View Full Version : What are your fave PS2 games?

27th August 2004, 10:44 PM
Today I spent 170 euros on a brand new PS2 and now I need some advice on what games to buy, and what games to avoid. I'm certainly going to grab Wipeout Fusion, but then what? xEIK asked a similar question (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=935&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=top+ps2+game&start=0) a year ago, but since we've gained a number of new members in the past year (and a lot of new games have been released) I feel there's good reason to revisit the topic.

I'm primarily into arcade style racing (RR4, Le Mans 24h), puzzle and platform games and shoot 'em ups. I can't be bothered with sports games (football, hockey etc).

Oh, here's a good one: to cover positively all bases against hilarious lawsuits, Sony has added the following disclaimer to the PS2 "Aqua" model's packaging:

"IMPORTANT: PlayStation2 and analog controller are not water resistant"

Gosh, and I had planned to install the console in my bathtub :wink:

28th August 2004, 07:16 AM
Gosh, and I had planned to install the console in my bathtub :wink:

You still can. Just don't let water in the tub. ;-)

Sorry I can't help you with a huge list of games, I don't own a PS2, only XBox. But since I have played IndyCar Series on the latter and have read the PS2 version was almost en par with the XBox pendant (except for some (minor) framerate issues), I strongly advice you to grap a copy of either ICS or the recently released ICS 2005. The game almost perfectly recreates the more than exciting speedway racing and is as good a simulation as a console game could ever be. I am not exaggerating the least when saying that I am totally in love with those constant high-speed slipstream infights. :) Also, it has quite a comprehensive collection of videos taken from a report on almost every historical, technical and trivia aspect of IndyCar racing and the Indy500.


28th August 2004, 05:36 PM
I think your best bet for an arcade racer would be Burnout 2. Controls are easy to pick up, fast as hell, and you get to smash plenty of stuff up! :wink: I think Burnout 3 is out next month though, you might want to wait.

Devil May Cry is a classic fast-paced platform adventure. Avoid the second one like the plague, horrible compared to the original. Also, Dynasty Warriors 4 is really addictive, but it gets repetitive quite quickly. Don't know if it counts as a platformer, but the two Zone Of The Enders games are good choices as well.

The best FPS I've played on PS2 is TimeSplitters 2. You'll get hours out of it single player, and even longer in multi. For a good, solid single-player FPS, try Red Faction (either one).

To be honest, I'm not too sure how good any of the more recent PS2 games are, I'm more of a Cube man myself. Have a look on GameFAQs as well, you might find a few more worthwhile ones.

Hope that helps. :wink:

28th August 2004, 06:26 PM
A very nice puzzle/platform game is Prince of Persia: Sands of time. Another very good game for plattforming/puzzle solving is ICO. Need for speed underground is a decent arcady racer..a few bugs here and there but its easy to get started in and have fun with.

For shoot-em-ups, get Zone of Enders and Zone of Enders 2 as Hellfire say, glad to see another one who likes those 2 games.. if you have to choose one of them, go for the sequel. I like both games very much, but you'll finish either one of them in a day or so, so if youre not a fan and like to play them over and over you might be disapointed. But its the most fast-paced action you'll get on the PS2, espcially when you get the 0-drive ability in the sequel.. You move at the speed of light :D Its also one of those games along with the MGS-series that shows off how good Konami's artists are.

If REZ is out on the PS2 thats a very good shoot-em-up too, very stylish and its based on music ( as you progress the song builds up and everyhing that happens in the game is happening at a rythm ). I cant remember if Ikuraga is ported to the PS2, but if it is its a very cool game. Its an old-school shooter with top-down POV with very clever and extremly hard gameplay.

Its always nice to pick up a good fighting game too, to play with your friends. Virtua Fighter if you're a hardcore fighting game player and Tekken for more casual play Id say.
edit: ( Soul Calibur is a must in the fighting genre, its a lot of fun )

My fave games on the ps2 (those I will never trade) are: Metal Gear Solid 2, ZoE1, ZoE2, ICO, Wipeout Fusion.

29th August 2004, 10:13 PM
Tenchu 3.
The best thing about Tenchu 3 is that it has a great replay value. And cutting throats is always funny. :twisted:

Rez is also good if you like electronic music.
When you clear a level your heartbeat is synched with the music. 8O

Piranha Advancements
31st August 2004, 05:30 PM
As for recommendations..maybe you should wait for Need For Speed Underground 2.SRS should be out and Juiced is cancelled since Acclaim is bankrupt.GT4 looks good too..

Strat/puzzlers..one word..Disgaea.Skip La Pucelle and head for Phantom Brave.Maybe some Romance of the Three Kingdoms..

31st August 2004, 06:11 PM
Talking about upcoming releases, I heard Burnout 3 is going to be extraodinarily great! Some have already played it, even online. You might wanna wait before bying one of the first two parts. :)

31st August 2004, 07:22 PM
Hey guys, thanks for all the good advice so far. Keep 'em coming! :)

I'm certainly going to check out some of the recommended games. The Indy series sounds fun, as long as it ain't too technical and "simulation like". About beat 'em ups: I've already got Soul Calibur for the DC - is it worth forking out for SC2? Is there any new stuff, or just more of the same?

