View Full Version : Weird bug

4th June 2004, 10:35 AM
I have this weird bug happening in wo3se and I think wo2097 too, where sometimes after playing a few tracks the colours on the screen start to go darker but in 'steps'. It makes it very difficult to see in tunnels. I suspected a problem on my Peritel cable, so I moved it around with no effect ,and strangely when I reset the game or go to the game menu the effect goes away.

So I'm wondering if this is a PS1 / wo3 bug ? My PS1 is model SCPH-9002.

6th June 2004, 09:35 PM
I`ve never had that, but I also get a bug on 2097 - progressive and eventually terminal loss of frame rate, that gets so bad I have to reset the console.

I also get a "suicide ghost ship" bug. By this I mean the ghost ship just spends the entire race ramming walls and just getting it all horribly wrong. Sometimes I think it must be taking the p*ss..... but anyway. When it happens I can hear the bangs it makes from all over the track. Resetting the console is the only way to get rid of it.

6th June 2004, 09:52 PM
yep yep, same here for the suicide ghost, no loss of frame rate, no color damage

Rapier Racer
6th June 2004, 10:09 PM
Please explain the circumstances in witch the suicidal ghost occurs, is there any way you can sort of encourage it to happen??

6th June 2004, 10:13 PM
If you set a new TT record to create a new ghost it might happen. Otherwise I think its random.

6th June 2004, 10:36 PM
i agree with you Lunar

6th June 2004, 11:10 PM
for me, the WO2 framerate prob is pretty much 'instant on' rather than progressive. it hit me twice today in Venom class Odessa Keys. after the first, i restarted the PSX, then got it again in the next race and had to restart the PSX again

6th June 2004, 11:53 PM
The only thing that comes to my worried mind is that the dropping framerate is caused by overheat of the CPU. The suicide ghost ship souds like a game bug to me.

6th June 2004, 11:58 PM
but sometimes i see the framerate drop when the machine has only been on for a few minutes and is still quite cool

7th June 2004, 12:00 AM
I don't know who, or what to blame for it then.....

Rapier Racer
7th June 2004, 12:57 AM
How about Sony?

7th June 2004, 01:15 AM
I've had the framerate thing, although 95% of the time it would be so bad the game would come to a halt. No idea what causes it.

As for the suicidal ghost, I can only guess there is a limit to the buffer in the PS1 memory for storing your controls. The game does not record a video of course, only what you do at the gamepad, and then it does evertything as if you were playing, only taking the controls back from that buffer instead of your DPad. Probably on the longer races you hit the limit of the buffer and at that point everything remaining was not recorded. When playing back maybe the ships stops steering and bumps into walls, probably holding on the accelerate and not getting any 'unpressing of accelerate button' and just bumps into walls. Errr does that make sense ? :oops:

Oh well I guess my VGA cable is bad sometimes it doesnt happen for hours.. go figure.

7th June 2004, 06:28 AM
The problem with the "cray" ghost is not that uncommon, I have seen a few of them in various games over the years. I don`t think I know how they happen to appear, but my memory tells me something about replays being played at a slightly different framerate than the actual game - which can cause problems with the timing of the ghost.

7th June 2004, 04:11 PM

i have experienced, on numerous occasions, a bug in the alpha model of all ships' jet engines—specifically within the lens flares that protrude from the ships' jet outlet.

visually, the flares seem to lose their transparency against the background of the game and appear as solid black-to-whatever-colour gradients.

this happens after about an hour of play.

system info:
PAL (2097).
playstation 1 (original, yet before the models with the seperate AV stereo-out sockets).
not sure if its controller specific.


Bob Todd
8th June 2004, 09:54 AM
I've experienced a similar bug to the suicidal ghost. In Wip3out, sometimes when I replay a race the ship flies just how I made it for part of the track, then crashes into the wall, which I didn't do. It just continues bumping into the wall repeatedly and not moving on. Sometimes the game freezes, or refuses to acknowledge the medal I won. Arses.

8th June 2004, 02:45 PM
Anna, i find that happens when i use a neGcon. which controller are you using?

Bob Todd
8th June 2004, 02:57 PM
Standard Dual Shocks. Usually the Dual Shock 2 now, but sometimes I dust off the original for PSOne games as I prefer the solider feel it has to it.

8th June 2004, 03:38 PM
hmmmm.... odd. when i used to use a Mad Catz version of the dualshock, it didn't happen. or at least hardly ever. with the neggy, it's standard operating procedure

9th June 2004, 05:28 PM
using a negcon causes this to happen. It's when you reconfigure the controller a certain way. I believe this happens with regular pal and ntsc, and the only reason the ship moves is because it reacts to turbo and your turning, but not to the acceleration button. Also of note, if the negcon is reconfigured, the link mode does this as well to your human opponent. The ship will only move when turbo is used. For the japanese version, I think the replay always works, but link does not( I sent an email before the release even about the link but they didn't fix that one). For the special edition, everything works as I remember.