View Full Version : Top 5 racing games

28th February 2004, 07:55 AM
I was just wondering what you guys consider your top 5 racing video games/series of all time, as i have been replaying some of my old time favorites.

Mine are these in no particular order:

- Wipeout series

This one i dont need to describe nor explain to you, im not including fusion here as i havent played it and dont know if its good

- Wave Race 64

This is an AMAZING game that most ppl overlook and i keep coming back to it; control wise its deeper than it seems as water and waves are involved in the game physics (and they look great for a game of that time). Everything in the game screams fun, one of the best games ever. if you dont believe me you havent played it yet.

Havent played Blue Storm on GameCube, if anyone here has played it, is it any good?

- Gran turismo 3

Picked this up from the series in general since its the most complete, even tho gt2 had more cars, and since i played version 3 i never went back to the older ones, unlike wipeout were the different versions are actually different but with the same essence.

- F-zero

The original on SNES, liked fzeroX on N64 but it lacked the white knucled feeling, the GBA version is also very good. Havent tried GX on GC yet

- Monaco GP from Sega

Circa 1979, not the newer ones from the 80´s, the one im talking about even lacked a cpu, it was all transistor based, had a great cockpit (there was also a stand up version that i dont think is as fun as the one i have played), led displays for the top 10 scores, and a vertical screen (it was a top view game).
If someone offered me a collectable arcade cabinet, this is the one i would probably choose (even tho i always wanted to see the Wipeout XL cabinet).

28th February 2004, 08:48 AM
Favourite games, hmmmmm. I guess they would be:

1) Wipeout (first XL, then 1, then 3 (and I don't have a PS2:| ))

2) Grand Prix 1 (not an arcade racer (at least not when it was released ;) ), but one of the very few games I played over and over again - and still do actually)

3) Quantum Redshift (a very basic racing game, but perfect at that!)

4) Rollcage (the second part being almost perfect, imho)

5) Motorhead (I don't know, I just love it)

28th February 2004, 12:16 PM
1: Wipeout series

I can`t rank these, but 2097 is the most sublime. However if I could only own one it would be 3SE, by a nose.

2: Micromachines 2 - Megadrive

The nastiest and funniest multiplayer game I`ve ever come across. All about timing, psychological warfare and bluff, at 4 o`clock in the morning, half-drunk, this can test your friendships.....

3: Road Rash 2 - Megadrive

Just simple fun. For me this occupied the same flying, floating and fighting space as wipeout, until wipeout came along. I can`t believe there`s never been a game like this for PS2.

4: TOCA2 - PS1

Frustrating to the point of masochism at times, but an absolute classic tough driving game. I`ve never physically met anyone else who likes it though.

5:Colin McRae Rally 2 - PS1

I never played it much on my own, but with a bunch of you taking turns in a rally its just fantastic competition, unless you all use the ridiculous Peugeout 206 which spoils it a bit. Trashing my rivals with a Seat Cordoba was just hilarious.

A lot of 2s in there, and SSX Tricky would replace one if it could strictly be called a racing game.

crazy legs
28th February 2004, 01:49 PM
1 wiepout 2097
2 super mario cart (snes)
3 colin mcrae
4 burn out
5 f-zero

28th February 2004, 02:08 PM
1) Quantum Redshift -- this is a very close call for first. I wish there were tables for this game(and I'm not talking about single lap!). This is a very underated game due to the hard control at first.

2)Wipeout xl, wipeout 64 -- basically the same feeling in both games, two types of games in one(piranha vs non piranha)

3)Wipeout 3 Only marred by the rage causing turbo scrape into the wall

4) Hydrothunder -- Loved this game on the dreamcast. it only needed NO COMPUTER ASSISTANCE in two player mode and I would still be playing today.

5)Ridge Racer (type 4 and 5). The control in these games is fantastic

5)Moto Racer (just the first one) -- great mix of dirt and street. The second one had the street car sliding and the dirt bikes sliding way too much. Love the turbo wheelie.

Close sixth would be waverace

Piranha Advancements
28th February 2004, 05:10 PM
1. Wipeout - There can only be one.

2.Ayrton Senna's Monaco GP2 - Hours..months dedicated for this wonderful racer.Screw Madonna,I go for the Bestwal team.

3.Rock and Roll Racing - Fun,addictive and it's one of the earlier games that had car upgrades and so on.This got me hooked on nitrous,missiles and other explosion stuff.Wham! Bam!

4.Road Rash 2 - Don't hit Natasha..Hit everyone else esp Public Enemy No.1.A mantra when I played that.Call me wuss but I never want to ride the Wild Thing bike.

5.Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 - Nothing beats the feeling of leading the pack while singing "Speed kills coming down the mountain.." from Bush and then to have the cheap AI catch up cars to FLY past you in the final lap of an ENDURANCE RACE.

Then you restart and go back for more..

28th February 2004, 07:22 PM
this is a near impossible task for me, both to keep it down to 5 and to establish a ranking of the favourites.

Wip3out, the game that introduced me to futuristic racing, and the game that brought me here to WipeoutZone, the best online community i have seen. those two facts combined with the sheer excellence of the game, with its speed and above all, its 'feel' that brings me back to play it again and again. i have put more time in this game than in any other.

Wipeout 2, in my case, XL. this game is essentially at the same level of excellence as WO3 and of course was the basis of it. the difference here for me is purely because it was not my first Wipeout, and it does not have that additional tactical and strategic tool of interest, hyperthrust. but i am coming to love it about as much as WO3, even though it is one of my two most recently acquired games. it has its own special look, its own feel.

the original GranTurismo. an absolute classic despite many flaws both short term and long term. i doubt that any subsequent version has improved on it. but there are those failings, such as the time spent upgrading new cars, because once you have a few million credits stacking up, putting on the upgrades becomes repetitive and boring. the other weakness for me is the menus, too many of them, that force you to be jumping through the same hoops over and over just to get back to a place you didn't want to leave. such as have to load the qualify menu during 'spot racing', which should be a very casual race mode, just in order to have the choice on the menu to 'skip qualify'. and not being given the choice to simply race the track again without having to go back to the main menu and repeat the entire long selection procedure. and the music? no. thank you for the offer, but no.
But the thrill of driving really really fast cars whose control physics makes them feel real always gives me enjoyment. and it keeps records in considerable depth, and lets you access them easily. some wonderful racecourses are in this game. Deep Forest, Grand Valley [the full course], Trial Mountain, and the little Autumn Ring in both short and full versions. and those replays. those replays that let you view the race from the viewpoint of every car, and from both inside the cars and out. wonderful.

Ridge Racer 4. R4 is the most complete, most polished, most thoroughly thought out, best showcased game i've ever seen.
Within the limitations of the original Playstation, NAMCO worked a miracle. it is probably becAUse of limitations that they stretched their imaginations so far. the mood of the game is both cinematic and playful, tongue-in-cheek even. driving the cars is tremendous fun. the game feels fast. the maneuvering is extreme, but can also be subtle as i've discovered so very recently now that i can use a neGcon. you can say that the AI competitors are not realistic, but there is always one there at the most critical point in the race, and if you do not perform with near flawless skill to get by that bastard cleanly, he will beat you. this game is great fun, and i cannot think of a single negative thing to say about it.

all of the games i've mentioned so far were made for the original Playstation, but here is a major exception:
F355 Challenge. a Dreamcast game. one of the finest games ever. absolutely hardcore. the seeming of reality. requiring total focus to do well, and extremely extremely hard to win against the AI. i broke the accelerator trigger on my MadCatz DC controller because i try so hard.
In a completely different way from R4, this is about as perfect as it gets.

Well. damn. i'm already up to five. and i think they really do rank higher than any others i've played, but i can't refrain from three honourable mentions.
N'Gen Racing. jet fighter airplane racing. yes!
the only flaw for me is the long loading times. it has excellent air racing music by Matt Darey. the planes are great. the play mechanic and game structure excellent. the huge areas you fly in are wonderful. it is true that their sheer size means that the polygons have to be stretched to cover all that ground, but this has the benefit that while it makes the game less photo-realistic, it also makes it more artistically beautiful. and the whole game has what, as far as i know, is a unique atmosphere. definitely like nothing else i've played.

KillerLoop for the Playstation. again, a unique game with excellent racing music. racecraft that feel like nothing else. the most futuristic atmosphere i've felt in any game. and very challenging to your piloting skill. tough AI, tough control. spectacular racetracks. but definitely only for the appreciative few. a neGcon really helps.

Monaco Grand Prix, despised by many, liked by few. but i am one of those few. the game does not look great, even though it should on a Dreamcast. but the control of the cars feels right. and difficult and delicate. very hardcore. damn near everybody but me would probably find this game unsatisfying, frustrating, not worth playing because of the difficulty and lack of eyecandy. but i like it a lot. if i get the cars around the tracks driving properly, it feels great. even the arcade mode has simulation physics; the only difference is the presence of checkpoints and the annoying announcement of their approach. i never play arcade on this game.

okay, that's my current list

28th February 2004, 07:47 PM
F355 Challenge. a Dreamcast game. one of the finest games ever. absolutely hardcore. the seeming of reality. requiring total focus to do well, and extremely extremely hard to win against the AI. i broke the accelerator trigger on my MadCatz DC controller because i try so hard.
In a completely different way from R4, this is about as perfect as it gets.

