View Full Version : for people with amigas

piranha wiper
22nd July 2004, 01:19 PM
if you still have a working amiga then got to ebay, wipeout 2097, mmm nice im pttin a bid in, just thought that you people would like to see it, http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=3545&item=8119228366&rd=1

22nd July 2004, 05:13 PM
I'm puzzled. No offense intended, I have had A600, 1200, 500, 2000 's ... and programmed it to the core... but ... why would anyone have bothered to commercialise this on a dying Amiga market ? Was it a 3rd party 'authorized' port ? German ? (Amiga is/was pretty strong in germany).

Then again, I dont know much about the A4000 / PPC 'era', sorry for my ignorance.

piranha wiper
22nd July 2004, 06:34 PM
i think they were like a pc, modem equiped, big towers stuff like that, people may want to have this because there is still a magazine in production (probablys, was a short while back) that has lots to do with amigas, amiga power, any way that game could be a collectable to some people

23rd July 2004, 12:23 AM
I managed to dig out a review (http://www.angusm.demon.co.uk/AGDB/DBM1/WipeOut.html) of the game!

"The Amiga will knock your socks off" 8)

23rd July 2004, 10:03 AM
i think they were like a pc

But that was waaay back, wasn't it? And not when PC gamers were already using PentiumMMX 200 processors and 3D-accelerators.

I'm impressed though they would make an Amiga port. Didn't think anyone was still programming for that machine, not on a serious level anyway.

Oh, and here's some screens from the port:


Looks fantastic, if you ask me. Too bad you need a bunch of extra hardware to play the game. For a second I was actually thinking about digging out my Amiga... :)


23rd July 2004, 12:05 PM
from the review:
''Wenn man also ein Renn Freak ist....''
i guess we all qualify

it does look very good on the Amiga. i wonder which model they used

23rd July 2004, 01:33 PM
Good question. I deem it possible that a 500 or 600 won't be able to run the game But who knows...

Oh by the way, there's something I found when I was looking for reviews of the game:


Poor Psygnosis, getting hassled and all. ;-)


23rd July 2004, 01:43 PM
i was thinking that it would take at least a 3000 or 4000 to do it

24th July 2004, 10:14 AM
It seems that a "plain vanilla" Amiga isn't enough for running the game: it has to be beefed up with a Power PC processor and a 3D graphics card.

I remember that the Amiga's impressive 2D graphics proved to be a real "Achilles heel", when all the 3D-perspective shooters were released on the PC-platform. I'm talking Wing Commander, Doom etcetera. (the "chunky" vs "planar" pixel wars).

piranha wiper
25th July 2004, 08:07 PM
wow :o those graphics look very smooth the amiga wasnt really known for its graphic capabilities, i mean look at lemmings,

G'kyl wrote
piranha wiper wrote:
i think they were like a pc

But that was waaay back, wasn't it?

1990 for a 3000 and a 4000 was 1992 near enought the same time as 600 (cool little thing they were first amiga i got)

26th July 2004, 09:00 AM
The graphics on the Amiga 1200, or 4000, with the AGA chipset were beyond what was on a decent PC at the same time. Granted, we're talking 386's and early 486's, but I remember Wing Commander on my Amiga 1200 being pretty damn good.

Sadly a lot of games took the smeg - just because you could chuck millions of colours at the screen with the AGA chipset didn't mean they had to. But they did - I remember Trolls being like an interactive epilepsy experiment, and most of the other early AGA chipset stuff being sickening - literally!

I don't think we'll ever know what the 1200 or 4000 were truly capable of - after Commodore took their eye off the ball with the CD32 and everything went pear shaped, developers pretty much abandoned the Amiga. Rather than being pushed to its limits as it got older, my 1200 just got fed budget release fodder.

Sad, really, 'cos it hosed all over the consoles around at the time.

26th July 2004, 09:52 AM
what was the difference between the 1200 and the original 1000, and where did it come in the release history?

piranha wiper
26th July 2004, 02:29 PM
the 1200 was released october/november 92 had an aga chipset, 2mb and a pcmcia slot from a 600, put an overdrive thing in it, makes it fly

the 1000 was relesed in 85 then discontinued in 87, and thats about it for my knowledge got a website here that i dont really understand but some people here might so here you go http://amiga.emugaming.com/a1000.html