View Full Version : Bought Doom 3 anyone??

4th September 2004, 09:44 PM
I done a forum search for Doom 3 but couldnt find anything so Ive started this thread instead...
So, has anyone bought Doom 3 for the PC yet?? If so, what do you think?
I have read a few reviews but would love to hear from some "real life" gamers!!
The original Doom games were what got me hooked on Playstation and were the only games I played more than the original Wipeout back then...

:robot :robot :robot

4th September 2004, 10:44 PM
Gosh, I must have played Doom 1 and 2 completely through about a hundred times. :) When I first saw Wolfenstein I was like "no thanks, stay away from me with than nonsense shooter stuff!" But then I laid hands on Doom and got literaly hooked to it from level one. ID games always had a certain something no other game has been able to recreate.
Anyway, unfortuantaley I don't have the money to play Doom3. And since I don't load games from the net, I guess I'll have to wait until I can play the latest incarnation. :)


4th September 2004, 11:02 PM
I played Doom 3 and as a fan of original Doom I must say the new one :
- has nothing to do with the original
- demands a powerful PC to play it
- is too dark
- it's just not "IT"

I didn't like it. Not becouse my PC is weak thus the detail and the resolution was low, but most of all, it didn't have the same atmosphere. Of course it's a different game, but it's called Doom alright. And as far as I remember, Doom was about shooting enemy's ass like a maniac. Doom 3? Counting the bullets, wondering if I should use a flashlight or a gun? That ain't it. I don't like it. I was expecting something else. As far as the concept of dark corridors and enemies poping out of nowhere fitted Alien vs Predator, in Doom 3 I just don't feel it.

5th September 2004, 10:28 AM
My five year old computer hasn't the required muscle for Doom 3, either. I do most of my gaming on consoles, anyway. Tip: if you love the original Doom, check out Doom 64. The levels are totally different from the PC, Mac and Playstation versions!

5th September 2004, 10:47 AM
Roger, how good is Doom64 graphics-wise? I never realized there is an N64 version of the game, but since I now own the console and loved everything I have - so far - seen from the Doom series I'd like to give it a try. Do you think it's a worthy conversion?


5th September 2004, 03:56 PM
Hello guys!! I will have to wait a while to play this baby too!
Although Im not expecting it to be anything like the originals, I do think i will enjoy it as I generally love first person shooters especially the ones with heaps of atmosphere which Doom 3 apparently has...

SHEM: Its funny you mentioned Alien vs Predator as this is the only FPS apart from Doom which makes me jump right outta my seat!!...I will have to see if Doom 3 has the same effect on me..

ROGER: I havent played the N64 version but I have played a Total conversion of Doom64 for the PC!! Its pretty good and is totally free!! Link below..

G'Kyl: From what Ive seen of the PC conversion of Doom64 it was an updated version of the originals with the same gameplay and feel of Doom 1+2..Looks much better though..

Download the conversion from this site: http://doomdepot.doom2.net/
They also have Mp3 files of the original doom soundfiles... have fun! :wink: :wink:

5th September 2004, 04:32 PM
I picked it up yesterday, and it's easily one of the sweetest games I've ever played. The only gripes I've got are that whie the game was designed to be dark and intimidating, it's been severely overdone in places, leaving you fighting in total darkness. Also, the enemy AI is insanely accurate. If there's no cover available, it's down to who can kill the other first. Still a real hoot though. It does play totally differently from the original Doom (which I still play on a regular basis :) ) but I find it really enjoyable.

As for scary, well... it gets pretty creepy in places, but I haven't found a game that has ever really freaked me out. The only thing that I find scares the hell out of me is when you have a creature in a game that can jump onto your face, like those green blobs in Duke Nukem or the Facehuggers in AvP. They actually stopped me playing! :lol:

I'm actually playing this on 640x480 on low detail (it's all my crap Radeon 9000 can handle) but it still looks so nice. Can't wait for my 9800XT! :wink:

5th September 2004, 04:36 PM
Thanks for the link, Lotus!

And oh yea... how I remember AvP. I still jump when one of those nasty face huggers gets me. brrrr ;)


5th September 2004, 06:19 PM
G'kyl: I'm not the world's biggest Doom freak, but I do like Doom64. Gameplay is good, graphics are OK and the music is SCARY :evil: . Some things are missing from the N64 version, but that doesn't bother me that much.

I think the seven bucks I paid for my used cartridge was money well spent.