You know, youre right about that game, i only played it once, and i got hooked on it right from the start, the concentration needed put me in a state of suspended disbelief (is that the right phrase?)that shows you its a good game.

Maybe i should have played it a little longer to see what happened

28th February 2004, 10:00 PM
Wipeout 3 / SE
Gran Tourismo 1
Burnout 2
Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix for the Amiga

My fifth slot remains open, 'cos I haven't really played a decent racing game since Burnout 2. NFS Underground was a huge disappointment because of the elastic AI, and a bug in Forumula One 2003 meant it was frustrating for me to play with manual gears.

One of the favourites on my list will probably go to either Formula One 2004 or Gran Tourismo 4 later on this year. For me, those are the only two proper racing games of note on the horizon. Looks like they're going to ruin Burnout 3 by building in cheese as a tactic to deal with online players using those tactics anyway. That should wreck the balance and playability of it as a racing game, I imagine.

28th February 2004, 10:44 PM
1) wipeout 2097/3
2)gran turismo (the original)
3)f zero x
5)mario cart :wink:

simple as.

29th February 2004, 12:35 AM
in no particular order:

Need For Speed Undergound - arcade racing, no brain required, and looks fabulous. applies to most of NFS range

Wipeout 3SE :- but of course. jeer if you like, but I'm beginning to prefer Fusion.

Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix 1 :- best racing simulation of it's time, and the only one where I could willing sit through a full 60-lap race

Supercars2 on the Amiga :- tons of tracks, no realism at all, and it had guns in it!

Motoracer :- first 3dfx game I played, and damn good fun. True feeling of speed not really felt in pre-3dhardware days.

29th February 2004, 01:04 AM
Top5 Racing games!!!

1, Wipeout 2097(xl)

2, Wipeout 3 SE

3, Rollcage 2

4, Road Rash 2 (Mega Drive)

5, Quantum Redshift (wish get a sequal!)

stin :D

1st March 2004, 06:35 PM
Infox, F12003 was close to my list too, but the pit lane bug, where AI cars get stuck in traffic jams and kill the race was too much of a flaw for me. It was fantastic to have a game with true random weather changes, but when I found the weather changes just made all the AI cars lose 20 seconds or get stuck while they all made pit stops - I was very disapointed and I know a lot of other people with the game were too.

In many ways this game is a huge achievment, more than any other game I`ve played it reproduces the feeling of racing against an actual bunch of human drivers, for races of up to 70 laps, and in GP mode it strikes a perfect balance between simulation/playabilty. Making a game like this is no easy thing to do I`m sure, but then to let it down with such a simple flaw was a real shame. There were also the occasional slow AI corners, but that wasn`t such a bad flaw in comparison to the pit bug, though it could still do with sorting out. Its still a great game though, and I`m looking forward to them fixing the pit bug for 2004. It would be inexplicable not to as I`m sure they must be aware of it.

The scary thing is that the game has almost made me interested in F1 the actual sport :o
Next thing I know I`ll take up trainspotting.

Road Rash 2 - Don't hit Natasha...

:lol: I`d forgotten about that. Sometimes in a rumble you`d accidentally club her... and you`re history.

the other mantra for me was on blind corners and summits: "don`t cut, stick to the right, stick to the right", then you`d have a rush of blood, risk it and WHAM!..... Impaled on an Oldsmobile, or something. What a game, and well represented in the top fives so far.

1st March 2004, 07:48 PM
Trainspotting is great as long as in the course of your travels you meet Michael Palin instead of Begbie

1st March 2004, 10:28 PM
Lunar, the pit lane bug has been fixed, and the AI has been totally re-written for 2004. For the first time it is a true AI - probably the best you'll see on any console. We're talking proper obstacle avoidance - AI drivers will "see" opportunities to overtake, as well as spot accidents ahead and take avoiding action. :)

1st March 2004, 11:36 PM
Lance: I`m not sure which is the most frightening of the two.

