View Full Version : F-Zero GX - - best game...ever?

28th July 2004, 03:55 PM
I am not content with WipEout Fusion. It's good, dont get me wrong, but it could have been great. A bit like the new Thunderbirds movie. It is good, but if they made the whole damn thing with wooden puppets, then we're talking oscars. That kind of good.
So I decided to take the plunge into the F-Zero world. Partly because I wanted to see what the hype was about, partly because F1'04 isnt out yet.

I am so impressed with the folks at nintendo for this game. It really is awesome! The only negative view I have is with the in-game attacking style. I dont understand it, and when I try ramming people, it dont work.
Positive views, however... Lots of tracks, excellent use of colour and environment, fantastic sense of speed, pinpoint control, and here's the bit that amazes me... 30 competitors on the track at once! That is insane!! The ships, however much of a rip-off from wipeout craft they are ;) look gorgeous, and are fully interchangeable and customisable. Music is also good, but sony does own all where music is concerned...'Fusion does have a wicked soundtrack!

If any of you guys get an opportunity to play this gem of a game, I reccomend it!

Also, as a P.S. (and a good excuse to ramble off-topic in a wipeoutzone trademark style) What came first, WipEout or F-Zero, because I dont know, but my opinion is that these two legendary titles should fall in love and breed. GO WIPEOUT-ZERO!!! :lol:

28th July 2004, 04:33 PM
F-Zero was around long before Wipeout was even dreamt of.
The year after the Super Nintendo was released, F-Zero hit the shelves (this was back in 1991). It made a huge impact in the racing genre, as it looked quite impressive, at least for the time. Racers were then put away with the ever popular Super Mario Kart, which arrived a year later, in 1992. I had to stick with those until I got my first PlayStation and the original Wipeout. 8)

28th July 2004, 05:23 PM
The loss of the floaty feeling in Fusion was one of its biggest letdowns I think, but it really works well in F-Zero GX. The tracks seem far more imaginative as well, especially the cylindrical tracks in Fire Field and Port Town, something that definitely wouldn't have felt right in an early Wipeout environment. I agree about the attacking technique though, it seems a bit too hit-and-miss. Strategic boosting is enough, attacking other craft seems a bit redundant. One of the best things I think is the faciity to design your own craft. Wouldn't have been able to beat Master class without it! :wink:

On a side note, has anyone in the UK ever seen an F-Zero AX arcade machine? I swear they don't exist! :-?

28th July 2004, 07:40 PM
If you started with FZero, what made you turn to the playstation's wipeout? Just curious...

I havent seen any of those AX cabinets, either. I'll bet that is an awesome experience! I think inside the game case there is a leaflet all about AX, and an email address for general enquiries. Lemme ask...
And about the speed boost thing... Very nice touch, but I prefer the Wip3out style hyperthrust, you know, it gives you speed in exchange for sheild? Genius. So easy, yet so effective.

28th July 2004, 11:24 PM
i like f-zero-x on the n64, that is quite awesome. me and a friend played it for hours and my eyes hurt for days afterwards. fun.

29th July 2004, 02:08 AM
If you started with FZero, what made you turn to the playstation's wipeout?

I was quite young when I started racing, and I'd buy all the new racing games I could get a hold of (the good ones, anyway).
As soon as I grabbed a PS1, I heard more and more about this new "Wipeout" thing going around, that it was really good. So I went out and got me a copy. Ever since, I haven't much been able to put down the controller.

i like f-zero-x on the n64, that is quite awesome.

F-Zero X was when I saw the series start to gain popularity. In the original, only the four main crafts were able to be chosen, and they were the only ships that were not crappy little drone ships (all identical) flying around in 5th place and lower (because the SNES couldn't handle more than five ship sprites, I suppose). Of course it was groundbreaking, but nothing too special. After the creation of F-Zero X, with 30 playable crafts, many more tracks, and 3-D environments, its as if some of the missing puzzle pieces were put into place. I found myself getting back into the F-Zero world when I started playing F-Zero X, because like gucci said, it's quite awesome. :)

Hybrid Divide
29th July 2004, 08:25 AM
I have F-Zero GX.
It's clear Nintendo wanted people to love this game.
It's pretty, extremely fast, and hard as hell.

They wanted people to take the story mode seriously.
But when the music has people singing about F-Zero, and almost all the characters look like they're wearing Spandex, and came from 1960's comic books, I just think back to just how much Arial Tetsuo and the rest of the WipEout Pilots and story kick ass.

Anyone else agree?

BTW: F-Zero AX is fun, although really hard to control at first. :D

29th July 2004, 10:40 AM
They wanted people to take the story mode seriously.
But when the music has people singing about F-Zero, and almost all the characters look like they're wearing Spandex, and came from 1960's comic books, I just think back to just how much Arial Tetsuo and the rest of the WipEout Pilots and story kick ass.

I think the voice acting left something to be desired as well, especially in the interviews when you win a league. Some of the story scenarios were fun to play through, but I know what you mean about taking it seriously. Not possible. It was actually quite cringing to watch in some places. :-?

Hybrid Divide
29th July 2004, 07:04 PM
The interviews with Deathborn are quite funny though!

"Is there anything you want to say to your fans out there?"



29th July 2004, 08:24 PM
I haven't had the pleasure of racing with Deathborn yet. :wink:

30th July 2004, 10:07 PM
Yeah, those interviews are funny! Problem is, Im not too sure if theyre supposed to be serious or not! Some of those guys need costume replacements, especially the "warhammer trooper-type-guy" in the first chapter of story. wtf? :lol:

31st July 2004, 02:05 PM
F-zero on the cube is indeed fantastic but although it may have slightly better floatiness than fusion it's nowhere near the realism of wipeout original or 2097 IMO

1st August 2004, 11:26 PM
Youre absolutely right, Yawnie,...stretchie.... err.. Yawno! Hi!

Im not going to use the word "realistic" when talking about jet propelled hoversleds, but yeah I know what you mean. WipEout... It just feels more realistic.

What..... It just does! :wink:

Im not going to go crazygonuts and start an f-zero-zone.com or anything like that (undoubetly it would suck compared to the almighty wipeoutzone) but I am impressed with this game. Not perfect, but very very good, and some of the ideas from this could be used (ahem) stolen (ahem!) modified for further wipeouts.
Just take level 2 in story mode. With the boulders crashing down on the track. Looks awesome, and its not that easy to master, so it will keep you pinned to your seat for long enough to truly appreciate it. Another thing, extreme adverse cambers and undulations on the race track (think the motorway section on the desert-ish track on the emerald cup) Im not entirley sure how to describe this to ppl who havent played GX, but here goes.
Take one wide piece of track.
Seperate the track into three lanes - left, centre, right.
Elevate the left section, lower the right section.
Create a diagonal slope to cover the gaps between each section.
Make this new piece of track turn sharp corners.

Effectivley, it gives you five lines to take around one corner, and I think its brilliant. And with the craft sticking to the track, it gives you a real sense of g-force. Just like a good rollercoaster.
Which is what the wipeout tracks were modelled on, weren't they?