View Full Version : Gmail
6th April 2004, 04:01 PM
Everyones heard about gmail already right? (if not go look at )
Has anyone managed to get an account yet, or know anyone with an account?
6th April 2004, 04:09 PM
Personally, I'll be avoiding it.
I think Google gets cut a lot of slack due to the loving hoardes of bloggers who idolise their page-rank system, but for me it's nothing more than a creaky set of algorythms built like a house of cards from technology that's long out of date.
Anyone viewing their privacy statement for Orkut (sp) or Gmail should probably run screaming rather than signing up without a thought.
6th April 2004, 06:31 PM
everyone's heard of the WiseNut search engine, right?
it actually pays attention when you use quote marks on an exact phrase, so it eliminates a lot of stuff you aren't looking for. Google used to do that long ago, not anymore
6th April 2004, 08:30 PM
i read a warning yesterday on slashdot.
it says that google, in a press release, stated that they could and would not guarantee that messages kept on the server would not be deleted after a user's account has been.
in my mind this could lead to a possible data leak if the messages entered an unsecure part of the server.
just a warning.
i have found some more interesting information regarding privacy, gmail and its use of cookies.
two more reports on gmail have arrisen:
google have released a new privacy statement egarding gmail.
take a look:
oh, and one more thing:
this post has been updated regularly, the original warning should not be taken in context but shall be left in place in order to motivate other users into invstigating the matter if they wish to do so.
2nd May 2004, 04:00 PM
by the way, is anyone here a member of orkut (brought to you by aspx, a microsoft technology)?
Rapier Racer
18th February 2005, 10:54 AM
google just mailed me and offered me gmail account, I've singed up but it's not my primary email address, I have read all the warnings and such, what about hotmail I bet someone here can tell me why I shouldn’t be using it?
18th February 2005, 12:38 PM
For more info on what infox mentions, check out (
I'm with him on this. I won't be using gmail anytime soon, even for a spam reservoir.
In their defense, however, that site was the first result when I did a search for it... in Google. :)
I'll have to try wisenut. I use google mostly simply because it's the default in firefox, but I'm becoming less impressed by their increasingly shoddy results. Looking for tech pages is becoming nigh-on impossible thanks to retailers and spammers manipulating the results. Yahoo's actually become fairly useful again lately.
18th February 2005, 06:02 PM
.. what about hotmail I bet someone here can tell me why I shouldn’t be using it? well a good reason'd be the space you get -> 2MB! what a joke! :evil:
I got it though .. for the msn 8)
Praeterea censeo autopilotum esse delendam
18th February 2005, 07:04 PM
I'll read that google watch thing so I understand a little better.
Personally I dont work in the KGB and I dont think anybody gives a damn about stealing my identity and I dont write my bank details and such in my mail :) soooooo... I'm using gmail and it works fine for me. I'm a basic user of gmail , I've been using tags a little, but I havent found anything that makes it special yet. The storage capacity is lost on me, given that my yahoo mail box rarely reached the then-10mb limit.
I've got a bunch of gmail invites left, so send me a priv message with an email address if you like.
My primary email is a free yahoo mailbox, which was upped to 250mb storage sometime in the past 6 months. I've had it for several years and never had to complain. Since I'm computer savvy myself I never really needed a virus checker on my PC, so I like how I can email myself executable files when I'm suspicious, and let yahoo mail check for viruses :)
Oh.. and I think I used to have a large square type ad in yahoo mail, but now I couldnt say since they're all blocked with a firefox extension.
18th February 2005, 08:29 PM
Funny, there is also (
18th February 2005, 08:39 PM
i use Proxomitron to block every ad everywhere. no need to muck about continually adding new advert urls to something like FireFox's adblock extension
Rapier Racer
20th February 2005, 04:40 PM
well a good reason'd be the space you get -> 2MB! what a joke! :evil:
now 250mb
26th February 2005, 12:35 AM
Everyones heard about gmail already right? (if not go look at )
Has anyone managed to get an account yet, or know anyone with an account?
If you want one, I have an innvitation!
26th February 2005, 08:13 AM
well a good reason'd be the space you get -> 2MB! what a joke! :evil:
now 250mbjust checked and my hotmail account is still 2MB
my yahoo account on the other hand is 250MB > can send up to 10MB attachments! 8)
Praeterea censeo autopilotum esse delendam
Rapier Racer
26th February 2005, 12:15 PM
thats like my hotmail account zargs
I just had a little read thorugh the gmail privacy policy and can safely say I'm not using it, they can almost do what they like with your account and information
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