View Full Version : We're doomed!

Bob Todd
10th June 2004, 04:22 PM
And only you can save us!

Time to put your gaming skills to good use... if something eeevil was threatening to wipe out everything nice, which three game characters would you summon to fight the good fight alongside you? They have to have been playable in at least one game; no NPCs. And they must be actual characters; Jehuty etc. don't count.

I'd want Mewtwo (yes, I like Pokemon; sue me... and yes, it is playable; you can capture it in Red/Blue) for its energy-shooting powers, Ratchet for his skill with his smeg-off arsenal of smeg-off guns, and Dante for his near-indestructibility (how many other videogame characters can survive falling into lava, being stabbed through the heart, eaten by a giant demon caterpillar and subjected to multiple shotgun blasts?) and his handy ability to turn into a dirty great bat thing and shoot white lightning (not the cider) from his hands.

10th June 2004, 05:11 PM

sonic the hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog and sonic the hedgehog.


10th June 2004, 05:33 PM
Sonic as the battler, Myima Tsarong as the driver, and if all else fails, Jigglypuff

Piranha Advancements
10th June 2004, 06:03 PM
The world be damned!

I'm taking Lulu from FFX with me and her two buddies.We would all get along together.

10th June 2004, 08:13 PM
My pick: Duke Nukem, Christopher Blair and Lara Croft. Simply because they seem to belong to the group of the toughest characters who have made saving the world a habit. ;)

10th June 2004, 08:19 PM
actually, Jigglypuff should be the first resort

Rapier Racer
10th June 2004, 08:20 PM
Super Sonic the hedgehog, Omarr Khumala, well he's a scary looking bloke so he might come in handy! and finally Scorpion , GET OVER HERE!!!!

10th June 2004, 09:43 PM
Hmmm.....I choose Bomberman (blow'em up!!!!!!!!!), hmmm....(5 min later)...P.Jack..(Tekken1 - the one with the drill mounted on his arm)....and....Predator! :D
Of course Godzilla would do better than all of them, but since you want us to pick three heroes....

Rapier Racer
10th June 2004, 09:46 PM
Awww crap I forgot about bomberman, Bazooka bomber to the rescue! there a little small though :-?

Bob Todd
10th June 2004, 09:47 PM
I bet Omarr Khumala is really a big girly creampuff who is moved to tears by the sight of fluffy animals.

piranha wiper
11th June 2004, 07:29 AM
i would pick solid snake(mgs2) kazuya mishima (tekken4) and a main character from way of the samurai 2( coz i play the main character and im the best) :lol:

12th June 2004, 10:18 PM
The other two I can't really think of at the moment, but the frontman would most definitely be Samonosuke of Onimusha, and if you've played 2 you'd understand why. Even if you haven't, that samurai bastard can overcome anything.
EDIT: (God, I acutally sat down and thought about this one, what a friggin dork) I'm thinking Samus of Metroid and either one of the guys from Contra. Superman would be a choice if he werent a copout answer.

piranha wiper
13th June 2004, 02:01 PM
hey hey hey, enough of the samurai bastard my mate, i wouldnt mind samus coz shes a bird, yeah get superman as well has he ever died in any thing? i think not.

13th June 2004, 03:28 PM
Crono, Optimus Prime, and He-Man