single-game sporting event of the year, but is more important just as a country-unifying cultural event than it is purely as sport. [not to mention its economic importance to advertisers]
there are lots of other cultural events that i would much rather unify with, though. somehow the SUV drivin', cheap beer swillin', raucosity of it all doesn't appeal to me all that much.

if i'm gonna be drivin' and swillin', i want it to be an Icaras and 20-year-old Kentucky bourbon

6th February 2005, 10:11 PM
.if i'm gonna be drivin' and swillin', i want it to be an Icaras and 20-year-old Kentucky bourbon

nicely put, very nicely put :D Well, now that i've got thinking about this, might as well watch a bit of it, just out of interest like, see what the big deal is :roll:

6th February 2005, 10:36 PM
just called the toss. went to the Eagles, who chose to receive. then went to commercial. it'll start eventually

6th February 2005, 11:24 PM
Maaan, this game drags lol, a little bit of playing, cut to commercials, a little bit more, cut to commercials, what are the players etc. doing during these breaks? 8O Oh well, guess you just gotta live with that :)

7th February 2005, 04:46 AM
Oops! Miss'd it! 8O
well well - next year! 8)

Preaterea censeo autopilotum esse delandam

7th February 2005, 04:05 PM
Oops! Miss'd it! 8O
well well - next year! 8)

You didn`t miss anything better than a lot of regular season games. Despite the appearance of the score it wasn`t really close or a great game. Philly never looked anything other than shaky against the Pats defense, and couldn`t stop the run. The result was never in doubt - so I fell asleep in the fourth quarter, though I think it might have been Paul McCartney who first instilled the urge to give up on the whole thing. Or was it the general awfulness of the international feed that did that.....

Great players and teams in sports are often remembered warmly, but at the time of their greatness they screw things up for everyone except themselves and their own fans.

7th February 2005, 04:24 PM
I thought it was the poorest Superbowl for a good few years - in terms of play, anyway.

McNabb showed his occasional talent for lame brained decision making in a big game - some of the balls he threw were spectacularly off target, although the passes he threw for the three touchdowns were fantastic.

Terrell Owens was remarkable - you could tell he'd lost a step, but what a game to have when you haven't played in two months due to a broken ankle.

I gave up on it after the onside kick failed, but admittedly I was playing WRC4 during the advert breaks and during the Patriots offensive drives, so that kept my interest up for longer than the game warranted. :)

8th February 2005, 08:30 AM
I personally stopped watching in the interval, about 2 songs into paul Mccartney's performance, watched the last minute and a half-ish, no last minute hollywood ending there then :lol:

8th February 2005, 06:43 PM
i'm well gutted, good though Owens was we still couldn't get the bowl :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
oh well theres alwasys next year i suppose

9th February 2005, 12:37 AM
i'm well gutted, good though Owens was we still couldn't get the bowl :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
oh well theres alwasys next year i suppose

God let`s hope so.

for the best superbowl, and american football analysis anywhere (as far as I know anyway), read this column on nfl dot com:


phase 2
28th April 2005, 03:15 AM
although this is old news to come to the PATRIOTS defence I thought they would and they did kick as$ GO PATS I am a life long PATRIOTS fan seeing I am from Mass.
I also live rite next to the town of shrewsberry is this the same shrewsberry pubs often talked about in wipe out magazine articles seeing that phsynosis got its start in Camebridge MASS?

28th April 2005, 02:41 PM
different town. the pub where Wipeout began is in England, somewhat over 2000 miles away from Massachusetts

28th April 2005, 06:48 PM
I hate the patriots or "pats" as well. Iv'e never seen a worse drive at the end of the game, constantly yelling, "hurry up"! I don't like the eagles either, but they were the worse of two evils. Best superbowl ever would be

Bears 46
Patriots 10

what a wonderful game that was

crazy legs
17th May 2005, 11:59 AM
redskins are on the warpath next season

17th May 2005, 02:59 PM
Washington now have my favourite player too - up until the day they traded Santana Moss to the Redskins for Cole$ I had been a jets fan for around 17 years. Not any longer. From now on I'll be following my other favourite, the Chargers.

17th May 2005, 05:59 PM
my favourite football teams are Manchester United and the Brazilian national team

6th June 2005, 02:08 PM
this season, my Atlanta Falcons are going all-the-way!!!!