View Full Version : Wipeout Fusion Font

4th January 2005, 09:54 PM
Does anybody here know where I can find the WipEout Fusion font? This font looks really cool 8)
...and it isn't in the download section at wipeoutzone.com :(

4th January 2005, 09:59 PM
Are we talking about the in-game text, or the Wipeout Fusion logo text?

If it's the latter then it was never a font, just a logo.

4th January 2005, 10:51 PM
I mean the font in the game, yes. WipEoutZone had the same font a few months ago.

And there was a font used for the website and of course for the booklet. Just with capital letters.

Both of them would be nice :D

4th January 2005, 11:51 PM
*ears pick up with interest*

7th January 2005, 01:43 PM
ehem... so does anybody have them?

7th January 2005, 03:59 PM
I do - I'll get it to you this weekend.

8th January 2005, 02:12 PM
Juuuhuuu!!! Thank you Fox! Yeah! *happy*

8th January 2005, 02:41 PM
*waving hand in the air* please please me too :D :D :D

8th January 2005, 03:36 PM
Now on the WipeoutZone downloads page (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/downloads.php) in font section

10th January 2005, 02:59 PM

Rapier Racer
10th January 2005, 03:19 PM
oooo very nice indeed

10th January 2005, 03:50 PM
Now on the WipeoutZone downloads page (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/downloads.php) in font section
What am I, a frickin' caveman?

Normally such poor grammar wouldn't be an issue on an internet forum, but when you're competing with eloquent individuals like our very own Lance, I feel I have to re-word myself;

Now available on the WipeoutZone downloads page (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/downloads.php) in fonts section.


10th January 2005, 04:49 PM
i didn't say anything. :)

there's a competition?!
what?! where?!!!!
how can i get in on this thing?!?!?!?!
edit: mm.. ''frickin''?
that is actually a cheap corruption found in television programs due to an excess of zeal on the part of namby-pamby censors attempting to placate religious zealots and their nineteenth-century grandmothers. the proper spelling is '****ing'.

[note: please forgive my elimination of capital ''i''s; due entirely to my extreme laziness, and not, as one might suppose, to humility or to the deliberate soft-pedaling of my ego.]

10th January 2005, 05:22 PM
[note: please forgive my elimination of capital ''i''s; due entirely to my extreme laziness, and not, as one might suppose, to humility or to the deliberate soft-pedaling of my ego.]

Hmmm... Me mind canst do other than to think that explaing the laziness, which producest the lack of capital "i"s, doth contradict the very meaning of the word itself. ;-)

10th January 2005, 06:03 PM
''producest'? or 'produceth'?

Good Sir, the savings of effort and time due to elimination of the shift key depression is very great due to my extremely frequent use of the personal pronoun in first person form, and quite overcompensates for the brief, and if i may say so, quite concise and literate explanation of the lack of caps, or heads as one might say.

Howsoever, one may note that t'was a thing excellent in nature that the highly esteemed Herr Gutenberg slacked not in his manifold productions, and verily gaveth to such as we a most excellent example of textual correctness.

I bid you A Dieu, good Sir, and may the Sonne shine on your projects literate.

Yr Obdnt Srvnt,


[his mark]

10th January 2005, 06:11 PM
erm... and does anybody have the other font? :roll:


9th March 2005, 04:29 PM
Where can I get this font? (the "Limited Edition" font)

>>> http://i22.ebayimg.com/01/i/02/ce/df/c8_1_b.JPG

I allready know, that it's no font made for WipEout. But I haven't found it yet. :(