Infox: Great news, thanks. :D


Lance: Busted. Taken down in a dawn raid by the G.E.A. Guilty as charged. :wink:

2nd March 2004, 01:58 AM

tsk, tsk. grammar, sir. grammar, i say! ''most frightening of the two''. pshaw. should be 'moRE' not most. must use 'more' when the choices are less than three in number, 'most' if three or more. sigh. it wasn't like this in the old days. no sir. back in the eighteenth century we were taught properly!
[laughs self silly] of course we probably also used capital letters to start sentences back in the eighteenth century. not to mention the goose quills

2nd March 2004, 04:52 AM
(laughing at the mention of goose quills on an a-g forum) :lol:
Mans' ambition... To fly like the bird. Or shoot it down :P

1. F355 ferrari challenge
2. Ridge Racer Revolution
3. WipEout2097
4. Metropolis Street Racer
5. Super Hang-on

2nd March 2004, 06:24 PM
In no particular order:

1) Wip3out - Easily my favourite of the Wipeout series. Wonderful ship and track design, and I still think the graphics do justice to the PSX engine. The only Wipeout game I've managed to beat Phantom class!

2) F-Zero GX - This game made me buy a Gamecube. The speed is absolutely incredible, and though the physics engine is similar to Fusion, I think it has been integrated in a much better way here. Craft design is a laugh as well.

3) Burnout 2 - Another speed-crazy arcade racer with the added bonus of being able to wreck anything in your way. The AI cheated a little, but it made for a much more intense race. Crash zone was just insane.

4) Gran Turismo - Nothing beats the original. I don't know why, but I still prefer this game over even GT3. Just the right number of cars, tracks and tournaments, and it led to many wasted hourd trying to do those endurance races.

5) Ridge Racer Type 4 - Another arcade racer that was nothing short of briliant. Handling was a little strange, but easy to pick up. Plenty of juicy cars to unlock as well.

2nd March 2004, 09:32 PM
In a particular order :wink:
Number one : WIPEOUT 2097 : perfect handling, Negcon+ilink: awesome cocktail, incredible pirahna mark : 18.5/20

2 : Zone mode in fusion : the most terrific speed i never saw. Totally Drool !
mark : 17/20

3 : F zéro Gx : you add a neg con and few weapons , and the mark will be 19/20 but without it, it is a very good playable game, with various challenges , the speed and the design are awesome ( for those who know it : i 've found the most impressive track i ve never seen with incredible backgrounds : it's the one you are in an orbital station, and you can see earth and many meteorites
mark : 16/20

4 : Wip3out : good game 13/20

5: Gran Turismo 3 : not bad for those who loves cars 12/20

2nd March 2004, 10:42 PM
my favorites (with no order)

- Wip3out+2097
- Granturismo 3 (next time it will be 4!)
- Ridge Racer 4
- Jaguar xj 220 (for amiga)
- Out Run & Turbo Out Run

Asche XL
3rd March 2004, 01:13 AM
Wipeout XL and Gran Turismo 3 are the only games I still play.

5th March 2004, 03:55 PM
my pix!

1. Wipeout(series)
2. Rage Racer
3. NFS(series)

5th March 2004, 09:46 PM
1. wipeout 3 (any questions?)
2. rallisport challenge (surprised nobody mentioned this, its a lot of fun)
3. motorhead (excellent multiplayer racing, right on g'kyll!)
4. road rash 3 (classic, and the genesis version is the best! 2 had crappy bikes/graphics :( )
5. metropolis street racer (was reliving a race earlier today.. i havent played it in 2 years!)

note: this is out of
wo,xl,64,fusion,need for speed: hot pursuit/high stakes/vrally (was a close call), gran turismo 1-2, sega rally,sega rally 2, super rc pro-am, destruction derby 1-2,slipstream 5000,monster truck madness,ridge racer 4,powerslide,rollcage,fzero,ballistics,colin mcrae rally,hydro thunder, test drive, daytona usa, mario kart,64,megarace, sonic r, jetmoto 2 and those stupid crusin usa arcades :roll:

6th March 2004, 06:04 PM
collin mcrae2
v rally2

6th March 2004, 10:59 PM
Fox Zero: I agree rallisport`s a lot of fun, but it was too similar to Colin McRae to make my top five. Also its an X-Box game, and no matter what the temptations I will not turn to the dark side.

Another Road Rash. Yes! 3 was bigger than 2 and had better graphics, but is pretty much the same game IMO. RR2 was the one I played first, and got my vote for this, and the Arizona and Alaska tracks.

6th March 2004, 11:48 PM
3 had better music though yeah? and the bikes were cooler yeah? i played 3 2-player, did 2 have that? also does colin mcrae have ice racing because i think rallisport was the first time id even heard that and i played colin mcrae and watched rally racing all the time..

also i dont see the problem about 'dark side'.. doesnt sony have proprietary hardware with almost everything they make and dont they also overcharge all their devices? didnt the ps2 price not come down for years? isnt this something microsoft would do too? they also have a history of anti-competitive practices (see origins of playstation among others) just like microsoft. arent you already on the dark side? (sorry infox :O )

well anyway now that everyone hates me you should try it its a fun game :oops:

7th March 2004, 12:08 AM

I'd have to agree that official items like official memory cards and dual shocks are expensive, but the PS2's price has come down as it got cheaper to manufacture. Sony makes its money from mark-up on the games, but very little from the actual consoles.

