View Full Version : a bit breezy, eh what?

24th September 2004, 03:37 PM
hurricane number four coming at us. oh, whee.
four of them in six weeks. sheesh.
hey, wait. that's a new record!
[jumps up and down happily}
we're number one!
we're number one!

and one of them came through twice!!
[jumps up and down some more]

24th September 2004, 05:47 PM
Have you been drinking too much coffee?!!! 8O

According to the weather predictions and the wind might not go to your way so fingers crossed!!!!

stevie :)

24th September 2004, 06:11 PM
according to the latest [11 am local time, 4 pm BST] predicted path, the center of Hurricane Jeanne will pass only thirty miles away at most. we are expected to have sustained winds where i live of 80 miles per hour, gusts to 95. the exact path of the storm could of course shift closer or farther away and the winds could be higher or lower. if the center goes off the coast instead of inland, then the winds will stay at a higher level then if it slows down over land. so the wind level here might stay just as high even if the center is farther off. in any case, the poor folk along the coast are apparently going to get pounded by heavy wave action again, and the people who are already flooded inland are going to get even higher flooding.
tennis, anyone? trying to hit the ball should be interesting for the next few days. where are the ballboys when you need 'em? that's what i want to know. probably helping seal the rooves for the fourth time.
you should come over and play golf at Bay Hill, stevie. that downwind drive will be awesome!

Piranha Advancements
24th September 2004, 06:16 PM
I think God just doesnt like Florida.Apocalypse baby!

24th September 2004, 06:59 PM

you should come over and play golf at Bay Hill, stevie. that downwind drive will be awesome!

LOL!! yeah if I got six inch golf spikes! to control my balance :wink: then it would be awesome! :rock_on

stevie :D

25th September 2004, 01:26 AM
Florida is such a bass-ackward state to begin with, that I just view this hurricane-fest as mother nature's attempt to skim the gene pool a bit. (and that's coming from texas, where we're now getting your sloppy seconds of Ivan! ;))

How's your house holding up? I have a mother and a friend with homes in Orlando, and they both had some damage. Thankfully nothing major.

I hear a couple more systems are forming in the Atlantic as well. Maybe some evil genius is trying to wipe out the state before the elections! :D

25th September 2004, 01:35 AM
in view of how Jeb got to elect his brother to the Presidency last time by cheating on the vote count. [most of the votes disallowed in the hand-counting process were for Gore], perhaps it's a beatific genius or a democrat.

house has held up fine so far. hope it continues. the 5 0'clock [local] predicted track data moves it ten miles closer to Orlando. however, it's looking like an even bigger move to the west is coming. i hope it gets a lot bigger. so much so that it stays way to the south of us

11pm update. another 20 miles to the west. predicted track of the center runs right over my house.
maybe that high pressure system to the north will stay strong and keep it going even further west.

Rapier Racer
26th September 2004, 08:45 PM
Do these storms have anything to do with all these winds as pathetic as they may be compared to yours we are getting here?

29th September 2004, 05:22 AM
I'm starting to get worried.

No posts from Lance in the past 4 days.

29th September 2004, 02:55 PM
I'm starting to get worried.

No posts from Lance in the past 4 days.

4 days!!! :o let`s hope Lance is ok!!!!


29th September 2004, 05:39 PM
Same here. Although he did disappear from the online world for a certain time during the last "winds", so let's hope it's nothing more serious than it has been then.


29th September 2004, 06:58 PM
Last time (During charlie i think) lance went off due to his playstation falling off his Tv and spent time fixing it..i think. :?

3rd October 2004, 05:00 PM
This is getting a bit concerning - it's not like Lance to be missing in action for a whole week. :?

Hurry back, man.

4th October 2004, 09:57 AM
I hope it's only the "Whole area flooded, no electricity or internet connections available" kind of problem.

9th October 2004, 09:51 PM
power in my area was only off for about 30 something hours, but damage was done to my 0wn house's power line. currently still unfixed. i'm on a neighbor's computer right now. damage from Hurricane Jeanne was very modest at my house. thank you all for your concern. i am okay personally, though being without constant access to the internet is reaaally annoying. and i can't do my duties here on the forums. which is equally annoying.

i am way behind on keeping up with the posts here. must read must read must read

about to do so :)

9th October 2004, 10:30 PM
Good to know you're OK.
Hope the winds will have the courtesy to calm down now...

10th October 2004, 06:29 AM
Good to hear you're allright. Have a happy reading, then. ;)


10th October 2004, 07:14 AM
I`m so glad to hear from you again and yes you`re right and you will be very busy indeed!

stevie :D

10th October 2004, 11:30 AM

Good to have you back, Lance. :) :clap

26th October 2004, 11:23 PM
hello again!

at long last i have new wires, both from the power company and on my house.

my computer seems somehow alien and bizarre to me. i haven't been able to use it so long. very very odd feeling.

and i'm even further behind on reading new comments and threads than before. it'll probably take a couple of days before i'm back up to speed.

holy crap! there's probably a new version of Opera that i don't have yet. :o :o :o :evil:

damn, it's good to be back!
:D :D

i'll be damned; Opera put the new test preview on their servers just about the same time i was writing this post. their timing was great; they must have been waiting for me to return. :roll:
bloody hell. two months between previews! hell of a lot of changes in this one.

27th October 2004, 08:47 AM
Good to have you back on a more permanant basis. :)