View Full Version : XBOX live! gamertags

21st May 2004, 10:20 AM
Hi all :P
I just signed up to xbox live as Thruster2097 and I will be playing TOCA2 quite a lot. Id just thought id let you know so we could maybe organise a bit of a link-up with other wz members.. I know wamdue is on line, but not sur4e who else.

21st May 2004, 01:36 PM
I have a live account, though no headset. I didn't buy the kit, just extended a free trial - I don't like the voice communication, anyway. Something about having 14 year old kids constantly challenging my sexual orientation that makes it unappealing. In fact that's the reason that I've intended to cancel my account.. I just keep forgetting.

The only games I've tried playing are Splinter Cell 2 & Project Gotham Racing 2. Splinter Cell consisted entirely of the k1ddi3s calling me "noob" and "fag". In PGR2 everyone will only race Ferrarri Enzo's on Nurburgring, and half blow the race plowing into each other. Mercifully, voice support can be turned off in that game.

Online gaming's hit-or-miss to begin with, and my experience with xbox live has been a complete joke.

BTW, my tag is amishrobot... but not for long.

Asche XL
21st May 2004, 03:18 PM
That's why I stopped playing Counter Strike a while back.

everything was "n00b", "jew", "nigger" or "haxor". Anoying isn't even the right word for it. I quickly uninstalled all my online computer games, and now I'm running on a G5 with no games ('cept all my consoles ofcourse).

21st May 2004, 03:37 PM
Weird - Socom II isn't like that.

You do get the occasional idiot, and I have had to mute a couple of teenagers who wouldn't STFU, but for the most part I haven't had any problems with the audio.

Must just be an Xbox thing! :P

22nd May 2004, 01:51 AM
To be honest I'm surprised Socom II isn't like that. I've never played it, but it seems like the kind of game that would be ripe for that kind of behavior. Maybe it is an xbox thing, but I was hoping that controllers the size of a loaf of bread would keep them out of prepubescent hands. :lol:

I just don't know any people who play games online, and I'm not willing to invest the time to find some. I don't see the value. I'd much rather play with someone else in the same room, anyway. I may consider it again if Wipeout ever makes it online.

23rd May 2004, 03:24 PM
AmishRobot: I never had to play Nürburgring with a Ferrari and always found a nice challenge in whatever class I was looking for. :) The game is a pretty good online racer, but booooring in offline mode. Anyway, I cancelled my account about a month ago. Somehow I don't have the time to make it worth my money. I rather prefer the WO-tables on this site - much more challenging and much cheaper. :-)


23rd May 2004, 06:18 PM
To be honest I'm surprised Socom II isn't like that. I've never played it, but it seems like the kind of game that would be ripe for that kind of behavior. Maybe it is an xbox thing, but I was hoping that controllers the size of a loaf of bread would keep them out of prepubescent hands. :lol:
It isn't completely free of assclowns, I have had to mute people, but for the most part I usually leave a game if it's full of idiots and go find another room. I think the fact that in Socom you can only talk to your own team during the game helps reduce it, too - not much point in calling your own team names.

One thing I do hate is when kids talk absolute **** over the mic when they really should be talking about the mission in hand. You'll hear these idiots chatting away about some clan match or something totally unrelated to the current map, so if you're trying to warn your team mates of something the enemy is doing but you cant get a word in between the assclowns it is really annoying.

25th May 2004, 01:56 PM
I remember the first time someone spoke to me when I was playing UT2004 on line - all I could hear was this wierd voice going "Jeeeemoid, jump on the manta!" Scared the life out of me.