View Full Version : small talk; big feeling

19th May 2004, 06:04 PM

the weather here in wales has finally sprung into life and i am feeling that familiar sense of jumping onto the warm plateau that makes the mid-year months seem to fly by, without lack of activity or inspiration!

this is a simple message to all of you to breath easy, live life to its most joyful extent and to thank infox, xeik, lance, task, shem, al, mano, g'kyl, lunar and the many many other familiar faces here on the wipeoutzone forums for providing insight, entertainment and online kinship throughout the winter months.

special thanks to those whom have sent in research help for the DexML prjoect, without you it would have remained just an idea. thankyou.

heres to a wicked summer! fly fast, breath pollen!


19th May 2004, 06:27 PM
thanks for the wishes, yuuusen; enjoy the warmth. i absolutely detest winter. luckily, where i live, the spring and summer last a lot longer than they do in places farther north, or overly far to the south. still not long enough, though

19th May 2004, 07:28 PM
Hear, hear, yuuusen. Me likes these kind of postings! :) Yes, we should definitely enjoy the coming summer. Every year I can hardly wait to see the sun come up at 7, 6 and finally at 5 again to announce just another day of leaving the house in shirts, walking the sunlit neighborhood and lying in the grass at the river at the closing of the day.
OK, I better finish before I start writing poems. ;-) The part about lying in the grass is true, though. I do live in a (somewhat) big city, yes, but we have the Elbe with her wide, green slopes running right through it. And I love hanging out there with a few nice people. Can`t wait to have that again. :)


19th May 2004, 09:25 PM
And here's to a wicked summer! :D

I surely can't wait till I pass all the exams (some voice inside tells me "don't be so optimistic!!".....but i tell it to shut up....), get over the summer school camp teaching (2 weeks of dealing with a bunch of kids...), and I'm free to do whatever I wish.....
And it means - visit the countryside, party, hang out with friends,party, wake up at 13:00 PM,.....and when I get bored with parties, go outside into the middle of a field and lay back for 3 hours watching the clear, blue sky with a girl of my dreams by my side....... :roll: ......and party some more after that 8) .
Somehow I cannot find the proper word for the state of my mind right now...
...Chemical Brothers - The Private Psychodelic Reel .... (celebration....that's it!)....

P.S.( :D how on earth did it happen, that I was mentioned between WZ legends "Lance", and "Al"? This is by far the most pleasent thing I have read here on WZ! :D )

19th May 2004, 10:48 PM
I surely can't wait till I pass all the exams (some voice inside tells me "don't be so optimistic!!".....but i tell it to shut up....)

Shem, I heard a nice word lately; swotting would be the right way getting rid of the voices!


Piranha Advancements
20th May 2004, 12:15 AM
I really really can't stand heat where I am.Humid,sickly warmth and I'm not cheery!

Bring back the cold weather!

20th May 2004, 09:47 AM
Piranha, pelase define "cold weather". Is -25° C cold enough? In that case, Welcome to Finland next winter :P

20th May 2004, 12:09 PM
Piranha, you're right, it's often far too hot in summer. Still, I prefer that over cold and dark winter times. Especially the ice-cold wind - I CAN'T stand it! :)

Ben - signing off till sunday night for a holliday weekend. :D

20th May 2004, 12:49 PM
Summer rocks - there are songs about it to prove it.

Like that one by Will Smith, and virtually every Beach Boys song, and Bryan Adams had quite a good one back in '69 if his lyrics are to be believed.

The only winter songs you get tend to be about being miserably separated from someone you love, or xmas, which by default shows that unless your birthday is in winter, there really is only a period of a week or so where winter is good. Except for skiiing or snowboarding - I used to do a lot of the former, and would still like to do the latter, but other than that, winter sucks!

Man, this topic is out there with the Sophie Ellis-Bextor vs Britney one... not that that was a topic, more of an off-topic!


Piranha Advancements
20th May 2004, 04:29 PM
-25 degrees? That....is way to hostile an environment...

But c'mon..there has to be more people that LOVE cold weather more! Preferable above 5 degrees..Or I guess I'm loving the miserable..loneliness..of it all..

Summer sucks! Hyuk hyuk!

20th May 2004, 05:12 PM
Summer heat can be oppressive, I agree, especially if you`re working, stressed out or in a city. I also suffer from hayfever occasionally and therefore become bad tempered git at such times. Generally I prefer winter - dry, moderately chilly weather with a good breeze, such as you get in France; cold enough to wear a few layers of clothes, but not so cold you need to watch out for Polar Bears or so wet you start to rot. Wet British winter can be depressing....... leave those damp brown days alone the author surely had experience of welsh winters - but lucky you, Yuusen, being in Wales at this time of year. There`s too much vegetation in the cotswolds, which makes me sneeze, and not enough hills.

The only winter songs you get tend to be about being miserably separated from someone you love, or xmas,

you`re totally right..... the first winter song that came to mind was "Winter`s Tale" by David Essex....... and now I really regret having had the thought..... :oops:

But I can`t really think of any music about the seasons which I like..... from Vivaldi through to the Boys of Summer the weather is not great subject matter. "Summertime" is a great tune though, the Gershwin version.

20th May 2004, 06:03 PM
George and Ira Gershwin's 'Summertime' is surely one of the greatest songs ever written and ever sung

20th May 2004, 07:13 PM

a friend of mine and i share the opinion that any music by travis is best listened to just before and during xmas. any other time of the year it sounds like nostalgia being squeezed through a hole too small.

i quite enjoy the melancholy that can come with autumn. the slight remorse for the way the trees will look in one or two months time, when winter settles in. however, summer is by far my favourite season if only for its blistering highs! vitamin d rush straight to the head! (next time its sunny, stop every now and then to look at the sun with your eyes shut, the vitamin d rays will enter your bloodstream almost immediately and go straight into your brain – an instant hit!)

the weather in wales can be highly temperamental. today, for example, i woke up at 5am to see the sun shining through a miriad of cloudtypes. i woke up again at 7am for it to be slightly more cold and overcast. after a morning of working indoors i came out to receive almost 21C, which lasted all day until now, at 8pm, it looks like it wants to storm. that truly is a typical day in wales.
thanks for the great replies folks. its warming to see a strong response to a positive message that does not overtly require an answer!


20th May 2004, 07:16 PM
I love warm sunny weather, and have taken advantage of it the past few days by doing lots of cycling :D

Its still unsettled though, the clouds seem to come and go every hour or so...

20th May 2004, 07:18 PM

i love cycling too rhys. what areas do you cycle through?


20th May 2004, 07:28 PM
Nothing beats hot weather and wearing only your underpants or swimsuit the whole day.

Ah, the Mediterranean summer. 8)

20th May 2004, 08:10 PM
it's supposed to be 32C here this afternoon and was already over 26C at 1030

23rd May 2004, 03:37 PM
32 degrees... I wish! ;) Today it seems someone up there found a left-over winter day and literally rained it down on us. brrrrr. I want summer back!

23rd May 2004, 07:37 PM
Summer rocks - there are songs about it to prove it.
The only winter songs you get tend to be about being miserably separated from someone you love, or xmas, which by default shows that unless your birthday is in winter, there really is only a period of a week or so where winter is good.

Would I rather listen to Edgar Winter or Donna Summer? Bruce Springsteen or The Fall? Hmmm... I guess I'll just listen to The Four Seasons!

...That was unnecessary. I'll shut up now. ;)

23rd May 2004, 08:47 PM

probably summer and spring[steen]