View Full Version : !The great negCon hunt!

31st December 2004, 12:22 AM
I am proper Arrrrgh! :evil: I've been knocked off the Talon's Reach time trial lap times. To remedy this as discussed else where is for me to get a negCon - ein kleines problem - I don't know where to look. I've checked Ebay numerous times since losing out on that other auction by 12p... ( :( )

Do you guys know of anywhere else I can hunt?


31st December 2004, 01:13 AM
knocked off the tables?! surely not? you could always set the display to show the first forty places. uh... you are in the... uh... um... uh... right?

31st December 2004, 04:39 AM
Iirc Rob (Infoxicated) was going to stockpile a few Negcons to sell for people on this site (to help them avoid ebay ripoffs), maybe you can ask him.

31st December 2004, 12:26 PM
i'm gonna keep an eye on this too, I could do with a Neggy, i'm getting sick of sitting 4th everywhere :lol:

*EDIT* Couple of white neggys at Ebay uk atm, 7 and a half hours each:



31st December 2004, 08:51 PM
ho ho ho, lance...... :?


31st December 2004, 10:08 PM

1st January 2005, 01:01 AM
(addition) forgot to say - the negCons on ebay had finished by the time I'd got to them

1st January 2005, 03:38 AM
there is no such thing as time, just lots of clocks

1st January 2005, 03:25 PM
found a black negcon on ebay but that B@$trd ended the bid b4 it was due! :evil:

it said:
The seller ended this listing early because the item is no longer available for sale. :evil: :evil:

can they do that??!! :roll:

1st January 2005, 03:47 PM
Whats all the fuss about the negcons? Someone please explain to me what all the fuss is about? :)

1st January 2005, 05:15 PM
i dont have a neggy - or want one for that matter

basically you can steer by twisting the controller thru a pivot it has in the middle. in other words, twisting your wrists...no one ever heard of arthritus? :P

anyhoo it was voted the 2nd worst peripheral on telly a few weeks ago - so they blew it up.

1st January 2005, 05:48 PM
hmmmm useless in my opinion. But how does it result in a better race time though?

Rapier Racer
1st January 2005, 06:24 PM
i dont have a neggy - or want one for that matter

basically you can steer by twisting the controller thru a pivot it has in the middle. in other words, twisting your wrists...no one ever heard of arthritus? :P

anyhoo it was voted the 2nd worst peripheral on telly a few weeks ago - so they blew it up.

eh what who? what kind of TV station is this

1st January 2005, 06:25 PM
I actually have 1 - a white 1 .. :oops:
but as I've seen the black is the size of a standard controller that's y i wanted 1 :x
I can't get used to the white so i figured the black, being smaller, could fit me better :roll:

axel: most of the top times on the time tables here are done with a negcon :!:

what u win with an analog controller like the negCon is more precise turning and for exmpl
making a long turn with the d-pad u hav2 push-release push-release push-release push-release
coz if u just push u'll end in the wall so in a sence u can say u r 'zig-zaging' thru the turn
u lose speed and the path u take is a bit longer.
negcon keeps the angle and speed and takes a shorter way! 8O
get it? 8)

1st January 2005, 06:44 PM
I see, so why not use the anolouge (think thats how u spell it) stick then? Does that also affect the times?

1st January 2005, 08:17 PM
the dual-shock analogue sticks are slower for me than both D-pad and neGcon. when i had probs with malfunctioning sticks on GT, i started using the D-pad and beat all my previous best times. the Sony style sticks are too long and too softly sprung to give me steady precise control. though the ones on the Dreamcast controllers are very good, being short and heavily sprung.

is the neGcon better than stick or pad? i firmly believe it is. if you look at the WOXL tables, you notice that nearly all the race records in the first three classes are held by one person. that person had only 2 or 3 firsts before he got a neGcon, and even those were very much improved on with the neggy.
i suspect that the letters in 'neGcon' might stand for namco extremely Great con-troller.

