View Full Version : Kinetica Yay Or Nay ?

4th January 2005, 11:59 PM
Just Wanted Opinions And Or All Views On Kinetica Likes Dislikes As Well !

22nd January 2005, 09:51 PM
Sheesh Noone has gotten into it Here ? :roll:

22nd January 2005, 10:08 PM
begins to look that way. i've never played it at all or even seen it played

25th January 2005, 04:55 PM
Hunh, I was sure _somebody_ would have replied to this by now.

I guess that means it's just me who's played it.

I got it for my PS2 when I saw it on sale, since I knew that it was a nifty-looking idea of a futuristic racer with fighting and stuff. The "tricks" you do are kind of cool, and they're important since that's how you get boost power, but it ends up being a racing game for non-racing fans. My less-hardcore friends enjoyed it, since it had a lot of "get out there and play" to it, but I could never get into it because it just wasn't a "real racer".

So it's not really a bad game, but there's nothing amazing about it, and it's not hardcore enough for serious attention. That's pretty much all I can tell you about it.

To put it in perspective, I was MUCH more impressed with Monkey Race in Super Monkey Ball (for the GameCube), that's a surprisingly serious racer. I continue to enjoy that small mini-game far more than I enjoyed anything in Kinetica (the little of it that I did play).