View Full Version : Quantum Redshift Bug

12th September 2004, 01:53 PM
Apart from one or two locations were you get stuck when flying "into" the wrong piece of wall, I just discovered a somewhat annoying bug that I though was funny enough to share with you. Look at the picture and tell me what's wrong about my Mount Grauen time. ;)


How it happened is quickly told. I got off track right after the start, but instead of being set back to where I made that mistake, the game put me right before the finish line "thinking" I just came from driving the entire lap. And before I fully realized what had happened, I had already hit the accelerator...
Anyway, that's actually quite annoying since now I won't be able to do any flying for records on Mount Grauen, because I will hardly be able to beat this time by any legal means. :|


Hyper Shadow
12th September 2004, 03:31 PM
The main problem I had with QR, was that it just plain didn't work. I had two copies and it kept on freezing or telling me my disc was dirty or damaged. So I never really got to play it :evil: Most damn annoying

12th September 2004, 04:14 PM
If you had two copies that both wouldn't work, then are you sure your DVD drive was alright?

Hyper Shadow
12th September 2004, 08:03 PM
Well, every other game I've had since hasn't had that problem, and lord knows I must've had close to 50 games for my X-Box since. So I'm guessing it was an isolated problem.

But I am slowly coming round to actually buying it again, I mean, it wasn't that bad. As long as I don't run into the bug that you're having, that kind of thing ruined Fusion dammit.

12th September 2004, 08:22 PM
Because of the ingenuity of its gameplay I consider QR another Wipeout. So yes, I'd say give it another try. :) Why not buy a copy from the blockbuster to check whether it will run on your box?

Oh, and as for the bug: I ran into it only once. And believe me: I got off track a hundret times at that location. Otherwise QR is completely bug-free as far as I can tell. And I really played the game a lot.


12th September 2004, 08:26 PM
This is slightly off topic but I do really love QR and I did completed it twice especiually great music as well.

As you mentioned the bug which I don`t know of..

stevie :)

Nick Burcombe
13th September 2004, 09:47 AM
LOL. The bug with with Reset positions is a git - we thought we'd found all of these. Never mind - Mount Grauen is a git.

Anyway - anyone on here who hasn't played it - I think you can get a copy for about £3-£5 these days - give it a whirl. Worth the money - definitely.

And don't worry - I'm not trying to generate sales - we'll never see a penny out of it so no hidden motive here. :)


Nick Burcombe
13th September 2004, 09:48 AM

Here you go... 3 quid - finishes in 2 hours :)

Or its a tenner on tesco's website.

13th September 2004, 10:34 AM
Oh, Mount Grauen is hardly a git - Mount Grauen 2 is! ;)

Nick Burcombe
13th September 2004, 12:02 PM
LOl. Sorry - I meant in production terms. Lee Carus built it - and it was a pain in te arse as I recall. You're right the reverse is tricky!!!

13th September 2004, 02:16 PM
Hehe, yep, it definitely is, for me anyway. Though largely because I can't see a thing when firing and having shields up on that black vehicle (can't recall his name right now - that huge kind-of-a-clone-guy). ;)

And if you don't mind me asking: What made building the track difficult?

Oh, and please don't get me wrong; I love QR. :)


15th September 2004, 11:34 AM
Don't give me that Burcombe - who designed the track??!! :twisted: !

Nick Burcombe
15th September 2004, 11:58 AM
I meant it was a pain in the arse to build the reverse route - tunnelling backwards through the mountiain beacuse the slowest speed craft couldn't get up the hill. You were supposed to just drive a normal reverse route - but with the bottom end of the craft performance being so low - they couldn't get back up the BIG drop.

15th September 2004, 12:17 PM
Hey, that's exactely what I figured when I thought about the "glass" tunnel. :)

15th September 2004, 01:09 PM
I seem to recall that we had it set so you could power up the hill - problem was that coupled with full turbo meant you basically went into orbit :D

15th September 2004, 01:14 PM
Didn't some expanded roofing at the top of the hill work there?

15th September 2004, 01:19 PM
lol - oh yes - I forgot about putting that in - it's been a while :D

15th September 2004, 01:26 PM
I was just asking! :)

19th September 2004, 12:59 PM
OK, so I hope noone is going to sue me for posting too much on this subject, but since I've read a few comments asking for Redshift tables in the past, I thought it a good idea to let you know were you can post your times.
This page here - http://www.cyberscore.net/game.php?game_id=35 - has tables on all QR tracks. Unfortuanately they only keep track of your fastest times - no top scores there. But I guess it's better than nothing. I added three records so far - Mars, Kalau 2 and Silver Rock. Personally, I'd very much like to see some "WOZ competition" going on there :) , even though I'm afraid the game is so old few people still care. (Then again we all do still play Wipeout, don't we? *g*)
Anyway, sorry for trying to get people to move to another site to enter their achievments, Roger. Maybe you will find it in you to forgive me some day. After all, cyberscore has no Wipeout tables, and rest assured I won't be the one to request them. ;-)


19th September 2004, 01:05 PM
Cool!, Thank you for showing to us over the new scores so looks like I will give a go soon cos my wife`s friend got my console at the moment but I will get it back eventually.

stevie :)

19th September 2004, 04:10 PM
Drat! It just happened that I did some TT on Draco Island when I reached a new lap record. This apparently made me get a bit too optimistic about the turning ability of Kutoo's craft. Seconds later I sped into the vast nothingness aside the course, got set back right before the finsish line and crossed the latter a mere five seconds after starting the lap in the first place. Seems like this bug has a somewhat regular, even though not a very frequent, appearance.
Anyway, when I therefore decided to delete all my TT records from the X-Box menu so I could at least continue "time trialing", it only erased those times driven during regular races, not those from TT sessions... Guess I'll have to create another user profile, cheat me access to every craft, track and class so I can go on driving. :|
OK, I'll stop complaining right here and forever. ;) It's just that these are annoyances that take the flow out of an otherwise perfect game, which is a real pitty.


25th September 2004, 02:16 AM
Nick: don't worry about appearing as though you're whoring your old game out - it deserves it! :) It was flawed (aren't we all?), but it was a great game. Silver Rock Canyon on Redshift with the ultra focal length cheat on is one of the greatest sensations of speed I've experienced (barring getting my old 1989 Ford Tempo up to 110 mph - frightening! :)) I was bummed upon hearing there wouldn't be a sequel. MS doesn't appreciate the idea of niche markets. They also gave up Psychonauts, which must be some sort of crime against humanity!

Am I the only one who finds this off-hand banter about the creation of the game incredibly interesting?

G'Kyl: Thanks for the link. I recently bought a new xbox to replace my old, used, rip-off system so I have to re-build my times, but I'll be interested in that link.

25th September 2004, 03:06 AM
i didn't know that a Tempo would even gO 110!
even in 1989 :)

25th September 2004, 11:24 AM
i didn't know that a Tempo would even gO 110!
even in 1989 :)

I can tell you that they're certainly not built to go 110! 8O :lol: