View Full Version : avatar pics

piranha wiper
24th June 2004, 12:35 AM
can any one tell me where i can find bigger pics of the 2097 xl avatars, especially the piranha pic :wink: , thanks

24th June 2004, 04:55 AM
That's as big as those avatars get, I'm afraid. I didn't keep the source images I used to make them. If you're willing to go through the effort, you can get the images from designers republic's website.

piranha wiper
24th June 2004, 12:05 PM
been on the website, cant copy and paste the pics tho, cant any other place to get them from aprt from here and they are to small, (need them for the wz store to create a t-shirt)

Bob Todd
24th June 2004, 02:35 PM
If you can't get the pics from a website, press 'print screen' on your keyboard (it'll likely be called something truncated, like 'prt scr') to take a screenshot of them, then open Paint, and then go to Edit - Paste.

I can't help you with 2097, but I have all the logos from 3 in various sizes if you want 'em.

EDIT: If it's the Piranha logo you want, why not just draw it yourself? It's a very simple design. Make a stencil out of it and use fabric paint on a blank t-shirt. I did exactly this, and I now have a t-shirt with the 2097 Piranha logo on it. It's drawn pointing diagonally downwards, though, as it appears in the album artwork of Fluke's Risotto. I traced the logo from the lyrics booklet, then used the grid method to enlarge it: draw a grid over the image to copy, or lay a grid drawn on tracing paper over it, then draw a scaled-up grid on paper, and copy it one square at a time. Stuck paper to cardboard, set to work with a Stanley knife, and woo yay.

piranha wiper
24th June 2004, 03:47 PM
cheers bob t, i just need to get some stuff now good idea like

24th June 2004, 07:44 PM
Copy/paste picture will look crap on T-shirts unless the logo is drawn very small.
You should get vector graphics if you can. At worst create it yourself from scratch, but don't use a pixel matrix, especially for Wipe'Out" graphics because of the nature of the design.

piranha wiper
24th June 2004, 07:54 PM
yes they do look crap, things that dont have a backgrouing on it like the wipeout zone stuff on the store look good coz it just writing, if i could select clothes to be a red colour then the piranha logo would be good, or if could be bothered to make a logo with just the writing and not of ant background

25th June 2004, 09:33 AM
Yeah, sorry. I should have mentioned that copy/paste wouldn't work. BTW, alt+print screen will copy only the active window, instead of the whole desktop.

If you need them t-shirt sized, I would suggest pulling the images, blowing them up, printing them, and using them as templates to do by hand. It's a hassle, but unless you know how to use a vector graphics program, it's probably the most straightforward way.

And I have seen that very piranha logo on a red t-shirt, with that text under it, no less. Sadly, that was long, long ago, and I believe just an industry promo item when the game came out. I wanted one sooo bad!

piranha wiper
25th June 2004, 11:07 AM
shame those t-shirts arnt still about, would hsve been expensive if they are stil in production

25th June 2004, 06:10 PM
Seems like they were really expensive (assuming youre talking about the kappa gear) and they really didnt look all that terrific for the money. I thought about buying a cap, but I would have had to get someone in the UK to act as a middleman seeing as how they wouldn't ship overseas.

piranha wiper
25th June 2004, 06:17 PM
the wipout store is an american site so you could create your own from there and have it delivered

Bob Todd
25th June 2004, 06:27 PM
BTW, alt+print screen will copy only the active window, instead of the whole desktop.

Cool! Ta for that tip.

25th June 2004, 10:18 PM
the wipout store is an american site so you could create your own from there and have it delivered
Sorry, I must have misunderstood what you were talking about. I was talking about the stuff that Kappa released in the EU when Fusion came out. That stuff was EU exclusive.

25th June 2004, 11:35 PM
Joel: very diplomatic. :)

piranha wiper
26th June 2004, 09:33 AM
science wrote

I was talking about the stuff that Kappa released in the EU when Fusion came out. That stuff was EU exclusive
oh right, i never saw any of these, must have been sat in a cave or something :D

27th June 2004, 04:09 PM
...or the fusion homesite, but basically the same thing.
It was acutally nearly impossible to find the clothing line from the Kappa.com homepage, I don't remember if I ever managed it that way or not. Wonder if the link is still up at wipeoutfusion.com?

27th June 2004, 07:20 PM
For the record, the shirt I mentioned above was most definitely not from Kappa. It was promoting XL, and I saw it on an American in 1996. Not that it really matters...

27th June 2004, 10:30 PM
Now that you talk about creating a T with Wipeout Logos (Any).............(well basicly Piranha :) ), I realllyyy.......reaaalllllyyyyy feel like buying one. Especially when it's summer so I could walk around the streets and people would be like "feed me? what's this guy all about?", and very few would know what the T-shirt is about letting me know with a 8) look on their faces......
I once made Daniel Chang's logo on a Tee. Quite big, hand made (I just drew it on a sheet of paper, brought the thing to the place where all the magic came in [3 quid for a T-Shirt], and .....), it looked awfuly great :) . And now I have a PC and Paint - it will look even better :lol: . No time to waste! Paint - here I come! Zoooooommmm!!!! *is running around the house until hit by a wall that suddenly approached his face* :x

piranha wiper
27th June 2004, 11:36 PM
shem wrote

people would be like "feed me? what's this guy all about?"
:lol: , ive tried getting the piranha logo of this site and pasted it on my desktop and edited it using paint and made it longer (not the logo the whole pic) but then i incresed the pic in size and am going to try and enhace it so it gets eid of those nasty square lines and put my username in the same colours and put it on the back, i think itll look beasty

28th June 2004, 05:14 AM
It sure will!
I plan to make Daniel Chang's logo....and......wait, I've written about it already. Well anyways - that's the plan. Hope it works.

28th June 2004, 08:14 AM
I'm in, want one too! ;-) Though I'd rather prefer a shirt with the Qirex symbol up on the left front, small print only, and with the line "Don't steer, throttle up" on the back. ;)

EDIT: Hm, or what about "don't steer and drive!" Darn, I'm seriously starting to make up my mind on this idea, better get back to work (if I had some).

piranha wiper
28th June 2004, 02:41 PM
right ive done a larger pic, now how do i put it on here?

28th June 2004, 02:50 PM
Post the link like this: " www.amazingstuffandmore.com " without the spaces before "www" and after "com".

EDIT: Whoops. Just posting the URL seems to work as well. Good, me is learning. ;)

piranha wiper
28th June 2004, 02:54 PM
but its not on a website its on my desktop

28th June 2004, 02:58 PM
Oh, sorry, guess I misunderstood you. Hm, I can offer to upload a few pics to my "site" if need be. My webspace is hardly (read: not) used at the time.

piranha wiper
30th June 2004, 04:52 PM
ive done a ag sys 2097 logo and am working on a goteki 45 and piranha advancments logo if you want any just email me and ill send the one you want or if you have any requests, these ar png files so some people may not be able to open these

piranha wiper
7th July 2004, 12:22 PM
well thanks to G'Kyl heres a pic i did of piranha enlarged,


thanks G man