it may be that not everyone can be comfortable with it; at least one of our members, Ben, reported that he got too sore to use it after a while. Mobius mentioned the wrist-twisting and arthritis, but arthritis would perhaps cause problems with any controller. even though i'm old, i've not experienced an arthritis problem [crosses fingers, since he still can ;) ], nor simple overstressed wrist controlling muscles with the neggy. [ throttle-thumb button calluses, well, yeah, but mostly using D-pad on dual-shock.] it must depend on your driving position, and perhaps hand and wrist size and how tight you hold the controller. i'm one of the lucky ones since the neGcon seemed the right size and shape for me from the beginning. [ i have a white one.] after using it for only 2 hours, i beat one of my previous personal best times, and within a day or so, i had beaten 18 of my old times, so i became convinced of its worth very quickly.

as mentioned in another thread somewhere, the twisting motion of a neGcon gives a somehow more ''realistic'' feel to piloting, and a greater immersion in the game. any of you who haven't tried one owe it to yourselves to try one for long enough to give it a fair test.

1st January 2005, 08:19 PM
anyhoo it was voted the 2nd worst peripheral on telly a few weeks ago - so they blew it up.
WHAT? :x What bunch of utter morons did that? Obviously a gang of idiots who've never played Wipeout, RR4 or Gran Turismo with a neggie. I pity them fools...

2nd January 2005, 01:10 AM
anyhoo it was voted the 2nd worst peripheral on telly a few weeks ago - so they blew it up.


2nd January 2005, 02:51 AM
I see, so why not use the anolouge (think thats how u spell it) stick then? Does that also affect the times? well there are ppl who use them for exmpl infoxx
for me the analogue sticks are too 'tight' or 'sensitive' they are preset and u cant change them
i feel with a little movement i make too big turn. a negcon on the other hand u can twist 90*
and in the controller menu u can decide ur self if u turn a little by twisting it 45* or 5*
:!: however all the times I've posted on the tables I have done with the d-pad! :rock_on :guitarist

2nd January 2005, 10:20 AM
.there is no such thing as time, just lots of clocks.

THAT's a good one. Worth using it as a signature. :)

Hmmm, wouldn't a sticky about the quality of negs be a good idea? It feels like the question of what good a neGcon really makes has a rather regular appearance in these forums. Not that I wonder why... Anyway, just an idea.

By the way, personally I can't agree more with what has been said. A neGcon improves the finess you can put into steering significantly, hence your times will most probably get a lot better as compared to playing with the DualShock or any other controller. I have tried some and the neg's precision exceeds all the others'.


2nd January 2005, 02:37 PM
From my experience with the Negcon:

Better than d-pad and analogue stick, reasons:

1) It has ALL the advantages of both and many pluses

-It allows fast reactions like d-pad, and precision and smoothness like analogue stick

2) The disadvantages that it doesnt have:

- D-pad doesnt allow precise control; for it its just left right up down; how far you go pressing a button?, the same value all the time

-Analogiue stick is too free to be useful in fast reactions, the movement needed for your thumb to get a fast reaction on the analogue stick is too slow compared to the one of twisting your wrists on the negcon, and the negcon steering runs in one axis so you can react fast and unlike the analogue stick you wont make the mistake of pitching up or down accidentaly (this is controllable by experienced players...)

-with both dpad and analogue its harder to pitch up or down since that command is on the same object (stick or dpad) that does the steering movement; in the negcon the d-pad controls the pitch, and the main axis controls the steering, making it easier and faster to pitch, specially on situations where you need to steer and pitch at the same time.

Now for the complaints i have heard and experienced:

1) Lack of buttons; some say shoulder, some say face
2) Ergonomics; its not uncomfortable for me, actually its good; but i agree that it could be much better.

The pros MOST DEFINITELY outweight the cons, but one of the heaviest reasons to use it in my particular case: its way more fun to play the game with a Negcon.

I can understand why some people dont like the controller, maybe its a matter of how much experience you have on the racing game you want to play, if you just play by reaction, youre going to hate the controller, more experienced players who are very aware of racing lines, that need precision, more options, and not inherit the disadvantages of other controllers will love it; maybe some simply cannot adjust to it, to each his/her own.

Its also a matter of configuration and setting, since its analogue, you have to adjust the settings to your particular case, if not your going to be splattering yourself all around the track; needless to say in this aspect lazy people are going to hate it.

