View Full Version : Hurricane Frances!,

3rd September 2004, 05:01 PM
Guys!, Is Lance living in Florida?? which I believe so all I`m saying is Lance and others guys are out and hopefully they are ok!! :o

Let us know you are safe when the winds past?!!


3rd September 2004, 09:11 PM
i am still right in the latest forecast path of Hurricane Frances as of 5 pm Friday local time [2100 GMT]. the predicted path wobbles as the hurricane itself makes small dodges and feints, but is currently pretty much the same path it was three days ago when Orlando, where i live, was right where the eye would pass through. the path of the eye was again shown right through Orlando earlier this afternoon, but is now slightly to the south of us. this will make very little difference in the strength of the wind we see. the center of Hurricane Charley passed right through where i live. that was only three weeks ago tonight.

i've written a few entries in my livejournal. anyone who wants more info about what it's like in the areas that have a hurricane coming at them can read the last four or five entries i've made there. just click on the ''www'' button at the bottom of my post. it's already been windier than normal since yesterday. current sustained wind in downtown Orlando is 21 mph, gusts to 30. the center of the storm is still about um... 350? miles away. this will get a lot worse tomorrow

4th September 2004, 09:18 PM
Be safe lance!! :wink:

6th September 2004, 06:52 PM
i'm back. just got online about 10 minutes ago.

only lost power for about 16 hours instead of two days. stayed with my neighbors next door from saturday afternoon till early afternoon today. i thought the damned hurricane was never going to get here and then never going away. in fact we are still on the back edge of it, and that edge is mixing with Atlantic Ocean air so that there is a long line of tornado generating area just east of Orlando from a bit south of us to well north. one of the television stations has the latest radar development and computer analysis and is tracking the spots where the tornados look to be developing and giving warnings to the people living in their path.
at the same time there are already a few surfers out at the Brevard County shore, near the current tornado area which has moved a bit and is now right on the coast from north of Daytona Beach to south of Cocoa Beach.

lots and lots and lots of rain.

i'll probably write about the happenings in more detail on my livejounal, but that's going to be a while yet. i don't feel like writing much at the moment. and i'm hungry again. but i want to catch up on all the posts here first.

__ lance

and btw, there is a new hurricane called Ivan that is already a category 3 and is on a predicted track to Florida to be just south of the southern tip in five days from now

piranha wiper
6th September 2004, 07:37 PM
i take your house is fine then.. oh and you lance :lol: :wink: (joke pls dont take wrong way) im not exactly enlightened in the field of hurricanes and stuff but im assuming that the higher the class the bigger the danger is? and lance i hope you are good at bording up your windows, and be safe

6th September 2004, 07:51 PM
already a third hurricane - flippin eck! i hope you'll got out of this one relatively unscathed lance.

hate to sound blunt but have the storms come late this year?

like the monsoons in the far east and the hot weather in the uk.

sherlock: i wonder what the cause of death is?
watson: could the knife in his back be a clue?

7th September 2004, 03:51 PM
Good to hear your OK lance...i hope the worst is over!! :wink: