View Full Version : The History of PlayStation

12th January 2005, 08:52 PM

An offical SCEE site which takes anybody who can remember back that far to "the good old days". You know, when you thought it wouldnt get any better than Ridge Racer.... or life-defining moments, like the time you found out that your PlayStation could play music CD's too!!!!! (music....through the TV..... wow! 8O )

Anyways, it's good for a bit of light nostalgia.
Also (and more wipeout related) it's very good reference for WipEout 1. The original. The great, great, great, great, great granddaddy of all games.
I dont know if any locallised euro versions will differ from the UK version I was reading, but it's well worth your while to check out Sep 1995. You get infos, cool images and possibly the best game intro ever (with some added in-game footage) in the Movies section.
Dont bother about the wallpaper section, unless you really must have Rayman infecting your desktop...

Interesting comment about the NegCon. Apparently, it wasn't much good.
We have a few pilots who beg to differ! :wink:

12th January 2005, 09:47 PM
That was a great read!! Wipeout rules!!!! :clap

Thanxs for the link.

stevie :D

12th January 2005, 10:06 PM
The original. The great, great, great, great, great granddaddy of all games.

:lol: Thruster, will you adopt me and let me be your son?


12th January 2005, 10:06 PM
funny [really] that they don't mention the Saturn and N64 versions of the game, even though they still made money on selling those versions, too!

12th January 2005, 10:14 PM
Yeah really nice site. Bringing back the good-old days :P

12th January 2005, 10:18 PM
shem, consider it done. Just remember, though you may be adopted, you still owe me rent. :lol:

Just as a side note (and partly because I just realised it..) Sep 2005 is WipEout's 10th birthday!
Where do we send birthday cards?

13th January 2005, 05:33 PM
we could spam infox with emails...but that wouldn't be ethical...

piranha wiper
13th January 2005, 05:57 PM
ethical nor pleased good i dea thogh :lol: it is said that the original help luanch the playstation into the land being noticed

Bob Todd
21st January 2005, 04:15 PM
Ooo, great read. Ta!

Rapier Racer
23rd January 2005, 03:21 PM
funny [really] that they don't mention the Saturn and N64 versions of the game, even though they still made money on selling those versions, too!

Not really, it's a history of Playstation after all not Wipeout

23rd January 2005, 04:12 PM
i was being ironic.
[rant]IIRC they generally avoided mentioning competitors and ignored other innovators or developments in the gaming business. the 'history' was self-centric in order to be self-promotional, as nearly all such company-written company 'histories' are. that's why i thought it was funny. it isn't really a history when the writer ignores the environment in which the subject of it exists[end rant]

piranha wiper
23rd January 2005, 06:28 PM
it isn't really a history when the writer ignores the environment in which the subject of it exists

i thought the subject of the history of the playstation was about the playstation and its games, and what have i been reading for the past 10 mins? the history of the playstation and its games quite fascinating that, there wasnt much mention about 1 game because it goes through the years so you cant really expect them to say "ooh lok wipeout blah blah blah" etc

23rd January 2005, 07:58 PM
please do not take the following as a personal criticism; it is not intended to be any such thing:
do you remember that Egyptian temple that has a whole wall covered with an inscription telling about how Ramses II fought off and killed thousands of his enemies all by himself and which made no mention of the deeds of his own army of several thousand soldiers, and mentioned nothing of the excellence and accomplishments of the enemy country, nor of the social and political milieu in which the battle occurred and why it was fought?. it was carved by people that Rameses the Second owned. it was a bragfest, a list of accomplishments of the king. sort of like the old Norse sagas. that isn't history, it's just raw but slanted, biased data, that can be sifted through and compared to data from other sources in an attempt to find out what the real story, the real history was. but it ain't history. ;)

we could look on Sony's ''history'' of the Playstation as a sort of timeline of game introductions in a limited segment of the total market. however it tells nothing of how the Playstation came to exist in the first place, how it was the eventual result of a co-project with Nintendo to develop a new console. whatever happened between the two companies, eventually Sony took what they had learned and their vision of what they wanted to do and then made their own console. nor does the 'history' mention any of the marketing strategies and tactics that were at least as important to the rise of the Playstation to market dominance as any of the games that were published for it. that is all part of Playstation history.

i am most certainly a cantankerous stickler and prickly f**khead for wanting accuracy and completeness in describing anything, but well... there ya go. :D
The ace of hearts is not a deck of cards. a deck of cards is not a game. a game is not a history of gaming. a list of games is not a history of the Playstation.

dammit, i went off on one of my passionate rants again. i must care about stuff too much. i try to look at lies, fakery, deception of oneself, and intentional attempts to deceive others, particularly by corporations, with detached amusement. to find them 'funny'. but when someone makes me pause to think about it, or to defend an opinion i've stated out loud, then i get waaaaay too involved , and actually think about this stuff and can't laugh at human weakness anymore. not even my own. it just pisses me off. i'm sorry about that.

23rd January 2005, 08:02 PM
you'll notice that i did go ahead and post all that anyway. i just couldn't laugh it off and not say anything. one of my several weaknesses. make that two. too much ego, and too much passion for truth. and the intolerance that comes along with that.
okay, three weaknesses. i'd better stop counting now, or i will really feel bad about weakness number one listed above. :)

Rapier Racer
23rd January 2005, 08:06 PM
however it tells nothing of how the Playstation came to exist in the first place, how it was the eventual result of a co-project with Nintendo to develop a new console.

are you sure? I thought I read something something about that in there

23rd January 2005, 08:18 PM
it did say that - they were teaming up to topple sega


they did eventually - while fighting each other

oh life and it's little ironies..

23rd January 2005, 08:51 PM
i'm never sure of anything. one of my few good points! :D

okay, i just went back [on dial-up! oh, the lengths i will go to in order to find 'Truth', that elusive monster.] to check. clicking the ''did you know'' section pops up a green background text that does indeed mention the early project. doesn't mention enough details to be a cogent history for my taste, but it does mention enough to be regarded as a capsule history. can i have been wrong about one point?! gasp! my lack of perfection is very galling. though expected. where is that blushing emoticon? nevermind, i've got images switched off at the moment, but consider it to be here>

piranha wiper
24th January 2005, 04:25 PM
lance wrote
doesn't mention enough details to be a cogent history for my taste,

well i got a solution for that, look on google for the history of the playstation..

and no i dont really know and/or care about egyptian history

24th January 2005, 04:50 PM
i didn't expect you to care about Egyptian history. it was just an example of the same kind of thing. it could have been any time and any culture; that's just the one that popped into my head at the time