5th September 2004, 07:35 PM
I've just spent some time in the first two levels of the game. Damn, they really did a great job on Doom64. The underscore music is fantastic, I love that kind of soundtrack, graphics and sounds are perfect, too. Much thanks for the link again. I'm addicted once again. :-)

6th September 2004, 02:38 PM
I played Doom 3 and as a fan of original Doom I must say the new one :
- has nothing to do with the original
Nothing to do ? Well, isn't Doom that game you play on Mars (agreed, the original Doom was on Phobos (one of Mars's satellites), and the sequel on Earth), killing haunted marines and imps with your bloody shotgun and plasma gun ? Man, you can say it's a bit different (and pls argue) but don't say it "has nothing to do".

demands a powerful PC to play it
So did the first Doom game when it came out.

is too dark
I wouldn't call that a problem. However this is a false assumption. Has you gone past level 2 ? Actually I'm on level 5 or 6 and I use the flashlight at most twice per level.

it's just not "IT"
While I would have to agree with that somehow (especially the first time I played Doom 3), I'm not on that point of view anymore now. It's true that the gameplay looks like Resident Evil in the beginning, but at level 3 the trip starts to resemble the original's one, and it gets better every level.

And talking about the ammo limitation, I don't know if that's just me but in the original Doom I counted my bullets, keeping the rocket launcher and BFG 9000 for thougher monsters. Only in the easiest modes I fragged without worrying about life and ammo, but you didn't play the easiest modes exclusively, did you ? And not to mention the God mode obviously.

6th September 2004, 04:06 PM
I hate games that scare me, and Doom 3 is scary :D But nevertheless I play it ( on godmode mind you ) just to see how well made game it is. One of the cooler things about the game is that enemies almost always find a way to you, it doesnt feel all that scripted..

For example, I see a huge demon-bull-oxe-devil-thing thru a window.. As soon as the monster spots me he starts banging his head on the door, making huge dents but no luck.. He cant get to me. I relax and then all of a sudden he comes thru the window and kills me. In other horror-games you can almost always use the poor game-mechanics to survive, like "oh the demondogs, those guys cant climb anything, not even a 2 inch doorstep.. I'll just go stand over here and kill them all". That hasnt happened yet in doom3 and it really makes the game feel so much more alive.

I just upgraded to a new computer so the game runs really well on my computer, I gotta say the graphics are awesome. But as a friend pointed out, Far cry might be a cooler game graphics-wise as DOOM3 is all about the tight corridors, Far Cry has splendid graphics both indoors and in amazingly big outdoor enviroments.

If your new computer got heat-problems ( Especially your graphics card ) Doom 3 will let you know fairly quick by freezing the computer / rebooting it repeatedly, I had to clock my gfx-card down to be able to play.

I think HL2 will be a richer experience tho, cant wait for that game.

7th September 2004, 03:48 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys!!

G'Kyl : are you talking about the PC conversion or did you run out and buy the actual nintendo version?? The PC conversion is not 100% like the N64 but a fantastic conversion all the same....

Hellfire and Wamdue: just what i wanted to hear guys, thanks!
The total darkness remarks remind me of a level of the original UNREAL... : :wink:

7th September 2004, 08:17 PM
Naw, the N64 version was nowhere to be found. Not in any German shop I checked anyway. :| So yeah, I downloaded the conversion. Oh, and by the way, I got motion sick from playing it. That NEVER happened to me in any way since Wolfenstein. ;)

Which Unreal level do you mean, Lotus? The here's-your-first-Skarji scene? ;)


7th September 2004, 10:36 PM
motion sickness? weird :?

Its been a long time since i played the original unreal but I remember that there was a level when you are exploring a prisonship near the end of the game...then the power is cut on the entire ship and all the prisoners escape and you have to face them in the pitch black with a flashlight (and your weapons)!.. pretty creepy!! :bat

By the way..
I bought Unreal 2 a couple of months ago for 80 swedish crowns (very cheap) brand new..I havent been able to play it though....i need a new computer! musnt be very good if it was selling for that price..

8th September 2004, 06:52 AM
Indeed. I heard Unreal 2 is a most standard and rather uninspired FPS. I too could get a cheap copy from just anywhere. I never bothered, though. Which is also because I never thought Unreal 1 was such an awesome game, so why buy an even worse part two. ;)

Hmm, I just can't remember the level you described. Oh and... you had a flashlight in Unreal? ;) Looks like I hardly payed any attention to the details.


8th September 2004, 03:24 PM
Yes, a standard flashlight and a super charged flashlight...I supposed you picked them up during the game...cant quite remember! :wink:

8th September 2004, 06:09 PM
Yeees, yeees, there was a bigger flashlight in the game. Never needed that, though. ;)

5th October 2004, 11:20 AM
Just for linux gamers out there (yes I know I'm prolly the only one) check out http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/doom.
There is the linux client and server binary, as well as the demo for linux.

7th October 2004, 12:26 AM
Hey vincoof, who needs doom3 when I've got Frozen Bubble and an xbox? :)

Halo 2 is only a month out, and that's all I'll need!

Besides, I'm still using my three year old ATI card without 3d drivers installed. I probably wouldn't get a very good frame rate. 8)

7th October 2004, 10:22 PM
Right, under a 3-year old gfx card, the game probably won't even start. As for xbox, unless you get a mouse I strongly recommend you not to play the game on it ;)

BTW, you get a point for Frozen Bubble :D Very addicting little game. Reminds me of endless nights into the Puzzle Bobble series.