View Full Version : Internet freedom (petition)

6th April 2004, 10:07 PM
Hi all !

I've just got a new Internet connection (harder, better, faster, and...) and I've then decided to spam this wonderful website just to check if the new architecture can handle it ;) j/k

First let me congratulate all the people who contributed to the new website. I didn't know it was possible to make something faster than the latest one. And because it's also more clear and more complete, I'm really wondering if you are all human, especially infoxicated (hey it's not a human nickname !) o_O

Secondly, if you want to keep such websites alive as is, you may be interested in this petition (http://petition.eurolinux.org) against patents that are going to be voted in Europe.
And here's some funny (yet could be scary in the near future) example of how patents could ruin a website (http://webshop.ffii.org/).


6th April 2004, 11:02 PM
heya! vince!!! :o :o :o
long time no c! :D :D
i c u stil live in ToLose! 8)
how u been? good i hope! :wink:

7th April 2004, 07:43 AM
hi pael !
nice 2 c u there :D
I'm pretty fine. I've been without Internet for almost 3 months :o but apart from that detail I'm ok.
I hope everyone's going fine here too.

btw pael, I haven't sent a single record for the stick2trax challange recently. sorry 2 leave u alone but I don't want 2 beat your timeZ. You'd b jealous :P

7th April 2004, 08:13 AM
Hey Vinny! :D

Good to see you're well and back online for a visit :)

7th April 2004, 11:05 AM
btw pael, I haven't sent a single record for the stick2trax challange recently. sorry 2 leave u alone but I don't want 2 beat your timeZ. You'd b jealous :P :o :) :D :lol: 8) :P :wink:

7th April 2004, 07:10 PM
I can't live without my regular woz fix. I've tried to stop, but it still comes back on me again and again. Is there a miracle solution to stop definately ? Or do I have to be a faithful wip3r for the rest of my life ? :o
</off topic>

Foxy, have you ever heard of the aforementioned (you see.. I can write awful english words now) patents ? I'd like to know that all webmasters already know them and are aware of the herein proposals.

7th April 2004, 09:42 PM
Yeah, I'm aware of most of the patents affecting the way we use the web - and note that they are patents which have mostly been filed in the US. I hope that common sense will prevail at some point, as many of them are ludicrous to say the least.

For the time being, though, I'm not going to take my eye too far off the task in hand to concentrate on contingency plans. After all, granting a patent is one thing, enforcing it is another - especially when it doesn't have much foundation in the first place.

7th April 2004, 11:12 PM
Hi all !
you may be interested in this petition against patents that are going to be voted in Europe.

Salut Vincoof, ca fait plaisir de voir un p'tit gars du Sud. 8)
Thanks for your mail. I didn't fail in my duty : i 've signed this petition ( more than 300000 signatures for the now).
looking forward to know you better. :wink:

8th April 2004, 12:44 PM
I see what you mean Foxie. I just hope you're right and "common sense" will prevail.

Salut l'ancient asayyeah. Merci d'avoir signé la petition, mais je ne suis pas certain de t'avoir envoyé un mail. A moins que tu parles du présent sujet de discussion ?

TIA to anyone willing to contribute to the petition. I'm not affiliated with it by any means, but I'm still involved and the worst thing is that I don't know why. Maybe it's my lengendary fight for justice that comes from all those american movies :o
(blah I'm going off topic once again. I really need to visit the forums more often in order to get the rights words to write)

13th May 2004, 05:33 AM
I thought the EU had already approved software patents, and that it was a lost cause. For you Europeans, fight IP patents!! You don't wan't them mucking things up there like they are here in the US! Seriously, the patent system here is so busted, it would be funny if it weren't so dangerous. Don't trust in common sense. Fight it.

19th May 2004, 05:51 PM

regarding the original subject, internet freedom; techies, take a look at Freenet:

