View Full Version : neGcon infos
28th February 2002, 10:05 PM
I finally found it !
Now I'm trying to use it, but it's difficult... The worst is the buttons, I really dont know how to place them.
For fusion especially, there's only 4 possibility and they all seems awfull... (change view and change tracks are parasiting the pitch control)
But stop complaining (as usual :wink:) :
What are YOURS NegCon configuration for Wo1,XL,3 Fusion (buttons+angle) ?
28th February 2002, 11:20 PM
do you really need 'change view'? maybe you should give more weight to the opinions of better pilots than me, but i never use change view or rear view. to me those are useless buttons [for single player mode].
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lance on 2002-03-01 00:25 ]</font>
1st March 2002, 01:41 AM
For WO3 I found myself short of a hyperthrust button, but I could have made the change view button my hyperthrust since I always look from "inside" the cockpit.
BTW - did anyone from here win that one "us" negcon on ebay? the one with grandtourismo.
I think I'm gonna try bid on the other one :smile:
<>< F I S H ><>
1st March 2002, 02:10 AM
i didnt bid on the one with GT. let me know if you decide to bid on the other one because i dont wanna get into a bidding war with anyone from the 'zone. but if you decide not to, then im going to bid on it.
1st March 2002, 07:30 AM
Lance : I don't need change view or change music buttons !!
But Fusion really think I neeed ! :mad:
Left and right button are auto-configured to affect music or view... :evil:
Why didn't they keep the same button configuration system used in Wip3out... :sad:
1st March 2002, 07:37 AM
> but i never use change view or rear view
Man, hopefully you're not talking about Wipeout Fusion !
Whoever has experienced the mighty power of The rear quake can uderstand that the rear view is a must in Fusion :grin:
Ben: I personally use neGcon exclusively for TT since you need less buttons to play (don't need the 'rear view', don't need the 'release weapon').
Though I haven't used neGcon since a while, and I haven't even tested it on Fusion.
1st March 2002, 11:20 AM
yeah in fusion you need rear view - quake, rockets, missile and others can all be fired backwards, but you have to use rear view to do it.
1st March 2002, 12:49 PM
oops. no, i was not talking about fusion. and i was thinking from a defensive point of view. does fusion not give warning of quake and other weapons? ordinarily i'm moving too fast relative to my piloting ability to have time to look back. i may take evasive manoeuvres when i hear a warning but i don't look back. so Fusion requires that you actually aim rockets when shooting backwards, unlike 2097.
i wonder why Fusion does not offer a continuous rear view onscreen, rather like GT's rear view mirror. Fusion should have clear enough graphics that it would actually be useful.
2nd March 2002, 05:44 AM
Because, in the war of 2053, they lost the blueprints on how to make a rearveiw mirror.
"Oh crap, now we've lost the smeggin' blueprint!"
"Christ, what are we going to do?"
"The enemy has destroyed us, we're doomed!"
"No wait, I have the answer!
I've been studying the blueprints for this thing they use to call a motorhome, and it has a camcorder mounted on the back so they can see behind them.. We may have lost the blueprints for the rearview mirror, but we haven't lost them for the camcorder!"
"Well that's the stupidiest idea I've ever heard!"
"You have a better one? You want to go in there and spend hours try to reconstruct this... rearview mirror thing again?"
"Ummm no."
"Ok, so how are we going to afford it?"
"Well, we'll just have to buy these cheap camcorders here..."
"Yes, but isn't that praticular brand known for putting static into images and making them all green tinted whenever it's violently shaken?"
"Hey, it works, doesn't it?!?"
"S'ppose so..."
"All who support this dictation say "Aye"!"
"Then it's settled."
2nd March 2002, 05:46 AM
Hey, infox wasn't kidding when he said he'd made it so "bl00dy" would be replaced with "smeggin'"
2nd March 2002, 07:42 AM
yeah, it did that to me, too. i just had to try it. :lol:
3rd March 2002, 01:39 PM
On 2002-03-01 13:49, Lance wrote:
does fusion not give warning of quake and other weapons?
you hear the words "warning, incoming" when someone fires at you... i prefer the 2097/xl set up where it tells you what weapon's being fired.
3rd March 2002, 03:56 PM
i, too, prefer the 2097 warning system. presumably in ''the world of the future'', the racecraft sensory array would be able to detect weapons already fired, but invisible to you. in 2097, they seem to be able to detect mines even before they're dropped! i suppose, though, that the WO3 system of informing you only of what weapons have been enabled for your own use keeps things more exciting by not giving you warnings.
all these little variations give each version of wipEout its own character in each era, just as the constantly changing regulations of real-life automobile racing do.
3rd March 2002, 09:16 PM
On 2002-03-01 12:20, jmoid wrote:
yeah in fusion you need rear view - quake, rockets, missile and others can all be fired backwards, but you have to use rear view to do it.
Rockets cannot be fired backward... what you are seeing is the vapour trail from the rockets.
Missiles, Power Swarms, Orbital Lasers, Super Missiles, Quakes, Gravity Bombs, Grenades, Nitro Rockets, Seismic Waves, Energy Drains, Bio rockets can all be fired backwards... I believe that some of the multiplayer only weapons can be fired backwards too... like the Turbo enforcer?
3rd March 2002, 09:48 PM
I'm amazed they didn't go back to the 2097/XL way of specifying weapons. It's so much more useful than just "warning".
example: You're approaching a curve with one opponent directly in front and a couple behind. One of them fires a weapon. If the announcer says, "missile" (in that groovy amiga voice), you can stay close to the edge of the track and hope that the missile nails the wall before it reaches you. If it's mines, you know it's the guy in front and you better get the hell out of the way.
In WO3, all you hear is "warning", so you have no choice but to swerve to the middle, since hitting a row of mines is so damaging. The result is you just ruined your racing line and opened yourself up completely to the rocket the guy behind you just fired. :sad:
4th March 2002, 01:07 AM
Confusion: you're right that rockets can not be fire backward, but also I think that the Gravity Bomb can not be fired backward.
And yes the Turbo Enforcer can be fired backward. The most funny thing is to fire it backward when the opponent is just behind you : you give him a turbo, so he pushes you and it's like you had the turbo for yourself :smile:
About the "warning" voice, I still wonder why they did not use both methods. I mean, they could use a female voice when you get a weapon, and a male voice when the same weapon is fired at you, for example. I don't think it would be difficult to do.
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: vincoof on 2002-03-04 02:08 ]</font>
4th March 2002, 02:51 AM
I like better the 'warning' from wo3 - makes it more Xiting! :grin:
5th March 2002, 02:49 AM
if you want to think of the 2097/xl warnings in a more realistic context... just suppose that it's warning you what weapons nearby opponents have picked up. thats what i always thought.
btw, the negcon that we were talking about earlier- the one that was still in the box... it went for less than 3 dollars. just thought id let you know.
6th March 2002, 09:45 AM
I've been using the Negcon since Xl/2097 came uot, so i'm quite a veteran with it. Its a creat controller to use with the PS1 games, but i havent tested it with fusion yet.
16th March 2002, 02:40 PM
anyone wanting to rewire there negcon for fusion, so you can use button ii for thrust and i for fire should find instructions and pics at just go to tech page!
fusion plays much better after rewiring, i guarantee!!
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