View Full Version : Where to buy a negCon online ? (for Belgium)

6th June 2004, 12:48 AM
See topic, thank you !

ps: I mean, where closest to Belgium, to avoid taxes and longer shipping times.

6th June 2004, 01:18 PM
chipsworld.co.uk did have some negcons and might still..... they also have real-life humans on the end of telephone lines for you to make enquiries. they seem like quite a trustworthy operation. good luck.

6th June 2004, 06:41 PM
I checked with Chipsworld, and indeed they're selling the white neGcon for £4.99 + £1.95 shipping :o . But alas, there's a teensy catch: they don't deliver outside the UK :(

What we need here is for a kind UK resident to act as "middle man" between Chipsworld and his/her fellow wipErs, wanting to put their hands on the (aledgedly) ultimate controller. As long as the transaction is within the EU it'll only be a question of forwarding the parcel. Me, I'd gladly fork out 20 euros for a neGgie!

6th June 2004, 10:57 PM
I bought quite a few from Chipsworld at the start of the year.

They're all sitting in a box behind my sofa! :)

I did offer one to someone else a while back, but we never managed to sort out a method of payment so I still have... erm... five, I think. They're all brand new and boxed.

Rapier Racer
7th June 2004, 01:01 AM
After reading several posts on this site involving the NeGcon, I now want one myself! but whats so special about them, are they better than the good old Dual Shock?

7th June 2004, 06:55 AM
Better might not be the right word to describe a neGcon, "ultimately superior" would be more like it. :) Here`s some pictures (from eBay):

What you do is you twist the two, or at least one of the two sides, which gives you smooth (analog) left/right control. The big advantage over other controls is that after a while the twisting will feel so natural you won`t ever go back to D-Pad or the analog sticks. The other huge advantage of the neGcon is that you have seperate controls for horizontal and vertical movement, since the pitching is done with the D-Pad-like part on the left side of the controller. It seems there are still a few people who prefer Dual-Shocks over neGcons, but the majority wouldn`t ever want to fly without it again, me included. :)


7th June 2004, 09:07 AM
The other huge difference is that the buttons are so frickin' crap that you'll absolutely hate it, like I did, and just go back to the Dual Shock because;

a) they don't make Negcons any more and support for them is dying out.
b) there's very little chance that future versions of wipeout will support it.
3) I actually like the "even" playing field of using a Dual Shock.

So I'd happily sell all six of mine with nothing more than a shrug. For the hardcore table top time chasers, they are invaluable. For the more casual participant (i.e. myself) it's almost a feeling of apathy when I get a good time with one. It's like "wow - half a second faster... but then, I'm using a negcon... so I'm not really half a second faster, I just have faster steering than most people on the tables. Actually, if I'd gotten this time with a DS then I'd be twice as stoked."

One day I'll create an extra option on the tables (casual observer: "oh yeah, we've heard this one before") so you can filter for negcon people and non-negcon people. That way the Neg'ers with Aptitude (that's almost politically incorrect) can fight it out amongst themselves while the rest of us just push a DS to its limits. :)

7th June 2004, 10:33 AM
But what do you mean by Dual SHock , the analogue sticks or using the dpad. The analogue sticks on the PS1 gamepads lack resistance. It's impossible for me to play with those. On the other hand I can play Crazy Taxi very well with the analogue stick on the Dreamcast pad, because there it's perfect. Maybe you use a brand new ps1 gamepad with 'stiff' sticks or a third party one with better analogue sticks ?

7th June 2004, 01:49 PM
Hey infox would you really sell one of your negcons? Im in Ireland and wouldnt mind giving one a try - although it might disrupt my preparation for pure... :wink:
What if I like negcon too much!?

7th June 2004, 03:52 PM
Try Chipsworld (via here: http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1231 ) first, I want my supply to be the last resort for folk who cant get them without being held to ransom on Ebay. :)

7th June 2004, 05:31 PM
i like neGcon not just because i'm a bit faster with one, but because racing feels so much better, more like you were really there, more involved. it's the smoothness and a large amount of movement in the control that gives that feel, more like driving a real vehicle.

[there may not be any support for it in future games, but i have seven racing games right now that dO support it, so it's highly valuable to me. you haven't lived until you've played GT 1 or 2, and RR4 with a neGcon, not to mention the Wipeouts and Killer Loop

Rapier Racer
7th June 2004, 08:15 PM
Doesen't that bit in the mddle get in the way, no offence intended to anyone but they look a bit crappy.

7th June 2004, 08:17 PM

that would matter if we were still living in the 1980's, when form overrulled function each and every purchase.

i like the neGcon's purposeful look. it is there do do one thing, it doesnt need to look like your silver aiwa hifi.


7th June 2004, 08:23 PM
i think they look pretty cool, but that's just personal taste.

the bit in the middle is probably the outer hinge guide and spring housing

7th June 2004, 08:27 PM

yeah, i think so to. i also reckon it is round so that the surfaces remain flush throughout the twist. if it was designed to be flat at point zero, then it would lose its form factor once it is twisted and therefore feel a lot less stable in the player's hands.

i personally feel quite confident in dismissing any claims that the big wheel in the middle of the controller was an oversight on behalf of the namco design team. see above.


7th June 2004, 10:13 PM
I always thought the negs look quite like what they are - professional steering controls. And no, no getting in the way of any part. The middle thing actually helps me hold a tighter grip on the controller as it stops my hands from slipping from where they belong.


7th June 2004, 11:14 PM
Wellll I give up. Been searching for hours. I sent 4 or 5 emails to various online stores, waiting for replies. Besides shipsworld I found a denmark site and germany, listing the negCon but both difficult to navigate and not in english of course >_< There is several auctions too, but I've never used eBay.

I'd rather pay double price, and let a UK resident buy himself a negCon for free and ship mine to Belgium, anyone intrested ??? The ones on shipsworld are cheap enough!

7th June 2004, 11:16 PM
I got an even better deal, you ship me a negCon (new one from chipsworld) and I'll ship you Wo3 SE if yo ucan't find it, cause I saw one in shops in Brussels today. (PM me) ( edit : it's a package with Destruction Derby 2 & WO3SE )

8th June 2004, 08:26 AM
Fab, if you want to mail me your details I can sort you out with a negCon. :)