View Full Version : Stunned, Shocked, Disappointed

19th September 2004, 10:25 PM
Some of you might have heard of it, most probably haven't Today, two Neonazi parties have been elected into their respective parliament of Brandenburg (7 percent of all votes) and Saxony, the state I live in (almost 10 percent). And much is being said about this as I write.

For the most part, everyone is trying to figure out how a people that has been made SO aware of its past can possibly want to see history repeat itself. Yes, the situation, socially as well as economically, can be compared to what was going in the early 30s. In a nutshell: Germany's economy is in a downturn, which has large effects on social benefits as well, especially since our system is based on the concept of a social market economy. A political sullenness has developed among many people, because the latest governments have hardly been able to change the situation significantly in either aspect. Which, by the way, is for a large part due to the typical German mind that seemingly can't bear the idea of giving away from himself in order to make adjustments for the good of society. Germans tend to clamp to what they got. It's "all theirs and noone dare touching it". There is also the fact claimed that East Germans, or former GDR citicens to be more precise, had never been able to really learn to live democracy and so were more likely to fall for a totalitarian system.

Anyway, all or some of this now apparently led to the newly grouped fascists gain more and more influence, and now enough influence to take governing positions in two states. And it leaves me wonder how, just how could it have happened. I mean, no matter how bad it would get, ever, this is the worst and most frightening thing that could have come out of it. And those ten percent voters KNOW it! I am both furious and afraid. My hope is that the sullenness I mentioned is going to fade for one reason or another, because right wing extremists merely profit from many people NOT voting, not from actually having as much followers as the results suggest. This is one evil that needs to be cut out. Especially since Fascism, as we know it, is not even about politicy but cheap propaganda, which is being followed by so many, excuse me, stupid men and women, who rather leave the thinking to anyone other but themselves. Yes, raising an outstreched arm is easy. But who do you give power by doing so...

OK, so I exaggerated some. At least in the last paragraph (the facts are in the first two ;) ). But it's how I feel about it. Mostly, as I said, I'm just afraid of what this means and what is going to happen. I'll make sure I won't be here if it gets much worse, no thanks.

Sorry if this is not at all Wipeout-related, but I just had to write some lines about it.


20th September 2004, 06:24 PM
how many states are there in Germany?

20th September 2004, 07:11 PM
16 there are.

20th September 2004, 07:13 PM
those who forget history are condemed to repeat it - anon

14 years old and talking politics - i swear my history teacher is to blame...

but being seirous, this is quite disturbing...living in britain there is a obscure political link between the two countries and our facist parties were exposed on national tv.

Someone has to do that...i tell you


20th September 2004, 07:21 PM
In what way were they exposed?

Believe me, noone in Germany forgot about the Nazi regime. In fact, by what they teach us it almost feels like my generation still is to blame for '33-'45.

20th September 2004, 08:24 PM
thanks, G'Kyl. then perhaps it isn't too bad yet.

Mobius: nothing anonymous about that; it was George[s?] Santayana who said it.

20th September 2004, 08:48 PM
It's not as bad as I might have described it. But at the end of the (last) day, the right wing had achieved an important victory and that's as bad as it gets, for me anyway. I won't give up my hopes, though )

21st September 2004, 03:41 PM
Question time!!!!!

Mobius: nothing anonymous about that; it was George[s?] Santayana who said it.

i dunno to be honest

In what way were they exposed?

They were exposed by a undercover jornalist workking for the BBC (who are the biggest tv company in the country apart from bSkyb) they were only armed with their brains and a secret camera they recorded everything - there was one guy who said his dream was to sit on the hillside of a mainly muslim town and blow it up with a rocket launcher...there was more to it...even more shocking stuff...This was kept rather low key by the bbc and htey only said they would broadcast it the night before they did. I don't know how much of a blow it was to the BNP but. Infox i think might know

21st September 2004, 04:14 PM
the question mark only meant that i wasn't absolutely certain there is supposed to be an 's' on the end of his first name, 'George'. there is no doubt that it was Santayana who said it. he was the originator of the statement that so many people quote. i'll try to express my intent more clearly next time. :)

21st September 2004, 07:06 PM
Hm.. in Germany right wing meetings have been exposed in just that same way several times. It never had the impact it apparently had in the UK.Makes me wonder how "used" Germans seem to the idea of having Nazi ideology among themselves...