7th March 2004, 02:17 AM
yeah, see! go dark side! :wink:

7th March 2004, 05:48 AM
only Nintendo ever claims that they actually make profits on the consoles, but after the huge markdowns on the GC, they can't be making anything on them either

7th March 2004, 11:51 AM
FoxZero: RR2 does have 2 player, and Colin McRae does have ice stages. "Dark side" can be fun, and the X-Box is a powerful piece of hardware. As this thread shows, the more consoles there are, the better for all of us.

7th March 2004, 01:50 PM
3. motorhead (excellent multiplayer racing, right on g'kyll!)

Send me an Email or ICQ whenever you wanna play. Though I haven't played MH for 2 years I'm afraid. And the one thing tha's bad about MH Multiplayer is there's no damage to the cars and so ppl use walls in order to gat faster through tight turns.


7th March 2004, 05:18 PM
wish i still had my genesis, lunar :(

as for motorhead, i actually thought that was the best part about it, g'kyl! think about it.. redlining in 6th gear.. you leap off of a jump nosing straight toward a corner, knowing all well that colliding in the wrong spot will send you careening into the opposite wall, or spining around 360 degrees before you have a chance to recover.. intense. i guess its like wipeout with stick-2-trax/scraping kind of issues going on.. bugs becoming features.

also i cant play motorhead multi anymore because it wont run on windows xp :(

7th March 2004, 07:55 PM
ARGH, I only just upgraded to XP. :(

And about the corners: I was always one for "real" driving. Also, I think using the walls looks silly. ;-)


Nick Burcombe
8th March 2004, 09:37 AM
5, Quantum Redshift (wish get a sequal!)

Not a chance I'm affraid. :(

Nice to see quiet a few of our games mentioned in this thread......

Wipeout, Wipeout2097, N-Gen Racing (even got a mention) and Quantum Redshift

Glad you enjoyed them a some level. :)

Maybe a QR table of scores/times would be a good thing. ;)

8th March 2004, 10:13 AM
Just enjoy them? come on man, the wipeout series are not only enjoyable, they are inspiring games.

Nick, come on what are your favorite racing games?

Btw theres a thread that Al (Zoolander) started about the wipeout rankings in the series, that got me curious too, which wipeouts do you like more and how you rank them?

10th March 2004, 09:22 AM
2days ago bought drome racers 4my friends GC and i found it so good im thinking of getting me a cube!!
actually enjoyed stearing w the analog stick :o :o

try it! 8)

ps: it's a Lego 'sponsored' game! :D

10th March 2004, 11:06 PM
nick, I would do just times for full race and lap, forget the scores. That was actually one thing I was a little upset with about QR. Records for points, but no records for full race. That knocked the score down 1 point for me, from a 99 to a 98 :D I know we probably can't get times for QR on the site, but I think there are a lot of people who would post times up(AT least 7!! :D ). Actually, probably more since I could get my friends to play it as well.

11th March 2004, 12:19 AM
QR is good, no doubt, but it ain't WO. So I can't personally support the idea of a set of tables here for them. What I'd suggest is a topic in The Arena for QR times/whatever.

11th March 2004, 08:56 AM
Having never played Quantum Redshift I'm at a disadvantage here, but can say for certain that there wont be QR times tables on this site.

If I was going to create records tables for games other than the Wipeout series then the site would have a different name, although RecordsTableZone.com doesn't sound quite as catchy if you ask me. ;)

It has occurred to me that it would be a good gag to have a site with time tables for lots of different racing games - I have some cracking times for Burnout 2 that I'm proud of, for instance. But to be honest it's just not worth the drama, you know? There are days when I cant face doing stuff for WipeoutZone (and years, as it turned out), so I don't want to open the most collosal can of worms for myself.

Think of the "shortcuts and turbo-scraping" arguments we get on here from time to time - mulitply those posts by the quirks and ways to cheat in every half decent racing game and it's just not worth it. By the time you even get around to thinking of the bandwidth a site like that would use, I'm a cloud of dust on the horizon running for my life. :D

Nick Burcombe
11th March 2004, 09:11 AM
Top Five Racing Games of All Time (not inc. any of mine LOL)
This is based on hours of enjoyment....

1. Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec (PS2)
2. Super Mario Kart (SNES)
3. Revs (BBC Micro)
4. Ridge Racer (PS)
5. F1 GP3 (PC)

Top three influencing games for the Wipeout Series

1. Super Mario Kart (SNES)
2. F-Zero (SNES)
3. Powerdrome (ST)

I agree with Infox: the wipeoutzone should remain pure wipeout.
If there was enough QR fans, there would be a QRZone by now ;)


11th March 2004, 12:21 PM
Nick I notice you namechecked Powerdrome. Any thoughts on the current version being sat on by Argonaut?

4th April 2004, 08:21 PM
1 wipEout series (excluding Fusion)
2 Road Blasters - I spent hundreds on this game in the arcades trying to win a damn T-shirt.
3 N-Gen Racing - one of a kind and still the fastest racer I've played
4 Killer Loop

man that's 5 but I still want to put Rollcage Stage II in there somewhere, and even Bugriders

4th April 2004, 08:41 PM
yay! another N_GEN fan. there should be a lot of fans of this great game

4th April 2004, 08:45 PM

my top 5 most memorable racing games:

1. wipEout saga
2. gran turismo 3
3. daytona usa (arcade cabinet)
4. rage racer
5. rollcage

n-gen is faster than wipEout? i'll certainly take a look at that one.


4th April 2004, 09:05 PM
the sensation of speed is not as much as in Wipeout because you're well up off the ground much of the time, but the speed of the vehicles is much higher. i've hit 2700+ miles per hour [yes, miles] many times. i seem to recall even 3000+ on one occasion, but i'm not sure if that's even possible. should probably ask Nick. anyway, both the actual speed and the sensation of speed are greater as you get closer to ground level, until you actually touch down and scrape

5th April 2004, 09:07 AM
As for pure speed; has anyone ever played Ballistics? That's definitely the fastest game I've ever seen on any platform. It doesn't feel like a complete game though, as it's missing some features. But if all you want is speed (and sometimes that's in fact all I need :) ), you should take a look at this one.


26th May 2004, 01:23 PM
This is old, but on PC I always thought HI OCTANE was a great WipeOut style game. It was awesome on LAN parties, and I could play it forever alone just beating my lap times. Too bad it won't run on XP or not at the original speed (i.e. uncontrollable). Now if they released the source code of it, that would be one of the best racers on PC with 3d card support..

PS: some cool stuff I remember from HI OCTANE were animated parts in the background, the fact that you could often race and cut corners outside of the road, by that I mean the sides of the track weren't so clearly cut as in WipeOut, but otherwise they were not as silly as WipeOut fusion (i.e. no stupid columns or blockage right in the middle of the road), also there were parts of the track crossing, so you could do take a jump over a road (as in a '8' )... the combat mode was great too.

26th May 2004, 03:07 PM
Oh yeah, Hi Octane was great! I still play it on my DOS machine from time to time. Especially when you have the expansion disks, HO is pure fun. The only thing I didn't like about it was that you couldn't hold the booster button (i.e. spacebar) and turn left at the same time. Or maybe my copy was broken, I don't know. ;)


3rd June 2004, 05:58 PM
My top 5 then :

1- WipeOut 2097 (the only game that gave me adrenalin rushes)
2- Wip3Out Special Edition
3- CRAZY TAXI !! ! ! ! !! !! (awesome controls, replayability, & fun as hell)
4- RAPID Racer (quite fast when you get with the controls, and original)
5- ALL TERRAIN RACING (2d 'view from above' racing game by Team17 on the Amiga)
http://www.emugifs.emuita.it/allterrainracingamiga.gif http://www.emugifs.emuita.it/allterrainracingamiga1.gif http://www.emugifs.emuita.it/allterrainracingamiga2.gif




Ahhhh... nostalgia. :P

28th March 2005, 10:07 PM
1. Gran Turismo 3
2. wipeout XL
3. Jet Moto 1&2 ( I can't belive none of you have even mentioned the jet moto series.....Gosh!)
4. XG3
5. motogp2

Rapier Racer
28th March 2005, 11:41 PM
WIpeout 2097
WIpeout 3 SE
Rolllcage Stage II
Killer Loop

28th March 2005, 11:44 PM
colin McRae2

*Edit: LOL!! I read back and i was surprised to see i DID post on the first page of this topic!!!

