View Full Version : Concentration !

30th January 2005, 05:49 PM
One of the reasons I like Wip3Out so much is that it's one of those rare games that puts my mind to the 'limit'. I can see it clearly, it's not so much about the ability to control the ship or to know the track, as it is to be able to put your mind 100% into it, AND KEEP IT THERE. This is a broad subject, but anyway I thought it'd be interesting to discuss...

You see, in Wip3Out (3SE mainly) I have to admit I have (as far as I can remember) NEVER EVER completed a race with more than 3 successive perfect laps. I always end up bouncing into a wall, and always, because my mind just wandered for a second. Worse, I often have bouts where I do the ping-pong wall bouncing thing because I cant get my mind back quickly enough.

The funny thing is, the more I try to put my mind into it, the less it works. And at other times, I could be day dreaming about something WHILE playing, and make a great time ! Basically the less I think about it the better. Trying to concentrate forcefully into the game is the opposite, doesnt work. Man, the mind is subtle.

Another interesting thing I noticed is the 'pressure'. I've noticed how when I make a perfect lap or I see that my times are great, I feel the pressure to 'win' the race and keep up to par for the remaining 3 or 4 laps so that I can better my time. Needless to say, I rarely beat my times this way. Sometimes I manage, with my heart pounding (for real) at the end of the race, as a result of the stress I impose myself. I have to say though, partly due to reading some wise words, I have bettered myself at least on that aspect, now when I set my self for pressure I just say myself' dont care, can loose the race, Ill do another one if it doesnt work out', and the stress goes away and I get back into the 'flow ' of the game.

I was discussing this with a friend recently, he is a great Tetris player. We were talking about how you dont think about winning the game, or the score, you just do it :) He would play for 30 min or more in a row. I wish I could do this in wip3out, I havent found the option : set a track for 100 laps for example, in time trial mode, and just race for 100 laps.

I find this subject of attention & concentration really important, it applies to everything in life. I have seen how it affects me when I was riding a motorcycle, the good thing about the motorcycle though, was that I knew I could kill myself, so I was paying attention as best as I could :)

Generally, I'd say, those of you who are doing the best times here on the wip3out tables, have the ability to concentrate very well, or maybe the opposite to relax so much about it that you dont really think about it at all. What I am curious though is if that is the same for any other parts of your life?

Do you guys use tricks to help you focus on the game and make great times, or do you just naturally get into it ?

30th January 2005, 05:56 PM
I havent found the option : set a track for 100 laps for example, in time trial mode, and just race for 100 laps.
Yeah, I've been dreaming about that too 8O 100 laps with Piranha in Talon's Reach...

And I know what you mean, sometimes in Wipeout (or any other game) I can get 3 perfect laps in a row in Phantom without a sweat. I guess when you try to do this intentionally you get little bit distracted from the job at hand :wink:

I don't usually do anything special, nervousment is the thing that eats your performance out the most, being relaxed does the opposite.

Rapier Racer
30th January 2005, 07:08 PM
I like a false threat in my mind to help improve concentration, something like, if I don’t win this here race and break the record my team will cease to exist, oh wait a minute…

Seriously though it works for me! Break the record or PSP will be banned in this country!

30th January 2005, 08:02 PM
i would certainly like to know what Al and Arnaud have to say on this subject!!

30th January 2005, 08:46 PM
If you ask me faB, about focusing on the game, well, I wouldn't be much of a dictionary definition of a person who can focus on a thing the way you just focus on the thing itself and you really get into it. This may sound wierd, but I can focus on the thing only when I'm distracted by other things. I just cannot sit straight in front of TV, start flying Porto Kora Phantom TT, and this is where the world ends to me. No. I'm beating lap times (and do my best at other things in general) when I hear music, eat, talk with sb, tap my feet to the rythm and other things. I focus on things only when there are a few things to focus on. Otherwise I have problems with it. If i rode my motorbike thinking that I'm about to kill myself when I loose my concentration I'd probably loose it anyway just by thinking about it, and kill myself. But if I'd be distracted by milions of other things, then no problem, I'd be alright.
I wouldn't say that stress is a motivating factor. I don't get stressed out when I want to beat a laptime. I just know that 5th lap is the lap where you are going fastest (since you were speeding up by the last 4 laps), so I just make these 4 PLs (taking it easy, as it can only help), while the 5th lap is the one I try to fight paying the attention to details such as taking the turn the way I did it 4 last times, I just somehow know how to make it happen, and to gain speed at some points of a track. It's not like It all happens just like that, you need to practise, and here, I'd say that 100 laps TT would be a great idea. I'm not the best on the tables, I compete on Porto Kora (at least I try) because I like this track the most, It's not a matter of calculation. It all just goes naturally.

30th January 2005, 09:20 PM
There were times it drove me mad that, no matter how hard I tried, I would never get the results I was aiming for. I figured only later that for me it always works like that: I usually get a great start at playing the game - without beating any records that is. After that I try concentrating on improving, which never works. I usually learn a trick or two about where I can, at least in theory, do better, but it doesn't help me much yet. Then, after having played for some time, I actually feel like I literally merge with the game and without concentrating or doing anything but letting the craft fly everything goes ever so well.However, I need to be really relaxed or I never get into the flow. Which is why fer me it's almost no use playing when I am in some sort of stressful situation.
Well, there you go, that's how wipeouting works for me. ;)


30th January 2005, 10:01 PM
Great thread idea!

Getting in the zone applies in so many areas of my life when I think back over it. Sometimes I wonder whether some people spend more time in the zone of life in general than I do.

I think I think too much about life and sometimes this distracts me from performing well, but I've never directly matched this up to my experiences with wipeout but now I see that they do in fact match up. Nice concept - now should I reduce my distracting analysis or should I distract myself away from this anaylzing/critical thought the way Shem does with other things to dilute my focus...?

30th January 2005, 10:08 PM
It's a bit of a wierd thing, I find that I do about 3 PLs on the trot without really thinking about anything and then suddenly realise that there's the big arrow at the bottom of the screen and pressure kicks in, the worst one is when you've done nearly 5 PLs and, since you're used to crashing (and thus using more shield energy with hyper thrusting earlier) you have some left over, try to blast down the home straight (especially on PK) and boom, into the wall! Ouch, there goes my new record! :oops: Another thing I find is that when the pressure gets to you, you forget to do certain things that come back to haunt you later in the race: I just set a 1:39:24 on PK Phantom PAL time trial (my new PB may I add? :P) and by the time I got to the fifth lap I noticed that I had forgotten to blink LMAO, held it off for a straight and blinked with baited breath, concentration's a marvelous thing :lol:

30th January 2005, 10:32 PM
Yeah, I've been dreaming about that too 100 laps with Piranha in Talon's Reach...
In wo3 you can set Eliminator to 99 and fly - just as a TT !
and in wo64 there's no 3 laps TT! You just start the 1st lap and go on lap after lap til you get out of TT through pause --> quit TT!
how about that!??http://www.geocities.com/zargz/leenden/heh.gif

Dimension: congrats! that's a good time! 8O

Preaterea censeo autopilotum esse delandam

30th January 2005, 11:10 PM
Dimension: congrats! that's a good time! 8O

Cheers Zargz (who knew I would reply to that? lol)

I do like the idea of a non stop TT, kind of like a real world endurance race. Yeah, would be cool, but having said that... there's not a lot of problem with just bashing x three times every 5 laps tostart over, seperates each race around and gives you a second to chill, which you wouldn't get if you raced non stop, imagine PK for 100 laps without a break, would send you demented heheh