Saw some screenshots of Xone of the enders... impressive!

I've done some shopping on a Finnish auction site; so far I've bagged Colin McRae 3, GTA 3 + Vice City and Oni. I've also got winning bids on Le Mans 24H and Wipeout Fusion! I've only found one new copy of Fusion in town, and it was priced at like 60 euros, so I'm really hoping that I get that used copy. Keep your fingers crossed for me! :lol:

31st August 2004, 07:28 PM
Don't worry about ICS being too much of a hardcore sim or anything. It DOES resemble the real thing, alright, but it's very easy to pick up, especially on the easiest difficulty level it plays quite like an arcade racer (no damag, no need to do long setup sessions etc.).

31st August 2004, 09:43 PM
My top PS2 games since launch would have to be:

Burnout 2 - although Burnout 3 is out next week, I doubt whether it will be as pure an arcade racer as Burnout 2 is.
Ace Combat 4 - great story, brilliant AI, fantastic looking even two and a half years after it was released.
GTA 3 - although Vice City trumped it for features, very few games come as close to the wow-factor I enjoyed when I first played GTA 3. Simply a landmark game that everyone should play through once.
TimeSplitters 2 - decent story mode, and zillions of arcade modes and characters to open. Best multi-player fps on a console in my book, still looks great two years down the line.

My problem is, I'm a Madden addict, so at least 50% of my playing time in a given year is taken up by Madden - this year looks set to be worse still, and if they ever gave us online play in Europe then you could lock me in a room for a year with the game and I'd be happy!

1st September 2004, 08:31 AM
I think SCII is worth getting, I own the xbox version tho so I dont know how the ps2 version plays.. But it shouldnt be that big of a difference.

When I didnt have access to my xbox me and my friend used to play SC1 on the dc, there is a big difference in quality in the game. The sound is better, AI is better and the balance between characters is much better. The story mode is about the same, maybe a bit more refined.

Comparing SC1 to SC2 is like comparing Pitch black to the new Cronicles of riddick movie.. First one might be equally good movie/game but the sequel is more of a quality production, much more refined and tuned.

1st September 2004, 08:53 AM
My top games at the moment are:
SSX3, Capcom vs. SNK2, Soul Calibur 2, NFSUnderground and Gran Turismo Prologue.
Stuff i'm looking out for is:
FlatOut, Burnout 3 NFSU2 and Gran Turismo 4. And PSP, of course!

Piranha Advancements
1st September 2004, 05:53 PM
Bleh.Guess I'll go back to answer the topic.

Fave PS2 games: SSX3,ROT3K,Zone of Enders 2,Disgaea,Dynasty Tactics 2,NFSU and PES3.

Waiting for:Rumble Roses,MK:Deception,Bloodrayne 2,Phantom Brave,Street Racing Syndicate,Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne,Vampire Bloodlines,Star Ocean 3 and Viewtiful Joe.

Well,gonna get my Star Ocean 3(YESSSSSSSSSSS!! And bring Valkyrie Profile whydoncha!) and Viewtiful Joe later.

Bob Todd
7th September 2004, 03:35 PM
My faves:

Devil May Cry
Fur Fighters
Jak & Daxter and Jak II
Onimusha 2 and 3
Ratchet & Clank and Ratchet & Clank 2
Zone Of The Enders 2

Also good are Sly Raccoon, Prince of Persia and Beyond Good & Evil.

Looking forward to:
Devil May Cry 3
Jak 3
Oddworld: Stranger
Prince of Persia 2
Ratchet & Clank 3
Sly Raccoon 2
Viewtiful Joe

Hogs of War is a PSOne game, but I like it lots and lots/

piranha wiper
8th September 2004, 09:04 AM
ok ive seen burnout 2 come up a lot and the original was absolute smell, i mean yeah it was good getting the cars and stuff but if you crashed boom spin a bit and stop seconds are ticking, so after 5 secs of precious time have gone you can resume play again, does this happen on 2 and 3?

if you like things with samurais get Way of the Samurai 2 longer than the first one but they both have multiple endings that you need to figure out with plenty of swords and shops to buy stuff,
MGS2 and substance
splinter cel pandora tommorow
simpsons hit and run, for a luagh(its funny)

8th September 2004, 10:14 AM
You still have spectacular crashes in Burnout 2 & 3, but it doesn't slow down the gameplay as much as in the first one. You kind of get a third person view in Burnout 2, you see your crash once happen and then you carry on. In Burnout 3 there's "aftertouch" so that you can direct your car after a crash to try and take out the AI cars, so it's all part of the gameplay, really.

You can probably pick up Burnout 2 for buttons, especially with Burnout 3 being released this friday - it's worth having in your collection, is great in two player, and the speeds are just insane. :)

8th September 2004, 11:37 AM
surely the best single player gaming experience. it's wonderful. :D

8th September 2004, 11:42 AM
I've seen a copy of ICO in a shop in town - some sort of deluxe edition with postcards and stuff. It's 50 euros, though... really worth that much? 8O

Update: just found "Ico" + "Shadow of memories" at an auction site. Opening bid 40 bucks. Hmmm... :?

8th September 2004, 03:16 PM
A deluxe edition?!? Cool!

I'd get that if I saw it, definitely.

Yes, ICO is worth that much.