View Full Version : My desktop :P

27th January 2005, 08:33 PM

Rapier Racer
27th January 2005, 08:36 PM
aren't you lucky that didn't work right,, a shot of your desktop would be huge

27th January 2005, 08:37 PM
very monochromatic. and looks good
P.S.: FireFox is a bit underpowered; you might give Opera a try

btw, AD, the pic is only 480 x 360. however it's 119 megabytes, so he's lucky it didn't work or i'd have to edit and criticise. :)

Rapier Racer
27th January 2005, 08:44 PM
never mind... :oops: :oops:

27th January 2005, 09:19 PM
no reason to be embarassed; if he'd posted a normal desktop, it would have been huge, as you say, if he'd done it so it worked as intended. and even though it wasn't full size, it was still too big to be posted directly here. so you know how i would have reacted. 8) :lol:

27th January 2005, 09:34 PM
sorry i don'tspeak english :oops: :lol: i edited the url

27th January 2005, 09:53 PM
Sorry amigo! Can not see the image in Opera nor Explorer! ** No puedo ver la imagen! ** http://www.geocities.com/zargz/leenden/sad.gif
lance how did you know the size of the pic? did you see it? how?

** = spanish 8)

Preaterea censeo Carthaginem esse delandam

27th January 2005, 10:12 PM
i now speak spanish.....:lol: yo se que no se puede ver la imagen, por eso he puesto la url ¿no se ve? :lol:

Rapier Racer
27th January 2005, 10:35 PM
no reason to be embarassed; if he'd posted a normal desktop, it would have been huge, as you say, if he'd done it so it worked as intended. and even though it wasn't full size, it was still too big to be posted directly here. so you know how i would have reacted. 8) :lol:

ah well you see that post was actually a reaction to

P.S.: FireFox is a bit underpowered; you might give Opera a try

I thought you were telling me this and asked what you were talking about, but then upon closer examination of the picture I spotted the FF logo so I edited the post unless you were talking to me and I've just done it again :oops:

27th January 2005, 10:46 PM
sorry por las molestias!!! i reedited the url & works fine!!! :lol:

27th January 2005, 11:24 PM
''how did you know the size of the pic? did you see it? how?''

when it was still in its unedited original form, i just highlighted everything between the [img] tags and did a paste and go in a new window. the image loaded.


AD, if there's a misunderstanding about what a comment refers to, then saying what it refers to would be easier for us than any alternative i can think of at the moment.

i assumed [yep, that old mistake again] that not only would 'pernambuco' know what i was talking about, but that everybody who read his post would look at the pic and would also know what i was talking about. fool that i am. [note to self: not everybody acts the same way i do]

27th January 2005, 11:50 PM
voy a escribir en español porque no se ingles.... mis disculpas
Si alguien ke lea esto sabe ingles, por favor, ruego me traduzca :lol: he hecho un bootsplash-theme dedicado a wipeout fusion y no se si hago bien en postear las url's de mis imagenes, y si eso esta permitido en esta web, pues no encuentro la manera de ke se vean en los posts. En fin, aqui dejo 2 imagenes de mi bootsplash.
Here my bootsplash-theme "silent" :
& here my bootsplash-theme "vervose" :
for looks the images click o the tree links

28th January 2005, 01:15 AM
Firefox is overpowered when compared to internet explorer....and the image worked fine in Firefox.

and Linux is good too! :)

28th January 2005, 01:27 AM
what exactly do you get with firefox, opera etc that you don`t get with IE? apart from having to worry about what browser and version of it to use, when the one that comes as default with windows seems to work fine?

btw: very nice desktop indeed.

28th January 2005, 01:33 AM
''voy a escribir en español porque no se ingles.... mis disculpas''
well, this being an international forum, you're going to have to try escribir en ingles. or at least to increase the percentage of English in the posts. communication breaks down too much otherwise. zargz can understand you, but i can only get about half of it without a bi-lingual dictionary. probably only one of the moderators is fluent in Spanish; and they are the ones who MUST understand what is being said. i hope you can understand what i said. :)

and off on a completely other topic:

gbit, i was referring to pernambuco having a FireFox icon on his desktop, but not an Opera icon. and being an Opera browser lover... well, i just couldn't resist. ;) i wasn't referring to the rendering of the image of the desktop.
Internet Explorer. pffft. outdated trash.

[lunar, i get full page zoom, MDI, a really thorough set of time-saving keyboard shortcuts, easy control of individual image display, easy and quick toggling of javascript and proxy and plug-ins and cookies and pop-ups and..... etc. plus the fact that all the controls work together harmoniously to produce higher throughput of work than any other browser. plus other advantages, including extreme ability to customise without having to write your own code. but i am radically digressing. check the topic on the Browser Whores for more discussion of browsers and pro and cons from all sides.]

28th January 2005, 01:35 AM
Sharp as always Lance lol, note to self: never diss Opera, Lance will be there to piss on my bonfire before I get a chance to blink :lol:

28th January 2005, 01:38 AM
I would say that tabbed browsing is the biggest difference. I find it is very useful when doing research, but apart from tabbed browsing, the differences are slight. The best feature that firefox has, imho, is the google/amazon/dictionary.com/creative commons/ebay/yahoo search tool that is built unobtrusively into the browser and is without the extra bloat of a toolbar that both sings and dances.

Anyway, far and away the best feature of firefox is its total lack of microsoft security problems.

BUT! I am straying far too much from the topic!

pernambuco, that is a nice desktop.

28th January 2005, 01:42 AM
Lance....it is no problem....I too used opera until firefox reached the 1.0pre stage, after which I stopped using opera.

See....I am going off topic again. kde-look.org is a nice place to see how people are customising their fully customisable linux machines. But I find just kde and the plastik theme is perfect!

28th January 2005, 01:46 AM
Well there are many very cool features , little things like Firefoxes "Slang..." are oddly useful, I don't use the tabbed browsing much, got too used to new window browsing back with IE I think. Other good bits are the built in add blocker, good for people like me who are too lazy to find one themself and uh... dunno, can't think of much else really, does have the slight downside that a few backwards thinking individuals make websites that only accept IE but heh, when you think about it, do you reeeeally want to go to someone like that's site? :P

28th January 2005, 01:51 AM
please let us move the browser discussion to the browser topic. i can't move the posts that have already been made without destroying the continuity of the thread, but no more browser posts in this topic, please.



28th January 2005, 03:17 AM
<explaning some rules>

voy a escribir en español porque no se ingles.... mis disculpas Bueno, siendo el ingles la Lingua Franca de la red aqui se habla solamente en ingles para no excludir otras personas de lo que se esta hablando asi todos entienden!
Tambien no esta permitido 'postear' imagenes tan grandes asi que estubo bien que pusiste los url! La gente aqui es muy amistosa y el poco ingles que has hablado
no estubo mal! :D practicando vas a mejorar y de ahi :arrow: perfeccionar! :mrgreen:
Ahora pasemos al english :arrow:
</explaning some rules>

pernambuco: Now I see the pics - Cool !!

xEik: The only time we really needed you to do some moderating here I had to do your job!!! http://www.geocities.com/zargz/leenden/lol.gif

lance: I did paste the url but it didn't work for me .. anyway now I've seen them 8)

Preaterea censeo Carthaginem esse delandam

28th January 2005, 05:27 AM
Gracias zargz!!! & gracias all for our patience!!!

ONly another question:
En Español---> no logro entender, pero parece ser ke hay algun problema con firefox y se me dice que cambie a IE o Opera?
Si es asi, me cambiare a Opera, IE descartado, pues utilizo Debian Sarge.... 8)

28th January 2005, 07:21 AM
zargz, thanks for explaining to him about the need for English and to keep pic size down.

did you paste everything after the question mark as well? had to have that extra data for the pic to work, otherwise yahoo say no permiso

28th January 2005, 09:35 AM
I can read and write in Spanish. This means that as far as moderation is concerned, I can fulfill my duties if something is posted in this language.
However, that is not the point. The point is that this is an international forum and I'm sure that most of our users have zero knowledge of Spanish, making it impossible to follow the discussion.
That's why we ask people to stick to English. This way, everyone can participate, no matter which country they are from.

<offtopic class="browser_discussion" xml:lang="es">
No hay ningún problema con Firefox. Lance es (como yo) usuario de Opera. Es una simple cuestion de preferencias.
Las ventajas de FF son que es gratis, software libre y permite extensiones.
Opera, en cambio muestra un anuncio si no pagas por una licencia, está orientado a usuarios más avanzados y el instalable tiene bastantes funciones que FF solo tiene via extensiones.
En cualquier caso, Lance no te decÃ*a que dejes de utilizar Firefox. Simplemente te recomienda que pruebes Opera. Hay versiones para Linux pero aún asÃ* es software propietario.

