View Full Version : im a bit confused

piranha wiper
11th May 2004, 07:15 PM
how long does it take before your new wiper status changes to the next level

11th May 2004, 07:37 PM
it doesn't go by time, it goes by activity, the number of posts. next level is 'dedicated wiper' which starts at 51. it goes from there to 151, 301, 601, 1001, 1501 [ultimate wiper], which is the highest current ''ranking'', which is the term PHP message boards use for it.]

there now, i've gone and removed the mystery and spoiled the possibilities for fun discovery.

anyway, it doesn't matter how many times you say something. what's important is whAt you say and perhaps how you say it. even a newbie can have high value

11th May 2004, 07:39 PM
"Who's got the most" - have seen this in any forum that has a public post count. ;)
I think you have to post another 21 or 31 posts before your status will change, though I'm not sure at all.


EDIT: Hmpf! So after Lance again getting there first, all I can do now is to stress that he is of course right: How much you say doesn't matter, how you do it does.

piranha wiper
25th May 2004, 06:31 PM
ok, so if i go crazy and post lots of posts but that have reason to be there and not just to post then it will go up, its not fair my computer is broke and i cant get on the internet and college computers are bared to other websites dammit. im at my grandmas now like

25th May 2004, 07:58 PM
since the ''ranking'' is completely arbitrary and means absolutely nothing, why would your ego even care? your value to the forums and more importantly, your value to yourself is not connected in any way to your post count. since i have the highest post count here, it would be easy but untrue for me to say that therefore i am the supreme paragon of all humanity. that would be silly. it really means nothing; don't worry about it. just post when you have something to say and to take part in the 'conversations' here in the forums

25th May 2004, 10:06 PM
since i have the highest post count here, it would be easy but untrue for me to say that therefore i am the supreme paragon of all humanity.
I think it just means you have the most free time.
:D :wink:

25th May 2004, 11:09 PM
exactly, James [or since you're apparently living in Texas, should i say Jimmy Bob? ], you have a grasp on reality. :)
i have so much free time [YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY] that i am the only one here to have achieved Ultimate Wanke.... uh.. Wiper status

28th May 2004, 11:08 PM
May i suggest for Oggob ( who continues posting on Wfusion.com) and me a new status for this site... zone accelerator :lol:

piranha wiper
29th May 2004, 09:43 PM
hey lance are u a philosiphey coz that sounded very philosophic er is that right he funny eh ok maybe not, heh

29th May 2004, 09:58 PM
Lance, only cute girls get away with calling Jimmy... and I'm pretty sure you're not a cute girl. :lol:
Though, oddly enough, my middle name is Robert.

/displaced yankee.

30th May 2004, 12:46 AM
piranha wiper, are you tipsy today? :)


James, i am even more certain of that than you are. it's television 'dramas' that make me think of southern guys being called 'jimmy bob' and suchlike. displaced yankees would of course not be referred to in such a way even on tv.

my middle name is Lancelot, oddly enough.
maybe more than enough

piranha wiper
3rd June 2004, 12:51 PM
no i am not tipsy, does any thing special happen when u get over 1000 posts

3rd June 2004, 01:29 PM
Your hair starts falling and your monitor has the WOZone logo burnt in it.

piranha wiper
3rd June 2004, 01:32 PM
no fair i like my short but not that short, yeah any way im happy with my posts being steadily increased

3rd June 2004, 06:45 PM
piranha wiper, not only does nothing special happen after 1000 posts, nothing special happens after 2000 posts. now quit worrying about post numbers and quit posting so much damned crap. you are obsessed by post count and rankings despite what you said in another post. you've posted more stuff in the last two days than most members post in two months. if you keep doing this juvenile Fusion-board style garbage, i'm going to start deleting really heavily. if you're so desperate for rapid-fire chat, join a chat room.

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