Praeterea censeo autopilotum esse delendam

phase 2
29th March 2005, 07:28 AM
mine are the wipe out series and ROAD RASH.(one of my favorite games ever)
such a shame they never spent as much time on this game as they did with the need
fore speed series. rash chould had internet compatable complete with forums to chat
in after races (ala dur panzer club/ bars),headsetts fore live talk during races,ride solo or fore a crew,modifie,trade buy and sell bikes to other rashers online bring back repo feature from rash.3(creat friends/enemys) dont evan let me begin on weapons well be here all day. Nitris kits ect ect the posibilitys chould have been endless.I have just about every road rash ever made they need resurect this game one of the best out of any game catogory just like wipe out is. I agree with that previos post. IT IS ALMOST A SIN NOT TO HAVE A ROAD RASH GAME ON THE PLAYSTSION 2. Its time fore EA to wake up and smell thier own coffee. thier sitting on a winning lottery ticket.This to me is very dsapionting.

phase 2
29th March 2005, 07:41 AM
Hey poopy! jet moto was definitly a great race game from the desiners of the classic twisted metal one and two series. wave race had great water effects I dont no I liked ridge racer when it first came out and cant forget about the classic arcade shooter LUCKEY AND WILD.I loved that game so much one time I was pricing how much the arcade machine was online.about two grand exspenive Huh plus were whould I put it
poopershooter? :lol:

29th March 2005, 08:54 AM
Phase2: the lack of Road Rash for PS2 is a crime, as you say. It would be perfect for EA Sports BIG.

phase 2
29th March 2005, 10:27 AM
I want to find away to get EA to make this game like I invisioned in my post above. I have evan E-mailed EA a couple of times but no responce. Also I am not member of EA online (this mite be the problem). GAMERS I NEED YOUR HELP ON THIS ONE.
(back by popular demand perhaps) this whould be sweet I incurage everyone
to do what they can so we can see at the very least just one more road rash game.
With the technology of the new systems if the game is done correctly this game whould be more than amazing. I agree with lunar "this whould be a perfect job fore EA sports big" or what ever team it was that desined NEED FORE SPEED UNDERGROUND 2.
with the more realistic look to it.

29th March 2005, 11:54 AM
1. Wipeout XL
2. TOCA Race Driver 2
3. Colin McRae rally 04
4. Need for Speed 3
5. Total Immersion Racing

Rapier Racer
29th March 2005, 12:07 PM
Whats that did someone say Immersion :evil:

29th March 2005, 07:29 PM
1. WipEout series (in order of greatness...2097/XL, 3SE, WipEout, Fusion

2. Rollcage series (1 and Stage II...when will Studio Liverpool or was it Attention To Detail realize how great this game was and release it on the PS2???)

3. GT4 (unbelievable!!!)

4. Burnout 3 (fastest racing game on 4 wheels...ever!!!)

5. Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 (exotic car heaven)

29th March 2005, 08:06 PM
Mine is updated,

1, Wipeouts!!!!

2, Rollcage I&II

3, Dancing :oops: (now have the metal Dance-mat)

4, CTR

5, Spyro the Dragon

stevie :D

Rapier Racer
29th March 2005, 08:34 PM
2. Rollcage series (1 and Stage II...when will Studio Liverpool or was it Attention To Detail realize how great this game was and release it on the PS2???)

ATD will never be doing that or anything else unfortunately, if a company goes bust can’t someone else gets the rights easily?

29th March 2005, 08:48 PM
My choices (no order, of course):

Wipeout XL - Even went to lengths to find it for PC, and run MoSlo to synch it up
Quantum Redshift - I rented it for 5 days, and played it for like 10 hours a day
Extreme G - As a series, but it was the first one in combination with Wipeout that got me into electronica
F Zero - I don't recognize the GBA games as part of the series, but otherwise, F-Zero, F-Zero X, F-Zero GX were increasingly awseome games
RalliSport - Just a whole lot of hours of gameplay, and control that I actually understood by the end.

Can I include the speeder bike level in Battletoads? : P

29th March 2005, 09:37 PM
5, Spyro the Dragon

The ball-gadget rocks. Sgt Byrd rules!! We call him S.G.T. Bird as it sounds faster. Sgt Byrd Rocket Racer should be another game for the future. Tally Ho!! :rock_on

29th March 2005, 11:06 PM
1 - wipEout 2097
2 - Burnout 3
3 - wip3outSE
4 - wipEout (1)
5 - Rock'n'Roll Racing (SEGA MegaDrive)

but I'm pretty sure Pure will take the top spot as soon as it hits me.

30th March 2005, 03:44 AM
In no order.

1. Wipeout (Series) - Wipeout XL is my personal favorite of them all.

2. Ridge Racer Type 4

3 . Need for Speed 3 : Hot Pursuit (Original PS version) NFS:HP2 runs close.

4. Sega GT - This is an arcade game Sega released a long time ago, always played it but never knew if it was released on a system, probably in Japan. Had a blast playing it.

