View Full Version : Fireworks!

5th November 2004, 05:25 PM
So anyone planning on having a few laps around manor top in light of the festivities? I probably will be later, after i've set off my fireworks :)

piranha wiper
5th November 2004, 05:36 PM
thats a good idea that actually
*runs away to w3o*

5th November 2004, 06:03 PM
doubtless you are referring to some obscure English ritual concerning the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot?

you crazy English shoulda been over here at Universal Studios, Orlando on the fourth of July. now them was fireworks, boys! none o' them puny edge-of-western-Europe Fawkesian sparklers. no sir! we got real turn-of-the-millennium size explosives EVery year. yeeha!

5th November 2004, 06:44 PM
little country, little fireworks...don't diss.

anyway - it is 399 aniversary of the gunpowder plot...probably the first recordid terrorist plot foiled in history :D

piranha wiper
5th November 2004, 07:46 PM
damn right moby, on 4th o'july did some daft guy with a beard decided to blow 7 tones of sh*t out of the houses of parliment (or anything that resembles this)well lance did they? well no, it was the declaration of indipendance that was written on hemp buy a guy with wooden teeth, no terrorism there, i did a couple of laps and couldnt be bothered to race just wanted to look at the fireworks and sing the song thats on project x when you die :lol:

5th November 2004, 07:57 PM
i wasn't dissing, just being silly. :)
and possibly exaggerating just a bit.


dunno about the first documented terrorist attack. depends on how it's defined. for sheer terror inducement and bloody-minded killing of civilians, i guess the classic text could have been written by Genghis Khan. a few centuries ago, he destroyed the city of Herat and had every person in it killed. 185,000 of them. and all his troops had to use were bows-and-arrows and knives. and maybe small swords? i don't know if the number cited by the author is totally accurate, but even if it were only thirty or forty thousand, the hand-to-hand slaughter is impressive in its evil

6th November 2004, 04:49 AM
Heh, i did a few laps of Manor Top, also couldn't be arsed with many more, seemed fitting still :D

@ Lance, is it terrorism of nobody survives to remember it? :o

6th November 2004, 05:45 AM
the killers survived. probably only the Khan's hired chronicler had the skill of writing it down, but they all remembered. i can imagine their proud retelling of their skillfully fierce deeds amongst the hapless populace. sitting around the campfires and bragging of the tortures. ''You should have seen their faces as i cut their heads off!'' such a warm fuzzy moment. ah, the rewards of conquest.

hm... i grow bitter. next subject? :)

6th November 2004, 10:31 PM
I never have understood fireworks night here. It just doesn't make sense. It's like a big non-event that never actually happened, but it's cool to pretend it did so we can re-enact it every year.

Puzzles the heck out of me, it's like saying "No, Guy Fawkes - this is how you should have done it." as if he didn't frickin' know. And even if he didn't know that explosives are meant to go boom - he's long dead now, so rubbing his nose in it seems past its prime on so many levels.

If we wanted to have a fireworks night, we should just have tied it in to Hallow'een, using the fireworks to scare the witches or something. That way stupid people might have been too busy with all the trick or treat stuff to blow their hand off or blind innocent passers by with explosives..

7th November 2004, 06:25 PM
Actually now that you mention it, setting off explosives to celebrate the failed gunpowder plot desn't make a whole lotta sense. Maybe it's got something to do with taking all that gunpowder they were going to blow up the parliament with and launching it into the sky out of harms way... Hmm, for just making this up as I go along, it sounded pretty good :) Well whatever, i'm not complaining, fireworks are the dog's :wink:

7th November 2004, 08:06 PM
actually not all the plotters got caught.

some of them did a runner with the gunpowder during a storm. but because the powder got soaked they needed to dry it out in their hideout, which was a cottage.

they decided to dry it by the fireplace...

the cottage blew to peices - along with the habitants.

That could be the reason. :D


Rapier Racer
7th November 2004, 08:18 PM
actually not all the plotters got caught.

some of them did a runner with the gunpowder during a storm. but because the powder got soaked they needed to dry it out in their hideout, which was a cottage.

they decided to dry it by the fireplace...-g-

:) :) Ha what a bunch of idiots, reminds me of that evil dead film where ash hands a small bag of gunpowder over to the primative man who then dangles it above a candle flame