28th January 2005, 10:17 AM
.........bla bla bla......... :evil: I KNOW RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, Lance, tell them that spoke in English

28th January 2005, 02:41 PM
yes, folks, RamZes does indeed use English on this forum even though he is from Russia and his everyday language in real life is Russian.

xEik, i think zargz was just kiddingly saying that you weren't available at the time we needed a translation.
and thanks for telling Pepe/pernambuco what i really meant about FireFox., and about adverts and registration, and features in opera. i can more or less understand what you said, but i could not have written it.

piranha wiper
28th January 2005, 04:18 PM
nice pic, i take it that it is cubis float?

28th January 2005, 06:35 PM
Erm... I do not want to be rude, but... er... what is so incredible on these pics? They were posted in other treads as well...
If you want to show us some new pictures you will not find them in the internet, abouve all not not in this size and about fusion!
Sorry, it looks cool, but it is not the hottest thing I've ever seen! :roll:

Ehem, sorry: welcome to the forums :D

28th January 2005, 06:52 PM
I can read and write in Spanish.. hey, I know that! was just kidding man ok? :P

Preaterea censeo autopilotum esse delandam

28th January 2005, 07:25 PM
ok ohereafter: only english :D
but... with my scanty cognizance of english& the help of Mr.Google :D
frist of all hi, I'am pernambuco, i live in Ibiza, Spain & the best game of the wipeout saga is the frist!! 8)

well, thans Lance for your advide, but i prefer firefox because
it is free software & yes. by default firefox is unpowered, but exist much & diverse extensions ;)

my frist question:

i search a song, the song of the frist intro (the intro of the frist wipeout :) ) on mp3 or cda, etc. for buy :P memorable. it exist?

28th January 2005, 07:42 PM
thank you, Pepe, for going to the trouble of writing in English. i know it is extra effort, but doing is it pretty much the only practical way for an international forum to work.

Ibiza? we are told in America that Ibiza is a 24 hours per day party all over the island; is that true?

Opera is also free, but not open source. it may be used in fullscreen mode which does not show an advert. if you choose to see the advert, there is also a choice between a banner ad or a thin strip of text ads [which is most people's choice between the two].


28th January 2005, 08:20 PM
Yes you have reason this forum is international the same rules for all!!! 8) :D

Yes it's true, but only on summer .now we remain only the natives :cry: we have the most big discoteque on europe, but now is closed :? cold=no tourist here :lol:

6th February 2005, 10:47 AM
I made a new ksplash (kde splash-screeen) 8)
is this:

For downloads:
I request your opinions 8O :)

6th February 2005, 10:57 AM
wah! It's a long time i've seen those weapon icons, why is wipEout purE on there too though? What's the connection? 8O Oh and one last thing, what's a Kde3.3?

I see, followed the link and now I get it, never mind me.

Look pretty clever I guess :clap

6th February 2005, 11:28 AM
Idont find the wipeout pure icons :( .
What's the connection?
all wipeouts are connected :roll:
Kde is a graphic interface for linux, BSD & Solaris 8)

No work on http://www.emyart.com/images/ventana-dali.jpg 8) :D

6th February 2005, 01:00 PM
all wipeouts are connected :roll:

yeah, but but but, we all know how different the icons from each game are! Ok, just ignore me, i'm being facetious, i'll go hide in the W3O forum now :oops:

14th February 2005, 02:28 AM
I make a theme for KDM (KDE login manager) 8)
Is this:


14th February 2005, 03:11 AM
wow. That is very nice.

14th February 2005, 03:40 AM
#1 dumb question: What's a Splash-screen
#2: How do these relate to Wipeout Fusion other than it's extra's art gallery:


14th February 2005, 05:18 AM
splash-screen on windows (in this case longhorn):

My splash-screen( on Debian Gnu/linux):

My gallery:

(i'm sorry i don't speak a good english) :lol:

14th February 2005, 07:56 AM
the log-in screen is way cool!http://www.geocities.com/zargz/leenden/ok.gif

Preaterea censeo autopilotum esse delandam

14th February 2005, 03:06 PM
Ooh, nice! Original Wipeout features.

28th March 2005, 06:11 PM
I created another login manager for GNU/Linux.
Is this:

Rapier Racer
28th March 2005, 06:18 PM
Nice, stuff like that must take ages to do