5. Gran Turismo 1 - Classic, don't play GT anymore though.

30th March 2005, 05:13 AM
I always thought NFS4 actually was the better NFS3. It felt better, looked better and had more modes and more tracks. HP2, however, to me seemed like an unpolished, early released sequel without character. Anyway, all in all I'm just not getting over the fact someone lists NFS among his favourites. ;-)


30th March 2005, 04:10 PM
I would like to mention Re-Volt and Ignition. Ignition is really original, altough I wouldn't say I am a real fan of it. Re-Volt, on the other hand, is the only racing game which could compete with wipeout as far as I am concerned. It's fun, it's beautiful and it's challenging, it's a pity that it is not bug-free :\


30th March 2005, 04:23 PM
Re_Volt is certainly a very visually beautiful game. i have it on Dreamcast. while it is challenging to drive well, it doesn't give me much of a sense of speed. the only really irritating thing about it to me is the old spin-out-and-end-up-facing-backwards-every-time syndrome. but other than that, i really like it

RJ O'Connell
30th March 2005, 04:28 PM
Greatest Racing Titles...

-Wipeout (series)
-Gran Turismo (series)
-Need for Speed (series, aside from Porsche Unleashed >_<)
-F Zero (series)
-Grand Prix Legends

and the free game, GeneRally.

30th March 2005, 04:54 PM
Sega GT was released on the dreamcast over here a long time ago.
Sega GT 2002 was released on x-box only. (they also made an online verson... sega GT 2002 Online, i think :? )

Put mildly, it didnt translate well to consoles.

30th March 2005, 08:27 PM
1. Wip3out
2. Ridge Racer Type 4
3. Wip3out SE
4. Road Rash 2 (Yeah...!)
5. Gran Turismo 2


30th March 2005, 10:29 PM
Sorry for being heretical about this one:

1. Super Mario Kart. Secretly you guys prefer it too, admit it!

2. Wipeout 3.

3. Wipeout 2097.

4. Colin McRae Rally.

5. Gran Turismo.

¦ : ¬ )

31st March 2005, 04:35 AM
Yep, it's true, my only favorite racing game/game series is...
...Wipeout series.

31st March 2005, 04:47 PM
1. Super Mario Kart. Secretly you guys prefer it too, admit it!

Never played it, never been a fan of mario in any shape or form other than the old skool platformers anyway :wink:

31st March 2005, 06:47 PM
Gran Turismo
Rollcage Stage II
Ridge Racer Type 4
Burnout 3: Takedown

Can anyone fill me in as to how ATD got themselves into such a bad situation, cause Rollcage is another of those videogame casualties that people never realised its greatness. Really is a fantastic game.

31st March 2005, 07:16 PM
Yeah Rollcage is awesome game and great music too but all boils down to whoever buys this game and thinks it`s underrated game IMO.

stevie :?

RJ O'Connell
31st March 2005, 07:20 PM
Never really was all that intrigued by Rollcage...but with Wipeout, F-Zero, Quantum Redshift, Aero Gauge and the like, I guess I wasn't used to futuristic racers with wheels. Boy do I lack taste :wink:

Rapier Racer
31st March 2005, 07:42 PM
some info on ATD's downfall


*sniff* :(

31st March 2005, 09:14 PM
Thanks for the info and link. Guess they just got unlucky like many other developers do.

I still remember (or I think I can) the TV ads with the cars going through what looked like the tube many moons ago (I swear it was Rollcage). Just imagine how a next gen Rollcage would've ran? :(

1st April 2005, 04:50 AM

Does this Sega GT only have a Dodge Viper R, Ferrari F40, McLaren and Porche only as selectable vehicles?

I'm aware of the ones released on XBox, but don't think it's the arcade one I'm referring to.

As for NFS3:HP, it's not the graphical prowess or the extras that were included like NFS:HP2, but rather how much freakin fun I had playing it, I sure wished I had that game, i'll have to get it sometime...

8th April 2005, 10:07 PM
My top 5 are in no particular order

- Gran Turismo 4
- F-Zero X
- F-Zero Maximum Velocity
- Project Gotham Racing 2
- Super Mario Kart

8th April 2005, 10:46 PM
F-Zero X
F-Zero Maximum Velocity
Super Mario Kart
Extreme G 3
Wave Race: Blue Storm

17th April 2005, 09:33 PM
1. F-zero X
2. Burnout 3
3. F-zero GX
4. Mario Kart(gct :P
5.Original F-zero For snes

18th April 2005, 04:33 PM
My personal favourites:

Wipeout 3: Special Edition
Wipeout 2097
Gran Turismo
Super Mario Kart
Ridge Racer Type 4

It's too early to say if Pure will fit in the top five just quite yet. It needs to stand a test of time first, although it's been doing pretty good so far.