2nd January 2005, 05:13 PM
lazy ppl huh? :guns
well i tryed 2 giv it a chance 3 times i think. each time for several hours.
then i pick up a d-pad and destroy my negcon times .. 8O
stindah tells me he had to play for about a MONTH b4 he got used to it.
now he cant do without it so i guess i'll have to give it one more chance for a bit longer time :|

Rapier Racer
2nd January 2005, 06:06 PM
I got used to it in an hour then destroyed all my d-pad times on every version of the game except Fusion obviously

2nd January 2005, 07:16 PM
I see, so why not use the anolouge (think thats how u spell it) stick then? Does that also affect the times?

Axel - 2097 doesn't support the analogue sticks.

Yeah - anyway - back to the topic ( :P :D ). It's a case of finding the damned things. I am starting to suffer from top ten withdrawal symptoms! :twisted:

lazy ppl huh?
well i tryed 2 giv it a chance 3 times i think. each time for several hours.
then i pick up a d-pad and destroy my negcon times ..
stindah tells me he had to play for about a MONTH b4 he got used to it.
now he cant do without it so i guess i'll have to give it one more chance for a bit longer time

I suppose it's all a matter of taste, prefernce and what 'feels' natural. maybe you are just not suited to the negCon (and why does it have a capital C anyway?)

2nd January 2005, 07:26 PM
it doesn't have a capital 'c', it has a capital 'g'. neGcon

on the controller itself, the 'g' is actually an almost complete circle of a counterclockwise arrow, with the arrowhead substituting for the usual horizontal stroke that distinguishes a 'G'

2nd January 2005, 07:27 PM
[ :oops: yeah - err... I knew that! :oops:] :lol:

2nd January 2005, 07:27 PM
Which doesn't resolve the capital letter mystery. ;) I too would like to know why they put that "G" in there.

2nd January 2005, 07:34 PM
on the controller itself, the 'g' is actually an almost complete circle of a counterclockwise arrow, with the arrowhead substituting for the usual horizontal stroke that distinguishes a 'G'

that might just be it you know!

12th February 2005, 11:55 AM
neGcon -> 7 hrs to go ..

Preaterea censeo autopilotum esse delandam

12th February 2005, 05:20 PM
drop the cashola to win an auction, bid a max of 20 quid. It won't go up that high, but if it did, it would be worth it. I think I paid around 60USD for my black one 8O

12th February 2005, 07:34 PM
Who! You twist it?!!! I never knew what the heck a neGcon was until now!!!! :oops:

21st February 2005, 10:27 AM
I didn't realise that there was such as a thing as a black negcon or that negcon were difficult to find. I live in japan so most used game shops have them for a reasonable price.

If anyone would like to trade a white neg con for a copy of wipeout 3 special edition please send me a PM and we can work something out.

21st February 2005, 04:58 PM
Once I get money I'll be able to do it. Would you still be accepting and offer about 6 months from now? :? :D

21st February 2005, 07:30 PM
Given that the last one on eBay went for just a few quid, I wouldn't be surprised if either of the current two go for just their £5 starting bid. On the other hand, spreading the WO3:SE love is always a good thing to do, anyway.

21st February 2005, 10:26 PM
ok Boys! for a free neGcon keep a close look on the Arena!
I'll be soon starting a challenge there where the winner gets a neGcon! 8)
may be damora! << tomorrow in scotish

Praeterea censeo autopilotum esse delendam

22nd February 2005, 06:40 AM
I hope this will be open to all of us that don't have SE Zargz, not that I would honestly expect that of you :wink:

22nd February 2005, 08:51 AM
Paitence, young padawan ! http://www.geocities.com/zargz/leenden/sef.gif

Praeterea censeo autopilotum esse delendam

28th February 2005, 12:41 PM
Negcon for sale on ebay uk, current bidder is winning it for the sum of one pence. :wink:

and this one is also pretty cheap:


8th March 2005, 11:22 PM
two new negcons available on buy now for £4.50 each incl p&p:


23rd March 2005, 09:13 AM
wooo hoooo neGcon arrived this morning i sense some serious wipEing comin on when i get home from school:P

3rd April 2005, 12:30 AM
Anyone know how to fix a Negcon with a 'B' button that doesn't seem to work. The soldering on it looks fine and all, even cleaned the contacts, but it doesn't seem to matter. Other than that it plays fine.

I can't believe some of you have just discovered the joys of the Negcon, I've had mine for about 6 years.