View Full Version : Negcon on PC

13th March 2004, 01:36 AM
Does anyone know if you can get a negcon to work on the pc? And if so, what did you use to accomplish this?

13th March 2004, 09:32 AM
Yes, very possible, tho for the reasons intended i figure you will run into the same bumps as me..., first, for the pc version of XL, no way, as the only way you can get one to work is via directinput and pc XL does not recognize it (afaik).

then there are emus, epsxe, the one i use; doesnt support it yet tho some others do (psxeven and other emus that accept controller plugins), and for other software that is purely pc related you can get a parallel port adapter or a usb adapter.

Parallel port you can build yourself with a soldering iron, 5 diodes (dont remember which ones), and a male parallel plug. (look for it as a directpad pro diagram, if you cant find it message me and i will look for it as i dont have the information at hand).

It does work for any pc game that works with directinput, but i strongly recommend the usb adapters that are sold online at lik-sang or other pages.

please if you have any other questions write back as i am a bit drunk right now but the information is still true, its just that i cant articulate words properly at the moment.. :P and the fact that spanish is my native tongue doesnt help either hehe..

15th March 2004, 09:30 PM
Hi. I was also looking for a fully negcon compatible usb adapter, because with the one I've got, the L and the directional buttons don't work. I use the padgnneco (http://members.at.infoseek.co.jp/shirouto_yokota/pgnneco.htm) plugin to play with ps1 emulators.

If anybody knows of a usb adaptor which suports the negcon, please let me know.

16th March 2004, 02:21 AM
mano thanks for the reply, but I got to say I have no idea what you are saying(not a computer genius). I ordered a adaptor off ebay that works with ps or n64 controllers. If the negcon doesn't work, my asciiwheel 64 should work(the one I use for wipeout 64)

16th March 2004, 12:00 PM
If this is the one you bought, its supposed to work ok, not confirmed tho:


here is a comment about it:


In any case, if it doesnt work just let me know and i assure you you can build the one i have fairly easy, the diodes you can get at any electronics parts store (or repair stores, i dunno how do you call them in USA), the male parallel plug is easy to get too, and the only thing left needed is a soldering iron and solder; i already have the diagrams and the software; that is all you need :)

20th March 2004, 07:34 PM
I' ll have a dream said Martin Luther King. Me i ll have a dream in English ( for a french man it's not common...). I was dreaming that everyone own a Neg-con.alternate using between PC and Playstation : the paradise...What!!
But i have a serious question how can you do with the Neg's settings: how to define a certain radius for twisting...( a windows appears on the screen?)

It would be truly amazing to play it on pc, with the perfect radius twisting.

I share the Al's point of view, about the computer genius, it's the same for me, if there was a easy thing to do rather than create one by hands...imagine a work-accident!! can't play Neg with a screw-driver stabbed into my hand!! 2 monthes of unwanted retirement...

20th March 2004, 09:00 PM
Yes you can calibrate everything in the negcon with the pc and windows, even more than what you can calibrate on the playstation, maximum lock, deadzone, center, even the proportion of the twist reading (displayed on a curve) it is displayed on the control panel-game controllers windows and it looks something like this, depending on the software:


if you use emulators theres an advantage, you can map the buttons as you please, for example use start button to discard weapons or the left and right on the directional pad to work as buttons, that should have been programmed on the playstation games :( the downside is that if you get used to that you cant play well later on playstation because you get used to the button layout. So there goes an idea for the next wipeout... keep the negcon support and let us map all the buttons even the sttart and directional pad as we please, please? hehe

20th March 2004, 09:58 PM
Incredible you need to have high degree in Mathematical university to understand all the different axis.... :D :D School is far from me .... but To play Neg on pc nothing is impossible 8)